Immortal Emperor's Life As A Son-in-law

C409 Thousands of Mistakes

C409 Thousands of Mistakes

Xiao Chen had left, but the problem wasn't solved yet.    


Seeing Kai standing there with his head lowered and looking like he was going to be beaten and scolded at will, the form teacher did not know what to say.    


The other teachers were also looking over.    


After being bored for a while, the form teacher looked at the time and waved his hand.    


"Enough, enough. We've already delayed two classes. You should go back to class first!"    


Only then did Kai bow to the form teacher. He then bowed to the other teachers and came out of the office.    


Outside, Wang Hui and Tan Li had been waiting.    


When they saw Kai leave, they hurriedly went up to him and asked worriedly, "Brother, are you alright? Does it still hurt?"    


"I'm fine." Kai smiled carelessly. However. His hand still caressed his chest.    


"You guys don't have to stand here anymore. Go back to class. If you don't go back soon, Brother Chen will come back again."    


Kai said in a low voice. He had been scolded by Xiao Chen before, and now he was a little afraid of Xiao Chen.    


Tan Li and Wang Hui did not mind. They said in a low voice, "Before we came out, we already applied for leave from the teacher."    


" Oh." Only then did Kai force out a smile, but he couldn't delay these two girls.    


He repeatedly promised that he would be fine and that nothing would happen to him. Only then did he finally get rid of these two girls with great difficulty.    


When he arrived at the classroom door, his footsteps suddenly became somewhat heavy.    


After standing outside the door for a while, he took a deep breath and walked in.    


It was still in class, and it was also the last class in the morning. What was the teacher writing on the blackboard?    


When he suddenly heard the "report," the teacher glanced at the door.    


There were a bunch of students in the classroom. When they saw that it was Kai who had returned, they were stunned for a moment, then they curled their lips and laughed at him.    


However, in class, although these guys had mocking expressions on their faces, they did not open their mouths.    


The teacher frowned and impatiently called Kai in to continue the lesson.    


The atmosphere in the guest hall was originally rather dull, but Kai's return had obviously added something else to the dull atmosphere.    


Immediately, there were people whispering to each other. As they spoke, they pointed and pointed at Kai.    


The teacher was minding his own business as he lectured. It was unknown if he did not notice it, or if he was too lazy to stop it at all.    


The forty-minute lesson finally came to an end.    


When the bell rang at noon, the teacher announced the end of the class. Just as he left, a few boys stood up in unison.    


With a mocking smile on their faces, they moved their hands and put them in their pockets, dragging their feet as they walked towards Kai.    


When the other students saw that the situation was not right, they quickly packed up their desks and left the classroom in a hurry.    


Wait. When they were almost done, a little boy closed the classroom door.    


At the same time, the five little boys surrounding Kai started laughing maniacally.    


One of the tall and thin boys pushed the books on Kai's desk onto the ground.    


There was a loud sound of thunder.    


After that, the tall and thin boy sat down on the desk in front of Kai.    


Then, with a bang, he threw his left leg on Kai's desk.    


Kai's eyes darkened, but he did not speak. His eyes were filled with hostility.    


But it was this gaze that made the faces of the few boys turn black.    


In the next moment, a boy pushed the desk behind Kai hard.    


At the same time, the tall and thin boy sitting at the desk in front also kicked Kai's desk.    


Riiiip. After an ear-piercing sound of friction, the two tables pressed down on Kai at the same time.    


Kai immediately raised his hand and pushed on the table in front of him.    


However, the boys on both sides quickly grabbed his arms, one on the left and the other on the right.    


Clang! The table crashed into Kai's chest. Kai let out a muffled groan from the forbidden area.    


The lower edge of the table was pressed against Kai's ribs, causing his face to turn pale.    


However, the boys did not plan to stop there. They reached out and pressed his head against the table.    


At this moment, not only his ribs, even his collarbone was pressed against the edge of the table.    


Kai was forced to straighten his back. His head was almost down by ninety degrees, and he felt a tearing pain at the back of his neck.    


However, he bit his lips and did not let himself groan again.    


He only used his stubborn and stubborn eyes to look at the tall and thin boy's face.    


But what he saw was only the large foot that stretched out on top of his head.    


Every small group had a soul figure, which was also the so-called leader.    


Obviously, in this small group, Jiang Ming and this tall and thin boy were the same type of characters.    


"Still staring!" The boy on the left let out an angry snort. He pinched Kai's neck and kneaded it hard.    


However, the most painful part was the face that was rubbed on the table. Kai bit his lips, and his silver teeth cracked.    


"My eyes grow on this young master's body. If this young master is willing, what do you have to do with it?"    


"It seems like I have not taught you enough lessons!" The tall and thin boy stood up abruptly.    


He grabbed Kai's hair and lifted Little Kai's head from the table.    


Then, he bent down and looked at Kai's face with a gloomy expression.    


However, Kai snorted and spat out a mouthful of phlegm or blood from his mouth.    


In an instant, it sprayed onto the tall and thin boy's face.    


Silence. The group of young boys even stopped breathing for a moment. However, Kai grinned and suddenly laughed loudly.    


His wild laughter caused the tall and thin boy's face to turn black.    


His eyelids twitched violently. The tall and thin boy forcefully wiped his face, then raised his palm and threw it at Kai's face.    


Kai did not even blink his eyes. He only looked at the tall and thin boy's face with disdain and ridicule.    


The more it was like this, the more unsightly the tall and thin boy's face became. At the same time, his palm also smashed towards Kai.    


It was also at this moment that the classroom's door was forcefully pushed open.    


The form teacher hurriedly rushed in. When he saw the situation in the classroom, his brain went black and he hurriedly shouted, "Stop!"    


Just as these boys were startled by the sudden movement and lost their senses, Kai had already used all his strength to break free from the restraint.    


Then, he forcefully pushed the table in front of him away and fiercely slapped the tall and thin boy's face.    


"Pa!" A clear and crisp sound of a slap was heard. Only then did the group of people regain their senses.    


The tall and thin boy was directly struck dumb.    


The form teacher was also stunned. Before the tall and thin boy could react, he pulled Kai out.    


How could the tall and thin boy let it go just like that? Taking advantage of the time Kai was being dragged, he pounced on him.    


But at that moment, a person flashed in and shouted in a deep voice, "Zhou Sheng, stop right now!"    


"Uncle Jiang?" Only then did the tall and thin boy turn around and look at the person in shock.    


It was precisely Jiang Zhengyi! Behind him was also Jiang Ming who lowered his head and did not speak.    


Jiang Zhengyi did not bother about Zhou Sheng anymore. He walked in front of Kai with a flattering smile on his face and bent his waist deeply.    


"Student Xiao, it is our fault for making so many mistakes. Please be magnanimous and don't lower yourself to our level! As long as you can forgive us, we are willing to do anything! "    


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