Creation Fishing System

C190 Imperial Residence

C190 Imperial Residence

After the meal, Zhao Qianli invited Mrs. Yang to come to Buping House more often. It would be best if she stayed with Yang Jian and his sister, but Mrs. Yang refused.    


To Mrs. Yang, she had long sworn to protect her husband for three years. If Yang Jian had not come back today and told her that she had avenged her family, she would not have come out of the mourning hall.    


Now, after expressing her gratitude to Chu Yun, she had to go back and continue guarding her husband's spirit. No one could stop her, and there was no reason to stop her.    


Seeing Mrs. Yang off, Chu Yun said to Yang Jian, "Linger and Xiaochan are both young ladies, so let them live together. It can also be considered as a companion. "    




Yang Xiaochan raised her hand to express her agreement. Then, she directly hugged Linger and went over to take a deep breath. Then, she raised her head with a red face and said, "Big sister Ling Er, you are so fragrant. . . "    


Linger smiled and was about to say something when she heard Yang Xiaochan's next sentence. "If only I could have a bite. . . "    


“. . . ”    


Linger's smile froze on her face and she took half a step back.    


Were all human cubs so terrifying? They actually wanted to eat fox cubs?    


"I can't eat them!"    


Yang Jian's face darkened. He quickly pulled his sister over and said seriously, "Xiaochan, you are already a big girl. You need to be careful. You can't think about eating all day, understand?"    


"I know. . . "    


Yang Xiaochan nodded seriously and swallowed her saliva. She said, "Second Brother , where is the snack? I also want the snack. . . "    


“. . . ”    


Yang Jian only felt his vision turning black. . .    


I want you to grow some snacks, not some snacks. . .    


"Hehe. "    


Chu Yun who was watching from the side couldn't help but shake his head and laugh. He then looked at Zhao Qianli and said, "Housekeeper Xu should be in the Northern Star Prefecture right now. I have also received a lot of help from Housekeeper Xu when I went to Heiyun Mountain Range to exterminate the bandits. Now that I have returned, I should inform him. "    


"It's time to go. Old Xu should still be in the accounts room at this time. Do you want me to go with you?"    


Zhao Qianli said with a smile.    


"No need. "    


Chu Yun shook his head and looked at Linger, who was asking for snacks and had a complicated look on her face. He said, "You should help to understand the situation here first. "    


After saying that, Chu Yun walked out of the canteen and came to the Beichen Prefecture. He went to the old butler's accountant with familiarity and pushed open the door. As expected, he saw that familiar figure.    


"You're back?"    


The old butler stood behind the counter to calculate the accounts. When he saw Chu Yun, he chuckled and said, "A young hero comes out. This is indeed correct. The problem that has troubled the Jinxia City's government for so many years has been solved by you. If this was spread out, I'm afraid not many people would believe it. "    


When Chu Yun heard this, he laughed and said, "The old butler is really well-informed. I just finished my meal with Qian Li and came here to thank the old butler. "    


"There's nothing to thank him for. . . "    


The old housekeeper shook his head and said, "Captain Xiao told me when he came back. They didn't help much. You solved the rest yourself. "    


Chu Yun chuckled and didn't continue to pester him. There were some things that he didn't need to know how much Taiqing had helped him.    


He looked at the old butler and said, "When I came back this time, I heard that the Unitive Controlling Mansion has blocked the application of the Buping House's union. Old butler, do you know about this? "    


. . . "Oh?"    


When the old butler heard this, his fingers that were fiddling with the abacus paused for a moment. Although it quickly returned to normal, the pause at that moment still revealed a trace of coldness.    


Chu Yun's observation ability was incomparably meticulous. Naturally, he would not miss out on such details. After pondering for a moment, he asked, "Is there a conflict between the Unitive Controlling Mansion and the Princess Qi Mansion?"    


In Chu Yun's opinion, this question should be the most reasonable explanation. Otherwise, why would the people of Unitive Controlling Mansion be stuck with Zhao Qianli? What about this Crown Prince?    


"It's not that serious. "    


The old butler waved his hand and exhaled slowly. He said, "It's just that the youngest son of the Unitive Controlling Mansion's chief official has some personal grudges with the young master. "    


When Chu Yun heard this, he gradually came to a conclusion in his heart.    


In the Jinxia City, the structure of power was very clear and simple.    


The powers that belonged to the government were divided into two parts. One part was outside, and the other part was inside.    


The outside part was the six armies that were raised in the city. They were the True Martial Army, the Light Martial Army, the Emperor Army, the Yang Wei Army, the Divine Wei Army, and the Heavenly Wei Army.    


These six armies were the strongest armed forces in Jinxia City. Each army had over a thousand warriors, and their leaders were all Nirvana Stage warriors.    


The forces facing them were the Unitive Controlling Mansion, which specialized in handling all kinds of administrative matters in the Jinxia City. They were also divided into many departments, and they were in charge of all kinds of matters.    


Without a doubt, the status of the Unitive Controlling Mansion was extremely high in the Jinxia City. It was even higher than any of the six armies. The official of the Unitive Controlling Mansion was called Zheng Xiangdong, and he was the younger brother of Manor Master Zheng Tianyang of the Daming Mansion.    


The old butler said that Zheng Xiangdong, the official of Unitive Controlling Mansion, had a personal grudge with Zhao Qianli. In terms of status, Zhao Qianli was indeed qualified.    


There were two huge mountains in the Jinxia City. One of them was Prince Cheng De from the Princess Qi Mansion, and the other was naturally Manor Master Zheng Tianyang from the Daming Mansion.    


"If you don't mind, I would like to know what kind of grudge they have against each other. "    


Chu Yun raised his eyebrows and said, "Is it serious?"    


"A dispute of personal feelings. "    


The old butler said concisely and concisely, but he did not want to say anything more. He shook his head and said, "Young Master Chu, you don't need to worry about these things. I will think of a way to deal with the matters in Unitive Controlling Mansion. "    


Chu Yun understood that this conversation was over. So he nodded and took the initiative to leave the accounts room.    


After exiting the door, Chu Yun looked up at the sky and saw the clear sky above. There were no clouds in the sky, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but curve up.    


"Unitive Controlling Mansion. . . "    


. . .    


Jinxia City, inner city.    


Unitive Controlling Mansion.    


Three huge golden words hung high above the gate of the mansion. Each word was bigger than a person. Under the scorching sun, it reflected a dazzling and eye-catching light, making people not dare to look at it directly.    


This was the core area of the inner city, and also the headquarters of Unitive Controlling Mansion.    


After coming out of the North Star Prefecture, Chu Yun asked for directions, and then went straight to the inner city, and arrived at the main gate of the Unitive Controlling Mansion.    


It was noon at this moment.    


The flow of people in the Unitive Controlling Mansion was endless. The people who came and went were all in a hurry, and most of them had worried expressions on their faces.    


It was no wonder that most of the people who could come and leave this place had encountered some things. Perhaps it was a good thing or a bad thing, but those who could come here were mostly troublesome things.    


Chu Yun walked in. In a place like this where the government was located, naturally no one would come over with a smile on their face and ask what they were going to do. Chu Yun stood in the hall and looked around a few times, then he reached out his hand and patted it.    




A member of the Unitive Controlling Mansion who was about to pass by was patted on the shoulder by Chu Yun.    


"May I ask where I should go to apply for the union qualification?"    


Chu Yun asked with a smile.    


As soon as he finished speaking, the official of Unitive Controlling Mansion frowned. But when he turned his head and saw Chu Yun's extraordinary bearing, he suppressed the unhappiness in his heart. He casually pointed and said, "Go over there and find the Supervising Division. "    


After saying that, he directly left.    


Chu Yun followed the person's guidance and came to the department of the Supervising Division. When he walked into the hall, he saw people coming and going. There was a dense flow of people. It seemed that they were all here to register for the qualification application.    


After asking around, he found out that if he wanted to apply for a business, he needed to get a number first. He would only be able to go in after he got his number.    


Therefore, Chu Yun got a number, then went to the resting area at the side and waited.    


"Yo, this brother looks unfamiliar. Is it his first day here?"    


At this time, a blue-robed youth sitting beside Chu Yun couldn't help but speak with a smile when he saw him.    


"That's right. "    


Chu Yun nodded. He saw that the young man's cultivation wasn't high, only around the Critical Stage. He was holding a box in his hand, and there was a piece of document that was revealed in the corner. He asked, "Brother, are you here to apply for the qualification to join the Chamber of Commerce?"    


"That's right. My surname is Li, and I am here to do some tea business in Green Leaf Lane in the Southern City District. If brother is interested, you can come to my place in a few days' time to take a look. I guarantee that the goods will be good and cheap, and there will be no cheating between the old and the young. "    


The blue-robed young man grinned as he advertised himself.    


Chu Yun smiled and said, "Why do you have to wait for a few days?"    


"Because I haven't gotten the qualifications yet. . . "    


The blue-robed youth sighed and said, "We have already been here for more than ten days. Let's go according to the procedure. In another four or five days, we should be able to apply. "    


"Why are you so slow?"    


Chu Yun asked.    


The blue-robed youth smiled and said, "It's already good enough that you can apply for it. If you are slow, then slow down. If you meet that ignorant person, it will be difficult for you to even apply for it. . . "    


As he spoke, the blue-robed youth moved closer and said in a low voice: "Brother, I saw that you looked nice, and it's your first day here, so I'll give you a reminder. "    


"Brother, please speak. "    


Chu Yun nodded, and his expression became serious. He naturally had to respect the kindness of strangers.    


"Applying for the qualification to join the Chamber of Commerce is a big matter. This is the only obstacle we have to go through. If you can't do anything, you won't be able to do anything. After we go in later, if someone gives you any hints, you just have to accept it. Send some money out, and we can get this done as soon as possible. "    


The blue-robed young man said with a sigh, "When I first came here, I wasn't very sensible and learned a lot of lessons. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have waited so long. . . "    


Chu Yun couldn't help but smile when he heard this, and said, "Brother, I have received your reminder. Thank you very much. "    


After saying that, Chu Yun heard his number being called in front of him. He cupped his hands together with the blue-robed youth and walked into a special reception hall.    


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