Creation Fishing System

C489 Return

C489 Return

Everything that appeared in front of her eyes seemed so inconceivable in Alice's eyes.    


This magnificent and magnificent hall was more majestic and magnificent than any of the buildings she had seen during her travels around the world.    


Strangely, she had been drinking red wine at Dr. Ashford's house just now. Why had she appeared here in the blink of an eye?    


"I'm not dreaming. Am I right?"    


Alice asked in a daze.    


"Of course not. "    


Chu Yun smiled and said, "This place is no longer your world. This place is called Jiuzhou, the most eastern continent in the universe. Welcome to Shikong Divine Hall. "    


. . . "What exactly are you doing?"    


Alice looked at Chu Yun in surprise. Her face was full of absurdity, and she wanted to laugh but couldn't.    


"I have said that my job is to save some things. Other than your world, there are also countless worlds that were destroyed by the Devil Clan in this universe. . . "    


Chu Yun spoke slowly and patiently explained to Alice about how the Devil Clan destroyed the world and how Shikong Divine Hall saved the world.    


"That's why I said that the world I am in has already experienced the crisis of extinction and was swallowed by Devil God Emperor of the Devil Clan. As for you. . . As the god of Jiuzhou, you returned to that world before it was destroyed by reversing time and space, and saved it? "    


Alice said it in a daze, and looked at Chu Yun with a strange gaze.    


"Completely correct. "    


Chu Yun smiled and said, "Your understanding is very good. This is worthy of praise. "    


After saying that, Chu Yun pulled her arm and took a step forward. They arrived at the center of the main hall of Shikong Divine Hall. Yang Jian and the other sixty-two challengers had not returned yet. They were still in their respective space-time worlds undergoing trials. Compared to the speed at which Chu Yun saved the world, they were still a little slower.    


"Are these people the same as you, going to the destroyed world to save the world?"    


Alice looked at the motionless people and asked.    


"That's right. "    


Chu Yun nodded, then slowly let out a breath and said, "The Shikong Divine Hall Plan has just started operating in Jiuzhou not long ago. We are looking for people in the entire world who are suitable to carry out the Time Backtrack to save the countless worlds that were destroyed by the Devil Clan.    


As for you, my friend, as someone who has come back from the destroyed world, you naturally possess the ability to reconstruct the Temporal Law and the Spatial Law. With your ability, you will definitely become an outstanding challenger, or rather. . . The saviour to save the world. "    




When Alice heard this, she was clearly unable to accept this setting for a moment.    


Chu Yun smiled and did not force her. He said, "There is no hurry. I will take you out to see this world first. Maybe you will like it. If you do not want to go, you can also live here. "    


After saying that, Chu Yun brought Alice out of Shikong Divine Hall and to the Yuan Dao Mountain Range of Shuiyun State. Once they left, they would reach the summit of Qingluan Peak.    


"Come and have a bite of this. It's very fragrant. . . "    


"Oh, it's so sweet. Thank you, Sister Daisy . . . "    


On the peak of the mountain, in the main hall.    


Two beautiful figures were shuttling back and forth in an orchid garden. Their figures were graceful, like two butterflies.    


One of them was the half-elf goddess Daisy from Xingguang Great Continent, and the other was Lo Qingcheng.    


They were picking all kinds of fresh fruits in the garden. Chu Yun could tell at a glance that those were not the plants in the continent of the Nine Provinces, but the special fruits that he had seen in the Forest of Elves.    


Obviously, Daisy , the God of the Fairy Clan, had grown a batch of fruits from another world in Qingluan Peak, which made Lo Qingcheng, the foodie, very satisfied.    


Of course. . .    


It was not just Lo Qingcheng. Yang Xiaochan, that stupid girl, had already eaten until her stomach was full. She laid on the reclining chair in the fruit garden and rested comfortably, perfectly describing what it meant to eat, sleep, and eat.    


When Alice came out of Shikong Divine Hall, she was filled with curiosity and shock towards everything around her. Because they did not come out but flew out.    


Although Alice had the evolution gene of the T virus and many abilities that ordinary people did not possess, she still belonged to the category of low martial arts. Relying on the strength of the physical body to ride the clouds and ride the fog was a little too exciting for her. She could only tightly hold Chu Yun's hand.    


She looked at the surrounding scenery along the way and even held her breath slightly. Compared to the scene of the doomsday wasteland in raccoon city, everything in front of her was simply a paradise in her dreams.    


The mountains were green, with clouds and mist swirling around. Magnificent and exquisite buildings formed a line on the islands floating in the sky. From time to time, huge exotic beasts would flash across the sky with graceful postures or terrifying speed.    


Everything seemed so shocking and unreal.    


However. . .    


It had truly appeared before her eyes.    


Chu Yun brought Alice and landed on the fruit garden at the top of Qingluan Peak. Daisy and Lo Qingcheng came forward and saw Alice beside Chu Yun at first glance.    


"Ah, little sister with golden hair, are you from the Shocking Thunder Province?"    


Lo Qingcheng asked curiously.    


Daisy looked at Alice but gently shook her head and said, "Looks like she came from the Xingguang Great Continent. "    


Finishing, she also smiled and knew that this was not possible. Although the current Xingguang Great Continent had already been saved by Chu Yun, it had not reached the realm of the Gods. It was simply impossible to cross such a long distance and arrive in Jiuzhou.    


Even Daisy herself, who wanted to leave quietly and return to the Xingguang Great Continent, was stopped by Chu Yun in the end.    


After all, there was still that undying Devil God Emperor outside of the Nine Prefectures.    


Chu Yun could go in and out freely, but Devil God Emperor had to hide from him everywhere. He was afraid that if he wasn't careful, he would be killed hundreds of times by Chu Yun. However, if the others went out, they would be caught by Devil God Emperor. Even Daisy , the God of Fairy Clan, would die for sure.    


So. . .    


She had to wait until Devil God Emperor was completely destroyed before Daisy could return to her home.    


"Her name is Alice. She came from another destroyed world. "    


Chu Yun smiled and introduced her to the two of them.    


Alice went forward and extended a hand to the two of them. Daisy naturally understood what kind of etiquette this was, so she walked forward and shook Alice's hand. She revealed a smile to her and said, "My name is Daisy . I am a Fairy Clan from Xingguang Great Continent. Nice to meet you. "    


"Elf. . . "    


Alice looked at Daisy 's pointy ears. She had long noticed this detail and was very surprised in her heart. In the western society, there were still many legends about the Fairy Clan. She never thought that she would be able to see a living person.    


On the other side, Lo Qingcheng was also very carefree. She shook hands with Alice and said, "My name is Lo Qingcheng, a native from the Nine States. If there is anything delicious in your hometown, can you invite me to have a taste?"    


"Of course. . . "    


Alice's face revealed a smile. Just from a short interaction, she could also realize that the two ridiculously beautiful women in front of her were people with good personalities and were very easy to get along with.    


Daisy looked at Chu Yun and asked, "Can you bring people back from the destroyed world?"    


"I just tried. "    


Chu Yun said and smiled, "The people who were revived in the destroyed world were all reconstructed by time and space. Their bodies are basically compatible with time and space laws. As long as their character and ability pass the test, they will be the most outstanding cultivators in the Shikong Divine Hall. We are too short of manpower. "    


Lo Qingcheng rolled her eyes gently and said, "You just brought her here from the original world. Don't you care if she is willing or not?"    


"I came here by myself. . . "    


Alice explained to Chu Yun and said, "In that world, I don't have anyone to worry about. After the crisis of the apocalypse is over, I can no longer return to my peaceful life. So. . . "    


Lo Qingcheng held her hand and saw the small scars on it. She said softly, "Before coming, you must have suffered a lot there, right?"    


"Still alright. . . "    


Alice felt Lo Qingcheng's concern and revealed a warm smile.    


Who would have thought that Lo Qingcheng's style would change in the next second. She laughed and shouted. "It's okay. In the future, there will only be you who let others suffer. I will protect you! You can bully whoever you want!"    


. . . "Hurry up and tell them some good things. "    


Chu Yun helplessly facepalmed.    


"Don't bother with him. Let's go. Sister will take you around. "    


Lo Qingcheng made a face at Chu Yun and then pulled Alice's hand and flew away.    


Daisy and Chu Yun were left behind and could not help but look at each other and smile.    


"How are you doing here?"    


Chu Yun looked at Daisy and asked.    


Daisy smiled and said, "Of course it's very good. There are also things that can be done. It's very meaningful. Unfortunately, I can't go to Shikong Divine Hall like you to save those things that were destroyed by the Devil Clan. I should have played a big role in that. "    


As she spoke, Daisy 's expression was a little sad.    


During the thousands of years that she followed the Devil Clan to escape, Daisy had gone to different worlds and helped those people in those worlds to resist the invasion of the Devil Clan.    


But in the end, those worlds were destined to be destroyed by the Devil Clan and devoured by Devil God Emperor. This had left her with endless regret in her heart.    


When the Shikong Divine Hall plan started, Daisy was the first one who wanted to become a challenger to save those worlds. However, the result was a pity. She wasn't a god that controlled time or space. Her soul attributes were weak in both aspects, and she couldn't go back in time.    


"You taught those trial-takers all kinds of knowledge in the academy, and your contribution is far greater than any single trial-taker. One day, all the worlds that were destroyed by Devil God Emperor will be revived. "    


Chu Yun smiled and comforted him.    


Daisy nodded and said, "The Spacetime Academy has recruited a new batch of students. There are one hundred and twenty-four of them. I am very confident in a few of them. The rate of qualifying this time is definitely not low. And among the few hundred people who were eliminated last time, There are also some who have overcome the fear in their hearts through hard training. I have already given them the certification, and Mr. Zhong Wanhua has also agreed. "    


"Since it is your joint judgment, I have no objections. It seems like everything is going in the right direction, isn't it? "    


Chu Yun said with a smile.    


Now, the plan of Shikong Divine Hall had been carried out smoothly. All the Overlord Level Power in the Nine States were frantically searching for people who had the qualifications to become challengers. No matter if they were men or women, young or old, those who could come would be sent over.    


Among them, besides some people who obviously did not have the ability to participate in the trial, the remaining candidates would be strictly selected and tested.    


Those who passed would be able to head to Shikong Divine Hall like the sixty-two challengers and perform a space-time backtrack to save the destroyed world.    


Those who failed would have a second chance. They would receive all kinds of training and training in the Spacetime Academy jointly organized by Zhong Wanhua and Daisy . They would be able to raise their standards in order to become qualified challengers.    


Now, it seemed that Zhong Wanhua and Daisy had done very well. They had nurtured batch after batch of excellent challengers for the Shikong Divine Hall.    


"When all the worlds are saved, Devil God Emperor will be alone in the universe, and there will be no place for him to hide. As long as he is killed, the universe will return to peace and peace. That day will come, and it won't be far away. . . "    


Daisy took a deep breath and looked up at the floating Shikong Divine Hall.    




On the other side, in the endless void of the universe, Devil God Emperor's thoughts of deducing the battle was once again interrupted. What followed was a trance that was almost the same as the last time.    


Once again, a large chunk of his life source substance was missing.    


To be honest, the feeling of feeling his life force continuously weakening and watching them get lesser and lesser was truly the most terrifying torture in the world.    


Especially after Devil God Emperor had deduced thousands of times, he still didn't see any hope of defeating Chu Yun. That kind of despair couldn't help but become stronger and stronger.    


"Damn it, damn it! Damn it! Human Emperor, what on earth did you do!? What did you do to my life force!? Damn it! Damn it. . . "    


Devil God Emperor let out an angry roar and shattered the few dead stars around him into powder. However, this time, he did not dare to go to the Nine Prefectures to question Zhao Chu Yun. Other than allowing him to experience being killed a few hundred more times, he would not obtain any other benefits.    


"Continue to deduce. . . "    


Devil God Emperor furiously took a deep breath and calmed his emotions. After which, he gritted his teeth and said, "This emperor does not believe that you are truly invincible! It was still the same sentence! You can kill me thousands of times, but if I kill you once, you will die!"    


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