Immortal Emperor's Life As A Son-in-law

C171 Don't Say Good Things a Second Time

C171 Don't Say Good Things a Second Time

After Chu Yingxiong and his son left, Xiao Chen turned to Lau Ruman and asked, "What is Gu doing here?"    


After decades of silence, the old man from Yanjing suddenly sent someone here. It would be unreasonable to say that he was here to avenge the Wang family.    


"It's still about the company's newly created 'Morning Jade' platform."    


Lau Ruman snapped back to her senses when she heard this. As she spoke, she glanced at Xiao Chen with her eyes.    


Chu Huaiyu, whose complexion was not very good, heard this and her face darkened. She immediately clenched her fists.    


Whether it was Ruan Xiangjun or Guu Junyi, they were all bullying her because they could not chew the bone of the Zhang family.    


"Hmph, how can there be such a cheap thing in the world!" Chu Huaiyu bit her lips and snorted.    


"Your father and your grandfather also have the same intention. It's just that your aunt and grandfather..."    


"What aunt and grandfather, even in twenty years, I have never seen such a person. Want my things, dream on!"    


Chu Huaiyu spoke righteously and with a firm attitude. She did not have the slightest intention of giving away the "Morning Jade" platform.    


Seeing this, Lau Ruman mumbled her lips and smiled sheepishly. She did not say anything more and changed the topic.    


"You guys haven't eaten yet, right? I will go make it right away. Wait a moment."    


Wait a moment. Lau Ruman turned around and entered the kitchen. Chu Huaiyu's gloomy face did not manage to restrain herself and her head fell on Xiao Chen's face. She looked like she wanted to say something but stopped herself.    


Even though it was not the first time she saw Xiao Chen make a move, it was the first time she saw Xiao Chen's fierceness in front of her.    


"What's wrong? Is there a flower on my face?"    


"Liu Dazhi was injured before. When he saw me, his face was covered with ointment."    


"Is that so?" Xiao Chen smiled faintly. He did not admit anything, nor did he deny anything.    


Chu Huaiyu looked at him and could not help but flash her eyes. In the end, she did not continue to ask and softly said two words.    


"Thank you."    


The suddenly lowered tone entered Xiao Chen's ears and made him instantly surprised.    


"What did you say just now?"    


"Don't say good things twice!" Chu Huaiyu immediately rolled her eyes and turned her head proudly.    


"It's a joke, how could I not hear it? But other than words, there is no other meaning?"    


Seeing Chu Huaiyu turn her head, Xiao Chen chuckled and immediately pointed at his lips to move closer.    


But before he could get close, he was pushed away by Chu Huaiyu. With a cold face, she gave him a somewhat depressed look.    


While the two of them were playing, Lau Ruman had been paying attention to the activity here.    


Seeing that the awkward atmosphere between the two of them was no longer there, Lau Ruman could not help but secretly heave a sigh of relief in her heart.    


Just as Xiao Chen and the others were preparing to enjoy the supper, the Muh family was in a gloomy mood.    


The old master of the Muh family held the experiment report that he had made no progress in the past few days. His face was as black as the bottom of a pot.    


"Grandpa, could it be that the man surnamed Zhang purposely made a fake formula to trick us?"    


Muh Xu buried his head, but his face could not hide his nervousness. He lowered his voice and said to the old man.    


Hearing this, the eyes of the other people from the Muh family lit up. Immediately, a few middle-aged men stood out.    


"I think this is really the doing of those bastards from the Zhang family. Otherwise, how could they not have done it?"    


"I think it's possible. The Zhang family is clearly setting us up!"    


"Oh right, where's the security guard who bribed us? Have you sent him away? Don't let that Zhang get hold of the evidence."    


The few of them talked to each other in excitement, as if they had already confirmed the possibility that Zhang family was playing tricks on them.    


Muh Xu saw this and heaved a sigh of relief. He even proudly raised his chin in the direction of Muh Zixun.    


Muh Zixun observed her nose and nose but did not interrupt.    


After a while, the fingers of the old man from the Muh family, who was stroking the armrest of the chair, suddenly paused.    


"How's the research on the Ye family going?"    


"I heard that they are about the same as us and have yet to successfully concoct the Beauty Pill."    


"If that's the case, then there's still a chance to contact the Zhang's Pharmaceuticals's factories and laboratories. No matter what the price is, get a few people who know the correct formula for me to come over. Also, contact a group of reporters. We can't let the Zhang family have such an easy time. "    


The old man from the Muh family immediately gave the order, but his eyes were gloomy.    


Looking at his expression, Muh Zixun's eyelids twitched. She mumbled a few times, but in the end, she did not open her mouth.    


However, Muh Xu could not bear it anymore. He immediately jumped out and said, "Grandfather, leave the matter of contacting the reporters to me!"    


"You?" The old man from the Muh family immediately furrowed his brows. There was a look of scrutiny and hesitation in his eyes.    


Seeing this, Muh Xu's parents also came out to speak for their son. After chattering for a while, the old man from the Muh family finally nodded his head.    


However, in the end, he didn't forget to warn Muh Xu.    


"If this matter is ruined like last time, you won't have to enter this family anymore! Muh family doesn't raise trash!"    


"Grandfather, don't worry. It's the same mistake. I won't make the same mistake twice."    


Muh Xu's heart skipped a beat, but he didn't dare to refute. He immediately patted his chest and promised.    


The meeting ended here. After the meeting ended, the old man left Muh Zixun alone.    


"You have been to the Golden Orchid and had contact with the people of the Zhang family. What do you think about this matter?"    


Clearly, they had already made a decision, but the old man suddenly asked this question again, which surprised Muh Zixun.    


However, when she saw the serious expression on her grandfather's face, she suddenly understood that the old man might not only refer to the formula.    


After pondering for a moment, Muh Zixun gently raised her head and said in a low voice, "Compared to the Zhang family, there is one person who might be even more troublesome!"    




"The son-in-law of the Chu family, Xiao Chen. This time, the Beauty Pill was suddenly listed on the market after his return. Furthermore..."    


As she said this, Muh Zixun paused slightly and her expression instantly became serious.    


"Furthermore, after he came back, not only did he get a Beauty Pill on the market, all the methods we used before were also destroyed. Liu Dazhi daring to ignore the warning of the Ye family, I'm afraid that it has something to do with him."    


Muh Zixun couldn't explain why, but she always had this kind of feeling. It was inexplicable, but she couldn't get rid of it.    


Looking at her, the old man of the Muh family also shut his mouth, as if he had made up his mind after a long time.    


"Investigate this Xiao Chen's background. If what you said is true, this Xiao Chen's value might be even greater than the Beauty Pill."    


The old man flashed a wise light. After he finished speaking, he waved his hand and dismissed Muh Zixun.    


The thick night sky seemed to cover the entire land in a huge black pocket, making it appear especially oppressive.    


At midnight, when everything was quiet and silent, suddenly, a violent tremor accompanied by a mournful wail shattered the tranquility of Half Mountain Villa.    


Many people opened their eyes while cursing, and looked towards the direction where the sound came from at the back of the mountain.    


Xiao Chen also opened his eyes from his cultivation, and with a sway of his body, he had already rushed towards the back of the mountain in the blink of an eye.    


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