Creation Fishing System

C477 Cemetery

C477 Cemetery

Ding. . .    


Congratulations, you have killed a licker.    


Current Power Unlocking Progress: 924 / 1000    


After unlocking, you will obtain the power of a fifth level Physical Body Stage.    


. . .    


When the third licker died, the system notification rang in Chu Yun's mind.    


The three lickers had brought Chu Yun a total of 300 unlocking points. Now, he only needed 76 more points to unlock the power of a Physical Body Stage Fifth Grade.    


In Chu Yun's eyes, the speed was a little slow, but it was still acceptable. With the combat strength of a Fifth Grade Physical Body Stage, it was as easy as eating and drinking for him to kill these low level reptiles.    


Within the church.    


At this moment, Alice was still holding the submachine gun.    


When the first licker tried to sneak attack Chu Yun from behind, she was ready to shoot to save him.    


But. . .    


Until the third licker died, she still didn't have a chance to attack, mainly because she was afraid that the bullets from the submachine gun would shoot out and hurt Chu Yun.    


At this moment, Alice hung the submachine gun on her back and looked at Chu Yun. Her eyes lit up. From the eyes of the head of umbrella company's beehive security, Chu Yun's strength and speed were not much better than ordinary people, but his combat skills were too shocking.    


He could totally use it. It would be too much if he used more. One less point would be too little. It was truly proper and proper, just and right. It was as if the most precise computer instrument had calculated the perfect result of the battle.    


On the other side, Gill, Wales, and Terry were completely stunned when they saw Chu Yun.    


"Sh * t, who are you?"    


Gill went forward and asked in surprise.    


"A warm-hearted person who passed by. "    


Chu Yun shrugged his shoulders and revealed a calm smile on his face.    


He walked forward and arrived beside the corpse of the second licker. The silver Long Sword he had brought was still stuck on the licker's head.    


Chu Yun gripped his sword with both hands and pulled with force. The Long Sword was pulled out, but only half remained. The place where the blade was cut open, and the thin metal piece split open.    


"What a pity. "    


Chu Yun couldn't help but shake his head, and threw the remaining half of the sword hilt onto the ground.    


Alice walked forward and handed one of the two submachine guns to Chu Yun and said, "You can use this. "    


"Then I won't be polite. "    


Chu Yun smiled and took it.    


Gill and Wales looked at the man and woman who suddenly appeared in the church. Everyone made them feel strange.    


There was no need to say anything about Chu Yun. With his exaggerated skills, he had killed three monsters in close combat. There were no injuries on his body at all. It was ridiculous.    


As for the woman riding the motorcycle, although she didn't make a move, from the large pile of firearms on her back and her extremely high driving skills, it could be seen that she wasn't an ordinary person.    


"At night, all kinds of demons and monsters appeared in this raccoon city. . . "    


Gill shook her head and smiled very strangely.    


"Sir, thank you!"    


At this time, the female host Terry jogged to Chu Yun. Her two hands wanted to pull Chu Yun's arm, but Chu Yun took a step back without leaving a trace. She was a little embarrassed, but she did not care. She said in a weak voice, "If you did not suddenly appear, we would have died long ago. . . "    


"You are welcome. "    


Chu Yun smiled and nodded to her. Terry wanted to go forward and say something, but Gill pulled her back.    


"Hey, we have to leave quickly. The disturbance here is too big. Those guys nearby will surround us. "    


Gill had a playful smile on her face.    


They were all women. Terry's little thoughts. How could she not see it?    


In the past, when only the three of them left together, Terry always hid behind Wales. Now that another stronger man appeared, Terry instinctively wanted to lean on him.    


To be honest, Gill was not surprised that she had such thoughts. It was just that Gill knew very well that this female host was already married when they worked in the same city. Furthermore, she had a child. It was probably not a good thing to be so unreserved.    


“. . . ”    


Terry secretly glared at Gill but did not say anything else.    


At this moment, outside the open door of the church, there were more and more zombies wandering over. Hearing the sounds from their side, who could bear it?    


"Let's go!"    


Wales took a deep breath and took the lead to walk out of the door. Gill and Terry quickly followed behind.    


Chu Yun and Alice looked at each other. The valiant blonde beauty raised her eyebrows at Chu Yun.    


Chu Yun smiled and made an inviting gesture.    


Although he had already forgotten the plot, He still remembered who was the main character. If he followed Alice, he would definitely be able to get in touch with the most important information in this world.    


It had been a day and night since he came to this world. The system's mission had not been triggered until now. To be honest, Chu Yun had some thoughts about it.    


Thus, the group of five quickly left the church and left through the back door. The zombies from the front door wandered into the church, and their speed was slightly slower, so they were unable to catch up.    


. . .    


In the cemetery, the group of five was walking quickly.    


Among them, Wales, who was walking at the front, was bitten by a zombie on his left leg. The wound had already broken out, and it hurt so much that he limped when he walked.    


Gill saw this and wanted to help, but she saw Alice raise the submachine gun and aim it at Wales. She also immediately pulled out the gun and confronted Alice.    


"What are you doing?!"    


Gill frowned.    


"He is infected. The virus is spreading. "    


Alice said.    


Wales leaned against a tree. He took a deep breath and said,. . . "I'm fine. "    


Alice glanced at Wales and then looked at Gill. She said, "You should take care of him now. It will be troublesome in a while. You know that too. "    


. . . "No. "    


Gill was silent for a while and stared at Alice. She put down the gun and walked forward. Alice pointed the gun at her neck and said, "If it really comes to that, I will personally take care of him. "    


Alice heard this and could not help but laugh. She shrugged her shoulders indifferently and said, "Up to you. "    


She put away the gun and looked at Wales and said, "I don't have any conflicts with you, but in another hour, in at most two hours, you will die. In a while, you will become like those things. You will endanger your friends and want to kill them. . .    


Maybe, you will succeed. "    


As soon as he finished speaking, Wales took a deep breath. He was silent and struggled. He knew Alice was right. But before the change happened, he always wondered if there was still a last glimmer of hope. Maybe there would be some miracle.    


"Ladies, we can be a bit more harmonious. "    


Chu Yun smiled and tried to smooth things over. He said, "Although I don't know much about those monsters, I know that they were leaked from Umbrella Company and were affected by the virus. Since it's a virus, there should be an antidote. "    


. . . "Is there?"    


Gill's eyes lit up and immediately looked at Chu Yun.    


Chu Yun thought for a while and said, "I don't know, but there should be. "    


He really could not remember the specific plot, but he vaguely remembered that there was an antidote in the plot.    


If there really was an antidote for the T virus, this might be the key to Chu Yun saving this world.    


"He's right. "    


Alice shrugged and said, "There is indeed an antidote to the T virus, but the beehive has already closed. We will never get it. . . "    


Chu Yun heard this and raised his eyebrows slightly.    


Gill and Wales looked at Alice suspiciously and asked, "Why are you so familiar with this virus? What is a beehive?"    


"A beehive is an underground fortification established by Umbrella Corporation in raccoon city. The main task is to develop and develop the biological virus for Umbrella Corporation. In the past, I worked for Umbrella Corporation and worked as the head of security in the beehive. "    


Alice replied, "The beehive was originally closed, but for some reason, the virus still leaked out. I suspect that it was transmitted through air. . . "    


Before she could finish her words, Terry suddenly cried out in shock.    


. . . "Ah!"    


Her body fell forward and something tripped her.    


Behind a tombstone in the cemetery, a pair of rotten and withered corpse hands suddenly stretched out from the ground.    


The two hands were covered in mud and there were even maggots hanging on them. At this moment, they tightly grabbed Terry's calves and pulled her down.    


At the same time, in the entire cemetery, Corpses crawled out from the cemetery one after another. This scene was extremely horrifying. Terry was so scared that her soul had already left her body. Her whole body was trembling and she did not even have the strength to resist. When she was pushed to the ground, she could only watch helplessly as the corpse in the tomb crawled out. She opened her mouth and was about to bite her calf.    


At this time, there was a swoosh sound. Alice quickly stepped forward and gave a round kick, breaking the neck of the corpse and sending its head flying.    


"Hurry up and leave!"    


Gill shouted and pulled Terry up from the ground. She then supported Wales and rushed out of the cemetery together.    


At this moment, the entire cemetery was surrounded by zombies that had broken out of the ground. Chu Yun rushed in front and killed one of them happily.    


Those zombies were mummies that had been buried in the soil for a long time. Their bodies were very fragile, and some of them even had their bones exposed. Although they looked disgusting, they were actually weaker and easier to deal with than the ordinary zombies that had just been infected outside.    


Chu Yun didn't even need any weapons. His punches and palms were enough to break the necks of those zombies, let alone the few heroic beauties in the team.    


Alice's strength and speed were not ordinary. Even if she was surrounded by several dried corpses, she could easily kill her way out. Her movements were unusually graceful, full of wild explosiveness and beauty.    


At this moment, Gill also handed over the heavy responsibility of supporting Wales to Terry. She followed behind and covered the rear for Wales and Terry.    


It had to be said that this task was indeed a heavy responsibility for Terry. Wales was almost 1. 9 meters tall, with a big waist and round waist, muscles all over his body, and weighed nearly 100 kilograms. At this moment, he was limping, and it was indeed not a small task to support him.    


Fortunately, Chu Yun and Alice were leading the way in front of them. The group of people quickly killed their way out of the cemetery and returned to the city and the streets.    


. . .    


At the same time, at the exit of the raccoon city, outside the Plum Gate Bridge.    


Umbrella Corporation pulled up a blockade line, built high walls on the outskirts of the city, and built a temporary camp outside the blockade line.    


In a tent in the camp, a middle-aged man in a wheelchair was staring at the computer screen in front of him. He was searching for his daughter Angela while looking for survivors in the city.    


He was the supervisor of the beehive virus research department, Dr. Ashford. This morning, when the virus had just been leaked, Umbrella Corporation had already made an emergency plan.    


In addition to sealing off the entire city to prevent the virus from spreading, they had also taken away all the important people and family members of Umbrella Corporation.    


But. . .    


At the time of the incident, although Dr. Ashford was at home and was successfully taken away by the Umbrella Corporation, his daughter Angela was in school.    


The Umbrella Corporation sent someone else to pick her up, but there was a car accident on the way. Angela's life and death were unknown, and the Umbrella Corporation was unwilling to continue searching. The entire city had fallen, and it was too dangerous to send more people in at this time.    


"A bunch of bastards, Angela must still be alive. . . "    


Dr. Ashford clenched his fists, and his palms were full of sweat. He believed that his daughter wasn't dead yet, because Angela's body wasn't found at the accident scene. She must have taken back the school.    


The mouse controlled the video on the computer and kept switching. What could be seen was the countless zombies wandering on the streets of the city.    


Seeing the overwhelming zombie crowd, Dr. Ashford felt guilty. From a certain point of view, the disaster that happened today had a direct connection with him. Because the T-Virus that caused the zombie crisis was developed by him.    


"Now, the most important thing is to find Angela! Angela, my daughter. . . "    


Dr. Ashford muttered to himself.    


Suddenly, a monitor flashed on the screen, and he became excited. After searching for so long, he finally found a group of survivors.    


The screen showed Chu Yun, Alice, Gill, Wales and Terry who had just come out of the cemetery.    


When they passed by a public phone booth, Dr. Ashford immediately called. In the end, everyone was afraid that the ringtone would attract the zombies, so they quickly left.    


Dr. Ashford immediately frowned when he saw this.    


When the five of them arrived at the next phone booth, the ringtone rang again. The people in the surveillance camera looked at each other and felt that something was strange.    




Chu Yun had already walked to the phone booth and picked up the phone.    


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