Creation Fishing System

C459 Kill Himself

C459 Kill Himself

Speaking of which, actually, everything has been very clear.    


Princess Elyse and Cossonzo had an affair. Cossonzo came from a marquis family and was not worthy of a princess. When the king decided to choose a husband for Princess Elyse, or rather, find a marriage partner for the royal family, it was not Cossonzo's turn at all, so they could only have an underground relationship.    


After the king betrothed Princess Elyse to the eldest son of the Duke White family, Berte White, Princess Elyse and Cossonzo were not willing to give up, so on the day before the wedding, they found an opportunity to kill Berte White.    


Furthermore. . .    


In order to avoid responsibility, they had disguised Bewitt as a fugitive and poured dirty water on the White family.    


Chu Yun was silent for a moment and recalled what had happened that day.    


He looked at Princess Elyse and said, "That day. . . There was more than one person who saw that after my brother left the palace. . . He rode a single-horned horse out of the city and headed north. He never came back, according to what you said. . . At that time, my big brother should have died long ago. So, the man who left the city. . . It wasn't my big brother, it was you who found someone to disguise yourself. . .    


No, it's not you, nor is it Sokuenzo. The two of you are just messing around and don't have the ability to do so. Who is helping you hide it?"    


"Hehe. "    


Princess Elyse sneered twice and said, "Of course it is my father! In the palace. What else can be hidden from him?"    


She did not hide anything, and directly told him all of these things. Then, she also told him in detail about what happened that day.    


It turned out that on the day before the wedding, Sokuenzo had once again come to the palace and had a private meeting with Princess Elyse. They had already agreed that even if Princess Elyse and Bart got married, they would not cut off their relationship and continue their underground relationship.    


But. . .    


The day before the wedding, Sokuenzo went back on his word. He could not bear it and went to the palace to discuss a big matter with Princess Elyse. It was to kill her fiancé, Bart.    


Although Princess Elyse was afraid, under the begging of her boyfriend, she finally mustered her courage and agreed. They used Princess Elyse's name to send an invitation to Bart, inviting him to come to the palace and watch the warbeasts.    


Because there were many magic beasts raised in the palace, many of them were fierce and powerful. Although Bart also practiced martial arts, his cultivation level was not high, and he barely crossed the threshold of the middle three realms.    


Sokonzo's plan was to make the two magic beasts go crazy during the warbeast battle and kill Peter. In the end, when Peter arrived, the plan began to implement. Although he would be killed in the end, the commotion was too great, and it made the king, Cherish III, know about it.    


From that moment on, things started to develop in a different direction.    


Originally, these two idiots who had been overwhelmed by love slapped their thighs and made the plan. In the eyes of an old fox like Cherish III, it was naturally full of loopholes.    


One should know that if Bate died in the palace, no matter what the reason the royal family gave, Duke White would not let it go.    


Thus, after learning about this matter, no matter how angry and helpless Xuesi III was, he could only bite the bullet and help his daughter clean up the mess.    


After that, there was the matter of finding someone to disguise as Peter and escape the capital overnight.    


Originally, Charles the Third wanted to facilitate the marriage between the royal family and Duke White's family, and his main goal was to obtain Duke White's magic array.    


Now, although this marriage alliance had been destroyed, Cherish III's desire to obtain the Magic Circulation Formation had not disappeared. Hence, he had used the same trick. With the crime of Peter escaping the marriage, abandoning the princess, and Duke White teaching his son wrongly, he had arrested Duke White and used him to demand the Gust Magic Circulation Formation.    


“. . . ”    


After listening to Princess Elyse's narration, Chu Yun slowly exhaled a breath of air. He also felt rather emotional in his heart.    


Sure enough, old ginger was still spicy.    


As the king, Xuesi III was not a vegetarian. In the face of his daughter colluding with his lover and causing his fiancé's death, he could find the best solution at the first possible moment.    


Not only did the royal family not have any responsibility, but they also did not delay anything. His original plan, the Gust Magic Circulation Formation, had changed its way of doing things and was still planning.    


At the same time. . .    


The answer to a question was quickly revealed.    


When they were in Duke White's Prefecture, Chu Yun had told Steward Hitte that it was Duke White who was unwilling to hand over the Gose Devil Conducting Formation.    


Previously, Chu Yun was still wondering why Duke White was so persistent, but now, it seemed like he already had an answer. That was, Duke White had already guessed that there was another secret behind the eldest son's escape from the marriage.    


Perhaps, even if Duke White did not interrogate Princess Elyse, he could deduce the truth from the clues. If Bet had been killed by the royal family, how could Duke White hand over the Gust Magic Circulation Array?    


"Also, I will give you a piece of explosive news for free. . . "    


After Princess Elyse finished talking about what had happened, a strange smile suddenly appeared on her face. It was like mockery, but also contained a trace of madness and expectation. She said, "Duke White. . . Is already dead!"    


“. . . ”    


Chu Yun frowned and looked at Princess Elyse strangely. When he said this, he slowly took a breath. He had already expected this.    


If Duke White was smart enough to know what had happened, then Xuesi San would definitely not let him live. And there was one more important thing. Since Duke White was imprisoned, the king had never allowed anyone to visit him. This explained the problem.    


Princess Elyse's eyes were fixed on Chu Yun. Ever since she said those words, she had been looking forward to seeing the expression of pain or despair on Chu Yun's face.    


The reason why she was willing to tell him all the truth was because. . . The most important reason was that she wanted to use this method to fight back against Chu Yun.    


The news of his brother's death and father's death was like two sharp knives stabbing into Chu Yun's heart. This was her only weapon. She wanted to use this method to make Chu Yun feel pain!    


But. . .    


Unfortunately, Princess Elyse was disappointed in the end.    


There was no pain on Chu Yun's face. There was only a calm and emotional expression on his face.    


After that, Chu Yun looked at Princess Elyse and said, "I am a person who likes to keep my promise. Since you have already confessed, I will keep my promise and let you die happily. . . "    


After saying that, Chu Yun stretched out his hand and pulled off a few feet of white silk. He threw it onto the roof beam and tied it together. Then, without saying anything, he grabbed Princess Elyse and put her neck on the white silk.    


". . . Uh! Uh. . . "    


Princess Elyse's neck was strangled and she struggled in pain. Very quickly, she felt suffocated.    


Chu Yun looked at her and calmly said," Before this, there were always rumors in the capital saying that you were in extreme pain because of the matter of Peter escaping from the marriage and wanted to commit suicide several times. So now, I will let you succeed once. "    


After saying that, Chu Yun quietly watched Princess Elyse struggling until she completely stopped breathing and her vital signs completely disappeared. Only then did he turn around and clean up all traces and leave the palace.    


Ding ~    


Congratulations, the mission has been completed.    


Disturb the progress of the world. Mission 2: Avenge the White family, overthrow the royal family.    


. . .    


After the two system notifications sounded, Chu Yun walked out of the palace. Looking at the thick night sky outside the palace, he began to think.    


Within the Xingguang Great Continent of Highland Kingdom. Although it was only a small country, including the king, the number of Saints was not small. It could be seen as a small country. It was an out-and-out Overlord Level Power.    


Chu Yun was now possessed by Brian White. Although this person was the future Sword God, he was only a Fate Wheel Stage swordsman at the moment. He had not even stepped into the upper three realms.    


It would be difficult to destroy the royal family of the Highland Kingdom by himself. To be honest, it was too difficult. At the very least, Chu Yun needed to familiarize himself with the power system of this world, and then cultivate for three to five years before he could have the strength to slaughter Saints.    


Three to five years?    


How could Chu Yun have that time?    


Since that was the case, he could only use his plan. . .    


A tactic to kill with a borrowed knife!    


. . .    


Inside the capital, the winds and clouds were changing. The next morning, the news of Princess Elyse hanged herself in the palace had already spread throughout the entire capital.    


Regarding this matter, everyone in the capital, whether it was the high officials or the high officials, the nobles, or the common people, were all somewhat surprised and somewhat expected.    


After all, Princess Elyse had wanted to commit suicide several times before, but the news of her success had not been spread out. Moreover, it was the news spread by the royal family themselves, and they wanted to make her look like a virgin.    


And now, Princess Elyse really succeeded in committing suicide. If she really died, it would not be that unbelievable.    


And there were many people who really felt that it was unbelievable.    


They were very clear about the truth behind this and also knew that Princess Elyse definitely could not commit suicide. Then at this moment, there must be something strange about her death.    


This included Sokuenzo, the king, and many other people who knew about this matter.    


And the first person they suspected was naturally Chu Yun.    


After all. . .    


In the afternoon, Chu Yun had just gone to see Princess Elyse and she successfully committed suicide that night. They would never believe that there was nothing fishy about it.    


"Your majesty, Elyse would not commit suicide! We just met at night. We had a good chat. How could she die? She must have been killed! "    


Within the palace, in the main hall, Sokunzo was currently complaining to King Charles III with a face full of grief.    


On the throne, Cherish III's expression was cold. He stared at Sokuenzo for a long time and said: "What did you say?"    


"It was, it was just some ordinary sentiments, nothing special. . . "    


Sokuenzo replied in a low voice.    


"Hmph. "    


Cheryl III snorted and said, "Get the hell out of here, don't get in my way!"    


After he finished speaking, Sokonzo's expression was a little dull. His half-real and half-fake face was filled with grief. At this moment, he could not continue pretending. He did not dare to anger Cheryl III at this juncture, so he could only leave in a hurry.    


After he left, Cherish III took a deep breath and asked, "Have you found out what's going on?"    


"No. . . "    


In the dark, the voice in the shadows answered, "The princess's body has no other wound other than the fatal wound on her neck. It can be confirmed that the cause of her death was hanged and strangled to death. But. . .    


With the princess's constitution as an ordinary person who has never trained before, If others wanted to do this, it would be very simple. She had no ability to resist at all. Although there was no evidence, I think that Brian White must have done it. Only he has this motive. He must have found out something. "    


"We were just saying that kid was a blockhead, but now it seems like we underestimated him. Heh. . . "    


Cheryl III sneered. From his expressionless face, one could not see the slightest sadness of losing his daughter. He only had precise calculations and calculations.    


After a while, he slowly exhaled and said, "There is no need to investigate. Send someone to Duke White's residence and bring Brian White to the palace. With the excuse that he met the princess in the afternoon, he is suspected of instigating the princess to commit suicide. "    


"Yes. "    


The voice in the dark replied.    


Then, the owner of the voice disappeared. After a long time. . . He finally returned.    


However. . .    


What was different from what the king had imagined was that he had returned alone. He did not bring the blockheaded Brian White with him.    


"Where is he?"    


Charles the Third frowned.    


"He's gone!"    


The voice in the shadows sounded helpless. "When I went there, I found that Brian White was no longer in Duke White's mansion. I went to ask the steward of Duke White's mansion. He said that last night, Brian White left with the core technology of the magic array. He was nowhere to be found. "    


“. . . ”    


As soon as the words left his mouth, Charles III frowned and remained silent for a long time.    


After a long while, he finally laughed coldly and said, "Alright. Good. White, this old thing, really gave birth to a good son. I really misjudged him before this! He took away the Gose Magic Conducting Array. He is clearly threatening us. He has already gotten what we want. "    


"Your Majesty, what should we do next? I've already ordered the hidden guards to search the surroundings of the capital, but we can't guarantee that we can catch up to him. That kid's strength is not bad, and he has already run for so long ahead of time. "    


The voice in the dark hesitated.    


"There's no need to chase after him. "    


Cheryl III sneered and said, "He will come back on his own accord. Just wait for him to come and take revenge on me!"    


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