Creation Fishing System

C476 Don't Fight

C476 Don't Fight

Gill was on the second floor of the church, looking at the bodies of the priest and the zombie old woman. After being stunned for a while, she let out a long breath.    


Although the priest fed the dead zombie sister and did something very stupid, even in this desperate situation, he did not give up on his family. It was indeed a bit depressing.    




At this time, the man with the gun downstairs screamed. Along with a few gunshots, Gill instantly came back to her senses and immediately picked up the gun.    


Because she was worried about Wales and Terry downstairs, she immediately went downstairs and carefully walked in the corridor of the church. In this dark environment, she did not notice that the ground under her feet was wet and completely soaked with dark red blood.    


Pushing open the door, she came to the hall on the first floor of the church. Gill stood at the entrance and looked around the church. She did not see Wales and Terry, nor did she see the crazy man with the gun.    


She took a deep breath and became even more nervous. Beads of sweat appeared on her hand holding the gun.    


On top of her head, a licker used its tongue full of barbs to wrap around the man's bloody body and chewed silently.    


Gill continued to walk forward and found that under the church bench, there was a gun that was discarded. It was the gun that the gun-wielding man used earlier.    


She frowned and calculated the remaining bullets. She realized that there were not many bullets left, so she possessed it and slowly went to pick up the gun.    


Just as she was about to get up, a sound came from above!    


Before Gill could raise her head, a heavy object fell from the top of the church and smashed in front of her with a bang. The smell of blood assailed her nostrils.    


It was the corpse of the man with the spear!    


Gill suddenly raised her head and the two pistols opened fire at the same time. Bang! Bang! Bang! They aimed in the direction of the corpse and saw a licker hiding in the stands on the second floor of the church at an extremely fast speed.    


"Sh * t!"    


Gill could not help but curse in her heart and quickly got up. The pistol that she had just picked up quickly used up all the bullets but did not cause any damage to the licker.    


The licker moved very fast. It was very difficult for the gun to hit its vital points. Ordinary bullets could not cause any damage to its tough and strong muscles when they hit it.    


Gill looked at the corpse of the gunman on the ground. The surface of his bloody skin was full of wounds that had been scratched by barbs. It looked very terrifying and disgusting.    


She took a deep breath to calm herself down. Then she stuck close to the wall and continued to move forward. She looked around in a low voice and called out the names of Wales and Terry.    


Suddenly -    


With a dull sound, the door of the church suddenly opened. The bone-piercing night wind rushed into the church hall.    


Gill immediately turned around and aimed the gun at the door and prepared to retreat at the same time.    


Because she knew that there were many zombies gathering outside the church at the moment. When they came, there were already many wandering outside. There were continuous gunshots inside the church and at this moment, it must have attracted the surrounding zombies over. It was possible that there were dozens or even hundreds of them.    


However. . .    


What surprised her was that the door of the church opened to the two sides. The ones who walked in were not zombies. Instead, it was a man in a dark suit. He was tall and straight, with handsome and straight facial features. In his hand was a silver Long Sword that looked like it was hung in an art shop.    


Under the man's feet, dozens of zombies were lying on the ground. Some of them had holes in their eye sockets, while others had their necks chopped off.    


"This place is quite spacious. I don't think you would mind having me alone, would you?"    


Chu Yun smiled and walked in.    


“. . . ”    


Gill frowned. She could not figure out what the strange man in front of her was, but when she thought of the long-tongued monster in the church, she said, "It is not a small place, but unfortunately, it has been occupied by monsters. If I were you, I would turn around and leave now. "    


At this time, the soldier Wales and female host Terry, who were hiding in the prayer room on the first floor of the church, heard the commotion outside and immediately walked out.    


"Gill, be careful. There are three monsters in total. They have already surrounded us!"    


As Wales spoke, he walked out of the prayer room with a spear. He aimed at the lick eater that was swimming on the wall behind Gill and fired a few shots.    


With the sound of the gunshot, the licker that had been silently wandering in the church seemed to have been enraged. Their movements immediately became radical.    


They could be seen moving back and forth on the walls of the church, their figures climbing up very quickly. Behind them was a series of bullets, but very few of them could hit them.    


Bang, bang, bang -    


Following a series of gunshots, Gill and Wales covered the female host, Terry. The three of them formed a small tactical formation and were retreating towards the door.    


Originally, they were worried about the zombies outside and could only hide in the church. At this moment, these long-tongued monsters appeared in the church. If they could leave, it was naturally best to withdraw.    


"Damn it, I'm about to run out of bullets, those monsters won't be able to kill me at all!"    


Wales cursed.    


With a swoosh, a licker flew down from the wall and approached Gill and the other two. It stretched its tongue out of its bloody mouth. Its limbs were thick and strong as it supported itself on the ground. It was slowly and pressurizing as it approached the three of them.    


Gill immediately aimed the gun at the licker's head and suddenly pulled the trigger a few times. However, not a single bullet shot out. Her gun was empty!    


On the other side, Wales used the last two shots to temporarily force back the other two lickers. At this moment, he turned his head and looked at the licker in front of them. His heart was filled with despair.    




The lickers let out a low roar. Its slow moving figure suddenly jumped up and pounced towards the three people. That tongue that was full of barbs, like a sharp spear, pierced towards Gill's neck!    


At this moment, there was a swoosh!    


The silver sword drew an incomparably beautiful arc in the air.    


The licker screamed and half of its tongue was cut off. The broken tongue fell to the ground under Gill's feet due to inertia. Like a living creature, half of its tongue twisted and twitched twice.    


“. . . !!!”    


Gill opened her eyes wide in surprise. Her eyes moved away from the tongue on the ground and looked in front of her.    


She saw that the handsome man in the dark suit had unknowingly appeared in front of them and stood between the three of them and the licker.    


In that short battle just now, the three of them retreated towards the church door, wanting to avoid the threat of the three lickers, but the man in front of them actually took the initiative to walk in.    


"This quality is really bad. "    


Chu Yun waved his sword and cut off the licker's tongue. Looking at the blade of the blade that was slightly curled, he could not help but shake his head.    


He took it from a craftsman shop next to the church, because there were too many zombies at the door of the church. He didn't know how long it would take to shoot a stone, or it would be more convenient to cut it with a sword.    


But. . .    


The quality of this sword was too poor.    


To be honest, he had already begun to miss his Xuan-yuan Sword.    


Swish! Swish!    


Another two pressurizing sounds of wind breaking rang out. The two lickers on the church walls had also landed. They occupied the left and right rear of the three people and formed a triangular formation with the licker in front. They were ready to attack at any moment.    


"We are going to die. Am I right?"    


At this time, the female host Terry held her breath nervously and looked helplessly at Wales and Gill beside her.    


Wales' face was dark as he pulled out the tactical dagger in his boot. He was in despair.    


He was already very strong and had been trained in the army for many years. He held a dagger in his hand and fought in close combat. Even if he could not defeat a beast on the level of a tiger or lion, he would still be able to defeat beasts on the level of wild wolves and leopards.    


But. . .    


The three monsters in front of him were completely monsters!    


Their strength was swift and fierce, and they were invulnerable. Even bullets could not penetrate their muscles. In front of them, tigers and lions were as weak as ants.    


Gill took a deep breath and suddenly laughed at herself. She said, "If I had known earlier, I should have left a bullet for myself. I don't want to die in the mouth of these monsters. So disgusting. . . "    


"Guys, there is no need to be so pessimistic. It is just a few small reptiles. "    


Chu Yun smiled and said.    


Small reptiles. . .    


Wales looked at Chu Yun. Although he had to admit that Chu Yun's figure looked very well-proportioned and elegant, in terms of size and muscle size, he was not even comparable to himself. He held a rolled blade in his hand. Why should he fight with these three monsters and call them little reptiles?    


At this moment, the three lickers were closing in on Chu Yun and Gill from three directions. They surrounded Chu Yun and Gill like a well-trained pack of wolves, ready to tear them apart.    


At this moment. . .    


With the rumbling of the motorcycle, the bright light shone on the glass of the church, illuminating the gods in it.    


Then, a black shadow rode the motorcycle, broke the glass of the holy painting, and suddenly descended into the church. The motorcycle rampaged and charged into the encirclement of three lickers.    


Chu Yun raised his eyebrows and saw the figure riding the motorcycle. He was wearing a vest and shorts, revealing his slim and strong waist. His body and legs were covered with all kinds of firearms and weapons.    


The rider charged forward and knocked away a licker. After stopping the brakes, he took off his helmet. A head of golden curly hair fell down, revealing an exquisite British and American face.    


Chu Yun was very familiar with that face. It was the female lead of the Resident Evil series in his previous life, Alice.    


Although he had already forgotten the plot, Alice's heroic figure had left a deep impression in Chu Yun's mind.    


. . . "Move aside!"    


Alice held the brakes and stopped the motorcycle. She looked at Chu Yun, Gill and the others standing in front of her and took a deep breath. With a serious expression, she was about to start her slaughter show.    


Gill and the other two were obviously shocked by her arrogant and cool way of entering the arena. They all made way to the side. That trembling appearance was really like a chicken that was sent flying by a Great God.    


However. . .    


Chu Yun did not move. He looked at Alice with a slightly strange expression and said, "Miss, wait. "    


Alice turned to look at him.    


"In everything, we must pay attention to first come first serve. "    


Chu Yun smiled. He thought that Alice might not understand what he meant, so he changed to a more common way to explain, "Simply put, these monsters are mine. Don't snatch them. "    


As he spoke, Chu Yun walked over to Alice and helped her twist the keys of the motorcycle. He turned off the engine, which was very considerate.    


“. . . ???”    


A series of question marks appeared in Alice's mind.    


Then, she saw Chu Yun holding the sword and walking towards the licker whose tongue had been cut off by Chu Yun.    


At this moment, the licker retreated slightly, as if he was afraid of the man who had cut off his tongue.    


But in reality. . .    


Behind Chu Yun, the licker that was knocked away by Alice's motorcycle had quietly arrived behind a pillar. It hid itself completely in the blind spot of Alice and the others. At this moment, it had already locked onto Chu Yun's back and suddenly jumped out to launch a sneak attack.    


"Be careful!"    


Gill shouted. On the other side, Alice had already taken out her submachine gun and was about to shoot.    


Although the man in front of her had some inexplicable confidence that he liked to take the initiative to do this kind of suicidal thing, Alice was after all a beautiful person with a kind heart. If she could save her, she would still help.    


But. . .    


The licker threw himself at Chu Yun, who seemed to be unprepared.    


The moment Alice raised her spear, Chu Yun moved immediately. The silver Long Sword in his hand quickly turned its blade and stabbed at the barbs at the back.    




The Long Sword's blade borrowed the power of the Lick Eater's charging forward. Like a toothpick piercing tofu, it pierced through the Lick Eater's head like a hot knife through butter.    


Chu Yun's body, with the strength of an ordinary person, could not withstand the inertia of the Lick Eater's charge. Therefore, he jumped up and flipped in the air. When he pulled out the Long Sword, two sharp stones flew out from his hands. He aimed at the Lick Eater in the air and shot out.    


Swoosh! Swoosh!    


The stones flew out and entered the licker's eye. They pierced through its flesh and blood. Although they did not kill it, it caused temporary blindness.    


Chu Yun took advantage of this opportunity to stride forward after landing on the ground. He held the sword hilt of the Long Sword with both hands and stabbed fiercely. Using the execution sword technique, he stabbed the Long Sword into the licker's head.    


In a moment, the two licker had both died. The final licker had also arrived behind Chu Yun at the same time.    


At this moment, Chu Yun's Long Sword was still stuck in the head of the second licker. It was stuck by the other's muscles, so it was difficult to pull it out for the time being. At such a close distance, even if a stone was shot at the other party's head, the best outcome would be mutual destruction. It seemed like they had fallen into a dangerous situation.    


But. . .    


Chu Yun was not in a hurry. He pulled out the white thug's pistol from his waist. Without looking, he raised his hand and shot twice.    


Bang! Bang!    


The two bullets, one in front and one behind, hit the left eye of the licker. The wound was healed, and the licker's head exploded in an instant.    


"What a joke, I also know how to use guns. "    


Chu Yun blew the muzzle of the gun.    


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