Immortal Emperor's Life As A Son-in-law

C711 The Wen Family's Secret Stash

C711 The Wen Family's Secret Stash

The tunnel went in, and a long flight of stairs took a while before they hit the ground again.    


The originally dark space was not as dark as he had expected.    


Several night pearls were embedded in the dome of the space, one after another.    


The light that was not particularly dazzling illuminated the entire space.    


It also completely illuminated the space.    


There were seven or eight acres of bookshelves, and there was one every two meters.    


Books that had been out for nearly a hundred years had not appeared, and there were even wooden slips on the shelves.    


Surprisingly, even though the space had been sealed for such a long time, there was not the slightest bit of heaviness.    


There was also not the slightest obscure and moldy aura.    


It was as if someone was frequently taking care of it. Not only the bookcases, even the books on the cabinets were clean and tidy.    


The bookcases, which were more than ten meters tall, were only slightly empty when they were close to the entrance.    


As for the rest, they were all filled to the brim.    


Even the stone slabs engraved with words were neatly arranged on one side.    


If archaeologists were to discover this, it would cause a sensation.    


Even Xiao Chen couldn't help but be surprised when he first saw these things.    


Not only him, even Han Li, the Feather Clan, was stunned by these ancient texts.    


The old man was the first one to step forward.    


He reached out his trembling hand and took an ancient book from the bookshelf, flipping through it.    


Loo Zhuo stood there blankly, momentarily forgetting his reaction.    


The ancient books outside were still alright. Although they were mixed with complex characters, most of them could still be recognized.    


However, the deeper one went, the more difficult it was to understand the ancient texts.    


This was especially true for those stone inscriptions in the deepest depths. They were all a bunch of incomprehensible symbols.    


It was to the extent that they couldn't even be considered hieroglyphs.    


Xiao Chen walked around once, and finally stopped in the middle of these stone slabs.    


He looked deeply at the words on the stone slabs. In an instant, the five flavors were mixed.    


Others might not be able to understand, but he could understand. Those were also the words used by the cultivation world before they left Earth.    


It was those moments that recorded in detail the secret of the collective migration of the cultivation world back then.    


At the same time, it was also a high level descendant. One must not let down their guard, in case an enemy could come at any time.    


After all, back then, they fought with their backs against the water.    


However, no one had absolute confidence in winning, and that was the reason why they sealed off Earth.    


But similarly, the stone inscriptions had also recorded the entire location of the Stellar Corridor on Earth, as well as the array formation used.    


They seemed to have long predicted that Earth would one day eventually run out of spirit energy.    


Thus, they left behind a glimmer of hope for the future generations.    


If the reagent was suitable, in order to preserve the true blood of Immortal cultivators, it would maintain the combat power of Earth.    


The seniors instructed the Guardian Families to include the Wen family. When necessary, they would be able to open the Stellar Corridor.    


Transporting the seeds into the universe.    


In the past, Penglai Island and Fusang Island were one of the intersections of the Stellar Corridor.    


There was also Hakuo Pass, as well as the Great Rift Valley in Africa, as well as the forbidden area where Han Li was previously located.    


However, after ten thousand years, some of these seals had been completely buried.    


However, these seals did not disappear because of this. As long as the seals were still there, there was no need to worry about the passageway being destroyed.    


On the stone engravings, there was also a world map from back then.    


The locations of the nine passageways were all recorded.    


It was just that now, on that map, the number of places one could find was becoming fewer and fewer.    


Only the two tunnels in the Great Rift of Africa and Hakine Pass could match each other.    


Other than that, it was very difficult to find a clear location on the map.    


For example, Penglai and Fusang had long become legends.    


The changes of the times always made one's heart fluctuate, and it was difficult to calm down.    


Looking deeply at those stone inscriptions, Xiao Chen raised his hand and stroked them.    


He tried to sense that familiar aura from ten thousand years ago, but he could only feel an endless coldness.    


He barely finished browsing through the stone inscriptions and found many things from them. The source of the current myths and legends.    


For example, after the Immortal Cultivation civilization experienced a great decline, the ancient tribes during the revival of the human civilization.    


In that era without guns and cannons, the Immortal Cultivators were still active on the stage of the world.    


At that time, those Immortal Cultivators were also known as Immortals, and the most active group could be found in the legends.    


It was just that as the human race grew stronger, they were affected by the lack of spiritual energy.    


The human race was also undergoing self-degeneration, and from the start of their birth, they were constantly changing.    


Without the powerful physique and extreme talent of the Immortal Cultivation Era, they were able to adapt to this era without spirit energy.    


It is also at that time that the Immortal Cultivators are gradually withdrawing from the stage of history.    


They would only occasionally travel around the world, build temples and open platforms, and attract some of the more outstanding disciples to continue their inheritances.    


The various sects also began to secretly compete against each other in the open and in the dark, competing for the limited resources.    


It was also at that time that the martial cultivation civilization and the magic world in the west began to sprout.    


The new generation of cultivators pursued rapid progress. They no longer had the firm determination of the cultivators to endure the endless and dull years.    


As for the old cultivators, they confirmed that these cultivators of the new generation had abandoned their traditions and pursued the evil path.    


From then on, the cultivation world had been divided into two opposing parts.    


But at that time, people had not forgotten their ancestors' admonishment, and they still remembered that there was a threat outside of Earth.    


But later on, time washed away everything.    


Watching the cultivators start to advance by leaps and bounds, more and more cultivators spend their entire lives trying to reach Foundation Establishment.    


Even the cultivators began to get irritated.    


Spending more time but not making any more breakthroughs in cultivation, some of the cultivators began to have thoughts.    


They were unwilling to be surpassed by the new generation of cultivators, and did not want to admit their own failures.    


It was also at that time that those Immortal Cultivators with disloyalty began their first rebellion.    


Those cultivators, not only did they want to overthrow the rules established by the Guardian Families, they also wanted to take the world into their own hands.    


Because only by doing so could limited resources be obtained by their own people to the greatest extent.    


Thus, they were involved in the worldly struggles of the various tribes back then.    


It was only after the Immortal Cultivators of the old sects won that they had the descendants of the Fiery Emperor.    


However, at the same time, the foundation of the cultivators was greatly damaged, causing a huge loss to the cultivation world.    


As the cultivators were celebrating the end of a chaotic event, the cultivators of the new generation were rubbing their fists.    


It was a war that had not been recorded, and also the first time that the old and new alternated.    


One was already exhausted, while the other was fully prepared.    


The result could be imagined.    


That battle declared the complete decline of the Immortal Cultivators, at the same time forcing the protectors to make a choice.    


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