Creation Fishing System

C490 Mountain Chooser

C490 Mountain Chooser

On the other side, Alice followed Lo Qingcheng and wandered around the Fukong Island. This magical world was full of surprises and Alice was very curious.    


"Everyone here is the same as Sister Luo. Do you know how to ride the clouds?"    


Alice saw a martial arts field below. Several disciples of the Elemental Dao Spiritual Heaven Sect were cultivating together with the elders of the Sect. As they breathed, their bodies flew up and landed again.    


"More or less. . . "    


Lo Qingcheng thought for a while and said, "There are also some people who have just started learning martial arts and have yet to grasp sufficient strength. "    


. . . "They are really powerful. "    


Alice looked left and right and suddenly saw a Myriad Stone Stage disciple throw out a punch. The terrifying fist wind tore in front of them and directly shattered a huge rock. She was very shocked in her heart.    


Lo Qingcheng smiled and said, "His realm is not considered high. If he diligently cultivates in the Martial Path, you can also do it. Perhaps, in a very short period of time, you can do better than him because you have the advantage that they do not have. "    


"Sister Luo is referring to Shikong Divine Hall?"    


Alice asked.    


"That's right. "    


Lo Qingcheng nodded and said, "Not everyone can enter the Shikong Divine Hall, but those who can enter the Time Backtrack and complete the mission will be rewarded handsomely. The lowest level is equivalent to a hundred years of hard work and a hundred years of comprehension.    


You only need to learn some cultivation techniques. After reaching the Initial Stage, you can rely on the rewards from the Shikong Divine Hall to quickly increase your strength.    


However, I have to say that this is a very dangerous thing. If you go back in time and travel to those destroyed worlds, you will really die if you die. "    


"Where is it not like this?"    


Alice shrugged her shoulders and her gaze was still on the disciple who shattered the huge rock with a single punch. Her eyes were filled with envy and when Lo Qingcheng saw her expression, her eyes rolled and she suddenly laughed and pulled her out of Fukong Island and to the outside of the Yuan Dao Mountain Range.    


Alice's face was at a loss. She only felt Lo Qingcheng beside her suddenly increase her speed and then they appeared in the sky above the mountain range outside of Fukong Island with teleportation speed. Around them were desolate mountain ranges.    


Because the Elemental Dao Sealing Heaven Great Arts had covered a large area of the Yuan Dao Mountain Range, the wild beasts and demonic beasts that lived in this Yuan Dao Mountain Range had run very far after the seal was lifted. They did not want to come to this dangerous place again, causing the surrounding forest to become very desolate. Even the insects were rare.    


"You were brought back by Chu Yun. You can't be so ignorant. You can choose any mountain you want. "    


Lo Qingcheng had a strange smile on her face as she said to Alice. When she finished speaking, she brought Alice to look around the surrounding mountains.    


"Let me choose?"    


Alice was stunned for a moment and did not understand what Lo Qingcheng meant. Could it be that she wanted to give her a piece of territory? This was a special custom of the people of Jiuzhou?    


She was a little uncertain in her heart and did not carry on with much selection. She casually pointed to a mountain. The mountain there looked very thick and sturdy, and it gave her a sense of security compared to the surrounding few thin mountains. Alice liked this kind of thick and solid thing, and it could make her feel at ease.    


"Just that one. "    


Alice said these words. Then, she saw the most unforgettable scene in her life.    


However, she saw Lo Qingcheng by her side reveal a strange smile towards her. After which, she suddenly struck out a palm towards the mountain that she had chosen!    


In an instant, the world lost its color and the sun and moon lost their luster. The extremely terrifying palm force crushed towards the mountain. It was actually like the hand of a god, continuously crushing down from the sky.    


Boom, boom, boom -    


A series of terrifying landslides could be heard. Under the suppression of the terrifying palm force, the entire mountain began to be flattened from the top!    


In just an instant, the sturdy and majestic mountain peak was flattened into flat ground. A burst of dust billowed into the sky. Other than that, there was nothing else. In the ruins, even the gravel was rare. Most of the mountains were melted away by the force of Lo Qingcheng's palm.    




Alice widened her eyes and her clear blue eyes almost jumped out of her eye sockets.    


She looked at the ruins of the mountain peak in extreme shock and then looked at Lo Qingcheng beside her. She was so shocked that she could not say a word for a long time.    


What was this?    


What is this?    


Let me choose a mountain and slap it flat?    


"How is it? Is it powerful?"    


Lo Qingcheng had a proud expression and was waiting for Alice to praise her. But in reality, it was precisely because she was powerful and excessively powerful that Alice could not make any normal reaction and was extremely hard to accept in her heart.    


Before coming to Jiuzhou, she, Chu Yun and Gill also saw with their own eyes the scene of the 50 million ton nuclear weapon destroying the raccoon city.    


However, in comparison, the power of the nuclear weapons seemed to have become nothing. Because when Lo Qingcheng struck out her palm, it was really too casual!    


And this was indeed not Lo Qingcheng's full strength. Otherwise, the surrounding mountains would definitely not be able to protect them. She only wanted Alice to see what the top experts of the Nine States were like when they attacked, in case she did not want Alice to see what it would be like when the top experts of the Nine States attacked. Alice was overly envious of an ordinary Myriad Stone Stage disciple.    


It was too small. It was too small!    


. . . "Sister Luo, are you a god?"    


Alice asked in a daze.    


"I think so, but I am not. "    


Lo Qingcheng sighed and then gloomily supported her chin with her hand and said, "Now, there are only two gods in the Nine Prefectures. One is Chu Yun, and the other is the elder sister Daisy that you just saw. I am only a saint and can be considered to be below the gods, second only to them. "    


As her voice fell, Alice keenly caught the meaning in her words and asked, "Chu Yun is a god. . . Is his strength stronger than Sister Luo?"    


"Of course. . . "    


Lo Qingcheng had a strange expression as she looked at Alice and said, "I don't know what he said to you, but the truth is that not only is he stronger than me and Daisy , he is even stronger than all the living beings in this universe. Regardless of whether it is the current space-time or the past space-time, it is all like this.    


It is also because he is too strong, so strong that he can defeat Devil God Emperor. That is why we have the chance to use Shikong Divine Hall to save those destroyed worlds. Or else, the entire universe will be devoured by Devil God Emperor. "    


Alice couldn't help but become silent when she heard this. She was very shocked by this. In her impression, Chu Yun was a very mysterious, powerful, and amiable man. Although she had already seen all kinds of incredible things about him, who would have thought that he was actually the most powerful existence in the entire universe?    


. . . "Did something happen?"    


At this time, Lo Qingcheng, who was originally smiling, suddenly reached out and pressed on the spatial mark beside her ear. After hearing Chu Yun's voice from inside, she immediately became more serious and said, "Okay, I understand. "    


Alice immediately looked at her and said, "Sister Luo, what happened?"    


"Among the first batch of challengers, someone failed. "    


Lo Qingcheng let out a soft sigh and looked at Alice and said, "You should know what it means to fail in the process of reversing time and space. "    




Alice nodded. Chu Yun had told her that failure was equivalent to death.    


"Let's go back and take a look. "    


Lo Qingcheng grabbed her small hand and flew back to the Fukong Island with her. They arrived at the Qingluan Peak.    


At this moment, Chu Yun was in the Shikong Divine Hall. He looked at the sixty-two figures who had disappeared from the seat. There was only a brush left on the spot. It was the proof that the young challenger had used to travel back in time.    


In the process of retracing time and space, the trial challenger's body would be sealed in time and space, unable to be touched or affected by anything in the outside world.    


If the trial succeeded and their consciousness returned to their original bodies, then their sealed state would be removed. But if the trial failed and their consciousness was erased, then their space-time seals would completely distort and collapse, not even leaving behind corpses.    


Among the sixty-two people who participated in the trial in the first batch, the first one to undergo a change was the first one. There were only three people. Besides the challenger who had lost his physical body, two other people had successfully removed their seals and came to Chu Yun's side.    


One of them was the old Saint with a head full of white hair, but his face was filled with joy and satisfaction. The other was Chu Yun's good disciple, Yang Jian.    


"Congratulations to all of you for saving a world. "    


Chu Yun smiled at them, and then he heard the system notification in his mind.    


Ding ~    


World KJS76786576, the progress of the world has changed.    


[World Process of the world has changed]    


You can transmit your power to those two worlds to help them complete the space-time seal.    




When the notification sounded, Chu Yun naturally completed the seal on the world barriers of those two worlds immediately and completely completed the final step of his plan to save the world.    


Outside of the unknown void of the universe, the feeling of a huge loss of life force appeared on Devil God Emperor's body once again, and twice in a row. This caused the most terrifying existence in the universe to be unable to calm down even after cursing his mother for a long time.    


Truly. . .    


This dog life, I wonder if there's still a head left? It's not over!    


"Those two worlds have been saved because of you. Now, you are the saviors who have saved the world once, but unfortunately, not all the participants can succeed in the end. . . "    


Chu Yun looked at the two of them and nodded at Yang Jian with a gratified look in his eyes. Then, he couldn't help but sigh softly.    


When the two of them heard this, the joyful expressions on their faces faded slightly. They looked at the spot where Chu Yun was looking at and saw that the originally existing projection of the trial challenger had disappeared. The only thing left on the spot was a brush that had returned to its normal state. This meant that the Time Backtrack had ended and that the trial had failed.    


"Did he fail. . . ?"    


Yang Jian's heart tightened. He had just experienced saving. He knew that this wasn't as simple as an individual's failure. The failure of a trial challenger represented the destruction of an entire world. He looked up at Chu Yun and asked, "Master, what should we do with this world? Is it impossible to save it?"    


"There is. "    


Chu Yun exhaled slowly and said, "An item can only be used twice in time. Therefore, the world that this item represents still has a second chance to be saved. "    


"I'll go!"    


Yang Jian did not hesitate and recommended himself.    


On the other side, the old Saint also looked at Chu Yun. They were all very responsible people and understood the meaning of this last chance.    


"There's no need. "    


Chu Yun smiled and shook his head. He said, "I will personally go to any world that has failed the trial once to ensure that nothing goes wrong. "    


After saying that, Yang Jian and the old Saint looked at each other and did not argue anymore.    


Indeed, they did not fear responsibility, burdens, and death.    


However. . .    


Compared to personal factors, the most important thing was to save the world that only had one chance left. If Chu Yun were to personally take action, there would be no one in the entire Nine States who was more suitable than him.    


Chu Yun patted Yang Jian's shoulder and said, "This time, you are going to a Fifth Grade world. After the rescue, you have already obtained 500 years of martial arts cultivation and 500 years of martial arts experience. Your realm should have improved a lot, right?"    


"Yes, Master. "    


Yang Jian nodded and said, "The First Transformation of Nirvana has been completed. You have reached the fifth level of the Second Transformation of Nirvana. The accumulation of 500 years of cultivation is really terrifying. . . "    


When Chu Yun heard this, he could not help but laugh bitterly. When he was in the Nine Transformation of Nirvana, it was not something that a mere five hundred years of martial arts cultivation could do. It could be said that it was more than five times more than that.    


However, the physique of humans could not be compared to each other. No matter how good Yang Jian's talent was, there was still a huge gap between him and Chu Yun's strength.    


Yang Jian needed a shorter time to break through to the same realm, but his combat strength was far inferior to Chu Yun's. Not only him, but also anyone who was compared to Chu Yun.    


"In that case, you will stay in Elemental Dao Spiritual Heaven Sect for the next few days. Stabilize your cultivation base after you break through. If you have time, go to the Temporal and Time Academy and tell the candidates about your experiences and insights during this trial and rescue. It should be helpful to them.    


When I return, I will bring you to comprehend the power of the Nine Great Laws. You must keep your martial arts experience for now. This will be very useful when you comprehend the power of the Laws. Do you understand? "    


Chu Yun instructed.    


When Yang Jian heard this, he immediately nodded his head to show that he understood.    


Chu Yun patted his shoulder and revealed a smile. He said, "Let's go. Let's go out first. Arrange the funeral arrangements for this challenger who has sacrificed himself heroically. We can't let the deceased hero die in an unknown manner, and we can't let the brave challengers who are still alive feel a chill in their hearts. "    


After saying that, Chu Yun brought Yang Jian and the white-haired old Saint out of the Shikong Divine Hall and came to the Qingluan Peak.    


At this moment, all the mentors of the School of Time and Space, including Zhong Wanhua and Diana, who were unable to enter the Shikong Divine Hall, had gathered here.    


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