Immortal Emperor's Life As A Son-in-law

C488 Zheng Dao's Movement

C488 Zheng Dao's Movement

The people who were watching the day before also began to move slowly.    


Therefore, after the first day, the number of visitors on the second day was still the same.    


However, these people were not as lucky as the people from the previous day.    


They had brought a lot of things, and their sincerity was no less than others'.    


However, just as they arrived at the Shangyu branch of Dragonwing Hall, they were stopped by Moo Yongjian and his men.    


A group of Dragonwing Hall underlings surrounded the main entrance tightly.    


The people who came were immediately depressed.    


They all looked in the direction of the building where Xiao Chen lived.    


Apart from the people from the Dragonwing Hall who were protecting the building, there was no other sound coming from inside.    


"My family's mister has received your goodwill, but it's really not convenient to meet guests today."    


It was a typical excuse, but no matter what, Moo Yongjian would not let anyone in.    


Those guys who came naturally did not have the nerve to barge in, so they could only leave the things behind, ask a few questions, and say goodbye.    


They turned around and frowned.    


"By the way, what happened to Mr. Xiao? Could he be sick?"    


"Doesn't look like it! I think those bastards from yesterday annoyed me too much. That's why they sent so many people to stop me."    


"You're saying that Mr. Xiao isn't happy with us?"    


"That's not necessarily true. Didn't you see that he already took the things? Anyway, I'm going to take some time to visit the Golden Orchid recently!"    


"When are you leaving? Let's go together!"    


The group of people gathered in groups of three to five. They either knew each other or counted and chatted naturally.    


Of course, there was no lack of people who would turn their heads back three times a step.    


Xiao Chen was naturally still resting on the top floor. From afar, he could clearly hear the conversations of those fellows.    


However, no matter what those people said, he had no intention of showing himself.    


As for why he suddenly changed his mind, it was because he had planned this from the beginning.    


No matter what it was, it would only be popular if there was a speed of discussion.    


He could guarantee that today, the turnover of all the businesses under his banner would definitely double.    


Of course, this was just a side effect.    


His real goal was actually to prepare for tomorrow's event.    


He did not know Ruan Hongyu's plan beforehand, so he came very high-profile.    


This sudden disappearance would inevitably make people suspicious.    


Although it was just a buffer day, one day it was better than not having this day. At the same time, he also wanted to test the reactions of some people in Shangyu.    


The news of a group of people bumping into a wall quickly spread.    


Those guys who had been depressed because of Xiao Chen the day before were now laughing out loud.    


"I was wondering why that guy had such a good temper. I think he must have taken the wrong medicine. He will be treated today!"    


"Be careful when you speak. Be careful that there are ears on the wall!"    


"This is the Du family, who dares..."    


On the other side, there was another person with a sinister smile on his face, "Don't tell me that the one with the surname Xiao drank too much tea and had a stomachache!"    


"Who knows? Of course it's better. The best thing is to pull him to death! "    


These people were thoughtful enough that Xiao Chen wouldn't be able to hear them, so they dared to say anything.    


However, they didn't know that while they were discussing this matter, all kinds of intelligence were gathering towards the Shangyu Branch.    


When Xiao Chen held the information that was sent back, his lips curled up into a smile.    


"It seems like you have done well in these few months."    


"You are too kind, sir!" Moo Yongjian felt relieved.    


He had not been in a hurry to develop his business, and only had the Dragon Hall Logistics branch to support him. Moo Yongjian had actually been working on the intelligence network all this time.    


This was also the thing that Xiao Chen had always cared about the most, so he had to personally supervise it.    


Now that he could be considered to have gotten Xiao Chen's recognition, Moo Yongjian felt that the past few months hadn't been wasted.    


But before this, all his arrangements were just some messy lines.    


Now that the various major locations were open for business, there was a point where these lines were connected.    


Thus, gathering information was much easier and faster than before.    


"Alright, these things are no longer useful. Take them and burn them. You don't have to stay here all the time."    


" Yes! " Only then did Moo Yongjian take back all the information he had gathered and respectfully exit the door.    


Only after the figure had left did Xiao Chen narrow his eyes.    


He didn't read much about other sources, but the spies that were arranged to enter the Du family would have some interesting information.    


"Zheng is here too. Is he planning to join in the fun in the southeast?"    


Xiao Chen rubbed his chin with one hand and muttered in a low voice.    


Just as he was thinking, a phone suddenly rang. When he saw the caller ID, Xiao Chen frowned.    


"Miss Yang, you picked the time..."    


"The people from Zheng family have arrived!" Before Xiao Chen could finish his words, Yangqin spoke in a deep voice.    


" Oh? So!" Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed, but his tone was full of indifference.    


Upon hearing Xiao Chen's question, Yangqin was obviously stunned for a moment.    


"Aren't you afraid of being exposed?"    


"What did you say?" Xiao Chen narrowed his eyes, pretending not to understand.    


"You know what those bastards are doing here. As long as I talk to my dad and the others, I will definitely go to the farm!"    


Yangqin's tone sank and she said deeply, "As long as they go, will you only take control of the farmer's business, or will it be a secret?"    


"That's perfect. I want to see what those two old geezers from the farm will do!"    




"I will call Yichao. If you can't sleep at night, you can look for him! "    


Xiao Chen chuckled. His tone was obviously teasing.    


On the other side, Yangqin's breathing stagnated. When she exhaled again, she was already breathing heavily.    


"Don't forget, everyone thinks that I'm your woman now!"    


"Isn't it better to get rid of this misunderstanding?"    


Xiao Chen shrugged and did not waste any time talking to her. He hung up the phone and immediately called Lin Yichao.    


Although he did not know how Zheng family got the news and what they were planning to do.    


But now, since the people of the Zheng family had arrived, he must take Lin Yichao and Lin Zhiwei's safety to heart.    


Lin Yichao wouldn't mind at that time.    


Now, he had confidence in his own strength.    


Xiao Chen didn't say much about it. He hung up the phone again and called Tia Ce with a dark face.    


Tia Ce should have told him about this first.    


But now, he actually got the news from Yangqin first.    


Du, Du...    


The phone rang for a while before someone finally answered.    


However, when he heard the voice on the other side of the phone, Xiao Chen's originally dark face could not help but be stunned.    


"Who are you?"    


"Huh? First of all, sir, this subordinate is, is..."    


"Enough, where's Tia Ce?"    


The voice on the other side seemed to be stuttering. "That, boss, he..."    


After saying it intermittently for a while, he finally finished his sentence.    


But when he heard that, Xiao Chen's face immediately darkened. In the next moment, anger also surged up.    


Because the other side said, "Boss, he was injured and unconscious. He was unconscious and unconscious. He's still in the hospital now!"    


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