Creation Fishing System

C486 Serum

C486 Serum

The raccoon city, the hive entrance.    


Alice drifted and stopped the car at the entrance.    


Before she got out of the car, she saw a group of zombies wandering around the entrance.    


The beginning of the biochemical crisis in raccoon city was at the entrance of the beehive.    


There was an accident in the virus experiment of Umbrella Corporation in the beehive, causing all the staff in the beehive to be killed by the artificial intelligence Red Queen, the mainframe of the beehive.    


After these people died, they were infected by the T virus and became the first group of zombies in the world.    


"I have an unforgettable experience here. "    


Alice looked at the black entrance of the beehive and sighed softly.    


"That must not be good. "    


Chu Yun smiled.    


Alice showed him a bitter smile and shrugged her shoulders. She said, "It is indeed so, but it is all in the past. "    


As she spoke, she took the lead to walk over.    


Alice was already very familiar with the facilities and various entrances in the beehive. After being strengthened by the T virus, when she entered the beehive again, she was no longer as nervous and nervous as before.    


After experiencing so many things, the little danger in the beehive was just a splurt of water. What kind of big scene had she not seen before?    


Chu Yun followed behind Alice. From time to time, he flicked his finger and killed the zombies that were wandering around. Occasionally, there would be a few lickers, but Chu Yun could kill them in an instant with a flick of his finger.    


When Alice left this place the last time, all the programs of the Red Queen had been closed. All the valves were in the open state.    


This made it convenient for Chu Yun and Alice. The two of them went in recklessly, and under Alice's lead, they headed to the main computer room where the Red Queen was.    


"Have you ever thought about what you are going to do after all this is over?"    


Alice walked and suddenly asked Chu Yun. When Chu Yun turned his head to look at her, Alice made a few gestures and said, "I mean. . . When there are no more disgusting monsters in this world, what will you do? What do you want to do? "    


When Chu Yun heard this, he could not help but smile. He looked at Alice and asked, "It seems that you are lost and do not know what to do?"    


. . . "Sort of. "    


Alice shrugged and said, "After experiencing these things, I feel that I am afraid that I can no longer live the life of ordinary people. Although those monsters are disgusting, those dangers are. . . Dangerous, but I feel like I am the one walking around. "    


Chu Yun smiled and said, "I understand. You have discovered your own nature. Compared to those peaceful lives, you want to be more stimulating?"    


"Aren't you the same?"    


Alice asked.    


"More or less. "    


Chu Yun nodded, but after thinking carefully, he shook his head and said, "But unfortunately, my business here is far from over. After this village. . . There's also the next shop. I really want to finish everything, but I don't know when it will be. . . "    


The two of them passed through the laser channel outside the main computer room and arrived at the Red Queen's main computer room. Alice went forward and lifted the Red Queen's main computer from the ground before inserting the USB that Dr. Ashford had given them.    


After the USB connected to the main computer, it began to flash red lights and continuously downloaded the data that Dr. Ashford needed. Chu Yun and Alice were on guard as they waited.    


"Sounds like. . . "    


Alice was silent for a while and suddenly smiled. She said, "You seem to have a lot of exciting things to do there. Making you unable to be busy all the time?"    


"Indeed. "    


Chu Yun smiled and said, "Some of them are dangerous and some are difficult, but in general, nothing is not exciting. "    


"That seems to suit me. "    


Alice raised her eyebrows at him.    


Chu Yun had long heard her intentions. After thinking about it carefully, he realized that it was not impossible.    


The world created through the space-time backtrack should be compatible with the space-time backtrack. If Alice was brought back to Jiuzhou, could she also become a part of Shikong Divine Hall?    


"I will seriously consider it. You can look forward to it. "    


Chu Yun nodded.    


Beep! Beep!    


At this moment, the USB that Chu Yun inserted into the mainframe sent out a clear notification sound. At the same time, a green light lit up, indicating that the data had been downloaded.    


Chu Yun saw this and immediately removed it. He held it in his hand and said to Alice, "Let's go!"    


"Alright. . "    


Alice nodded to him and the two of them left the central computer room together. They went through the laser tunnel outside and returned the way they came.    


As they walked through the laser tunnel, Chu Yun was wondering if this thing would suddenly light up again. It would give them an unforgettable small challenge.    


However, this was only a thought in the end. The Red Queen had already completely shut down, and the energy in the underground beehive facilities had been cut off. Even if the laser tunnel wanted to light up, it wouldn't have the chance.    


Along the way, the two of them walked very smoothly. Apart from waiting for the USB to download the data and wasting some time, the rest of the process was extremely smooth.    


Very quickly, Chu Yun and Alice returned to the entrance of the beehive. They saw that the helicopter had already stopped in midair.    




Alice called out and whistled at Gill, who was in the cabin.    


Gill saw them come out and her eyes showed surprise. She immediately threw down a rope ladder and let Chu Yun and Alice come up.    


A moment later, the three of them appeared in the cabin. Gill pointed the gun at the pilot and let him immediately take off and leave raccoon city.    


"You guys succeeded?"    


Gill looked at Chu Yun and Alice and asked.    


Chu Yun smiled and said, "Of course. Where is the doctor now? We will immediately go and find him. "    


"In a laboratory outside of raccoon city, he secretly built it himself, using it to develop and mix with Angela's personal genetic optimization serum. "    


Gill said.    


Not long after, the helicopter stopped in a manor in the wilderness. There was a ranch in the manor, with two or three cows and sheep. It looked very desolate.    


In fact, this was just a cover. The laboratory was located in the basement of the manor. For some reason, scientists who seemed to be related to Umbrella Company liked to set up the laboratory underground. Dr. Ashford also had this hobby.    


The plane landed in the manor. Gill knocked the pilot out with a gun. Then, she tied him up and locked him in a small house in the manor. She then brought Chu Yun and Alice to the small wooden house in the manor. After entering the door, she twisted some of the furnishings in the wooden house. As the mechanism was activated, the floor of the living room slowly parted to two sides. A tunnel leading underground was revealed.    


Chu Yun and Alice looked at each other and walked in together. After a short passage, there was a bright light source in front of them. In a very clean laboratory, Dr. Ashford and Angela had been waiting for them for a long time.    


"Oh my god, you are finally back!"    


Dr. Ashford pushed his wheelchair forward and looked back and forth between Chu Yun and Alice. He asked nervously, "How is it? Did you get the data?"    


Chu Yun smiled and handed the USB, which had turned into a green light, to Dr. Ashford. He said, "It's all here. No problem. "    




Dr. Ashford immediately looked happy. He quickly took the USB and ran it on his computer. Then he typed on the keyboard with his hands like he was flying. He entered the code and did a reverse analysis. Finally, he was sent to the central mainframe of the laboratory.    


Chu Yun, Alice, Gill, and Angela were watching from the side. Although they couldn't understand anything, they were shocked.    




After a long time, Dr. Ashford looked happy. In the drug conversion machine in the center of the laboratory, there was a tube of blue T-Virus. After genetic modification, it turned into a green virus serum.    


Dr. Ashford pushed his wheelchair and quickly came to the front of the tube of green serum. He reached out and picked it up. He handed it to Chu Yun and said, "This is the antidote that was produced in the reverse direction. It also spread through the air and was exposed to the air. Everything will be over!"    


"This small tube is enough to cure all the T virus?"    


Gill came forward and was a little suspicious.    


"The pathogen of the T virus that created all the biochemical crises only has this small tube of original fluid. The key is not how much it has. The factors of the virus and the serum can be constantly duplicated and expanded in the air, and finally spread to the entire world. "    


Dr. Ashford explained that he was currently in high spirits. Otherwise, if he encountered this kind of problem that did not have any common sense, he would definitely not pay attention to it. He would only look at it with disdain.    


Chu Yun looked at the clock in the laboratory. It was 5: 27 in the morning. There were less than 40 minutes left until the nuclear explosion in raccoon city.    


"What do you think about this crisis within umbrella company? Among them, no one knows that the nuclear explosion is not enough to completely end this crisis. "    


Chu Yun asked.    


From his point of view, although this antidote could solve a temporary crisis, it could only cure the symptoms and not the root cause. If he wanted this world to be safe for a long time, he had to solve it from the source.    


When this problem was mentioned, Dr. Ashford sighed and said, "In fact, most of the higher ups of the Umbrella Corporation have been deceived.    


Within the company, most of the senior executives are actually conservative. Regarding the development of the T virus and genetic research, their biggest appeal is to use the T virus to strengthen the human body and cure disability, so as to open up a new market and earn more money.    


But. . .    


There were also some people, some radicals, who treated the spreading of the T virus as an opportunity to reshuffle the world.    


Major Quinn and Dr. Isaks, who were behind him, were both such radicals. They also found that the nuclear explosion could not stop all the crises, but they did not report this discovery to the senior members of the Umbrella Corporation who were part of the Conservatives.    


They want to use this crisis to reduce the entire world to zero, then rebuild a new order in the ruins, a kind of order that completely belongs to them. "    


"Alright, I understand"    


Chu Yun nodded and said, "We will release the serum now. Doctor, you go and find some contact information of the higher ups of the umbrella company's Conservatives. Wait for us to come back. "    


"What do you plan to do?"    


Dr. Ashford looked at Chu Yun in a daze.    


Chu Yun smiled and said, "I plan to save this world. "    


After saying that, he left the manor with Alice and Gill and returned to raccoon city.    


It was 5: 42 in the morning.    


There were still 18 minutes to the nuclear explosion of raccoon city.    


Chu Yun and the other two entered the city. They raised a camera and recorded everything in the city. Zombies were everywhere, eating the corpses on the ground. The badly damaged corpses soon turned into new zombies. They stood up and joined the zombie crowd and began to wander around.    


Everything was recorded by the camera.    


"My name is Alice. I used to work in Umbrella Company. This is the biggest and most influential company in the world. I work in the company as the secret biochemical weapon research center, the security supervisor of the beehive. This is a large laboratory located in the underground of raccoon city.    


Its mission is to develop biochemical viruses and genetic weapons.    


As you can see, Umbrella Corporation has succeeded. They have developed a special T virus that can regrow dead cells, make dead people stand up again, and turn them into man-eating monsters.    


Now, this virus has been leaked out. The entire raccoon city is dead. Every person wandering on the streets has become a walking corpse.    


Fortunately, we have the antidotes. When the serum comes into contact with the air and spreads, all the T virus cells will be killed. . . "    


In the video camera, Alice was holding the green virus serum as she stood on the street. As she spoke, the surrounding zombies had already surrounded her.    


Alice took a deep breath and threw the virus serum test tube in her hand onto the ground.    


There was a cracking sound.    


The virus serum test tube cracked open and the green potion inside immediately dissipated into the air.    


The surrounding zombies also arrived in an instant, and like dominoes, they fell one after another, all lying on the ground.    


"Right now, all the zombies in raccoon city are going to die immediately, but what happened here shouldn't have ended so easily.    


As the mastermind behind all of this, Umbrella Corporation is notorious for its crimes. In order to cover up all of this, they decided to put a nuclear weapon worth 50 million tons into the center of raccoon city 18 minutes later to destroy all evidence.    


But the truth will never be covered up. . . "    


Alice's face was firm, and her voice was firm and firm.    


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