Creation Fishing System

C491 Demon Path

C491 Demon Path

Chu Yun left the Shikong Divine Hall. The people outside were already waiting for him.    


After explaining the situation to everyone, Zhong Wanhua gathered the information about the dead trial-taker. Coincidentally, The dead trial-taker was a disciple of the Elemental Dao Spiritual Heaven Sect, his name was Liu Zhi.    


Among all the disciples of the Elemental Dao Spiritual Heaven Sect, there weren't many who had the talent to become a trial-taker, and Liu Zhi was one of them.    


His talent wasn't considered very good among all the disciples, but he had always worked hard. In the previous two rounds of trials, he had left a very good impression on the examiners.    


"What a pity, what a pity. . . "    


As the dean of the Spacetime Academy and also the sect master of the Elemental Dao Spiritual Heaven Sect, Zhong Wanhua couldn't help but sigh when he heard the news of Liu Zhi's death.    


"Inscribe Liu Zhi's name on the inauguration tablet of the Spacetime Academy so that his descendants will remember it. Take good care of his family members who are currently living in this world. There is no need to pay them a huge amount of wealth in one go, but you must ensure that they can live their lives without any worries. This is the treatment that they deserve as the family members of the victims. "    


Chu Yun also let out a soft sigh and gave the order.    


"Understood. "    


Zhong Wanhua nodded. He raised his head again and looked at the Shikong Divine Hall. There were still dozens of trial challengers there. Not only would many of them die on the path of saving the world like Liu Zhi.    


It sounded endless. But in fact, it was full of danger. One wrong step would mean death. Liu Zhi was the first, but he would never be the last.    


Everything was carried out in a hurry. In Elemental Dao Spiritual Heaven Sect, Zhong Wanhua held a simple funeral for Liu Zhi. Since there was no corpse left, he could only use the clothes he wore in his cave to make a cenotaph to comfort the undead and send him to rest in peace.    


At the funeral site, there was a sad atmosphere. Chu Yun personally attended and announced to all the preparatory cultivators in the Spacetime Academy, "The restoration of any world. There were two chances, even though Liu Zhi unfortunately fell on the road. He left this world forever, but his unfinished business. . . But it will not be destroyed along with it. I will personally go. . . Complete Liu Zhi's unfinished task.    


Save that world!"    




Chu Yun held the brush in his hand, and endless power of time and space surged within his body. It pulled his consciousness and gathered towards the distant space and time.    


The dead disciple of the Elemental Dao Spiritual Heaven Sect, Liu Zhi, was a Nirvana Stage warrior. Naturally, the level of this world was also a Fifth Grade world. It represented the highest combat strength in this world, a Fifth Grade Nirvana Stage.    


Theoretically speaking, a Nirvana Stage warrior had reached the level of martial arts. In a world that was at most a Nirvana Stage, he should be like a fish in water. It was very difficult for any mission to stop him.    


After all. . .    


The superiority of knowledge and experience allowed him to make the right choice.    


However, Chu Yun had been to the world of Resident Evil before. He knew that there was no absolute reason. He could not simply use the classification of the level of the world to judge the difficulty of saving the world.    


Just like the world of Resident Evil, which was only a low-ranked low-ranked martial world, the world with the strongest individual strength, such as Alice and the Evil God of Vengeance, were only around the Critical Stage. According to the classifications of the worlds, this was only a second-grade world.    


However, because of the existence of technology, a powerful weapon like a nuclear bomb could appear in this small Second Grade world, which was equivalent to a strike from a Seventh Grade Sovereign Stage.    


Furthermore, as a Nirvana Stage warrior, it was unknown what kind of strength Liu Zhi would be able to turn back to after coming to this world.    


At this moment, Chu Yun only hoped that no matter what, he wouldn't be able to transmigrate into an ordinary person. In a world with the combat strength of a Nirvana Stage, it was still too difficult for an ordinary person to save the world.    


His consciousness gradually had a direction to gather. Then, thousands of thoughts began to gather towards the same point. Chu Yun's consciousness had arrived in a body.    




Chu Yun opened his eyes. The light around him was dim.    


At this moment, he appeared in a tent. There were very few things inside. There was only a brazier filled with charcoal that gave off a weak heat. A simple cushion was laid on the side of the tent, making it a simple bed. Other than that, there was only a small wooden table with a brush and ink on it.    


His hand was placed on the table, one hand on the paper, and the other hand holding the brush. He was writing something vertically on the paper.    


Drip -    


The tip of the brush, which had accumulated ink for a long time, began to drip downwards. In the blank part of the paper, there was a patch of ink.    


Seeing this, Chu Yun's brows slightly twitched. He placed the brush on an inkstone by the side and his gaze fell on the paper, wanting to see what he had written.    


General Sima, please report. I have been chasing the raiders of the demon path for several days. Finally, I found traces of the demon path outside the mouth of the Qi River. It will be the sixth night of October when I launch a surprise attack on the demon path.    


However, the Demonic Dao is easy to get rid of. The refugees who have been bewitched by it are not the real bandits. I hope that General can contact the Jiqing Prefecture Office and have them prepare to accept the refugees in the prefecture city and give the innocent civilians a way out.    


The vanguard of the Raging Flame Army's Divine Wind Camp is not in the mood to pay respects.    




After reading the contents of the letter, some memories belonging to this body surfaced in Chu Yun's mind.    


It turned out that the body that the brush corresponded to was a military general.    


His name was Wuxin.    


This person was a refugee. When he was young, he was adopted by the general of the Raging Flame Army, General Sima Shuntian. He was placed in the military camp, and his name was Wuxin.    


This year was the tenth year Wuxin was adopted by the general. Due to her talent and intelligence, she practiced martial arts diligently. Her strength was top-notch in the army, and she had few enemies. As a result, General Sima appointed her as the vanguard general of the Raging Flame Army's Divine Wind Camp.    


At this moment, outside the Jiqing House, there was a demon who had bewitched the people and bewitched the people. He had brought about the rebellion of the refugees and slaughtered all the towns and villages outside the Jiqing House.    


Guardian of the Raging Flame Army went to the south, and the Jiqing Prefecture was also within the range of protection. When the Jiqing Prefecture was attacked by raiders, the government sent someone to send a message to the Raging Flame Army and ask for their help.    


However, in recent years, the world was not peaceful. There were several prefectures in the south, and there were rebels. The main force of the Raging Flame Army was held back by all sides, so General Sima Shuntian sent the Vanguard General of the Divine Wind Battalion, Wuxin, to lead a hundred elites to exterminate the raiders.    


The demon called himself the Primordial Immortal, a Daoist True God who descended to the mortal world to save the people. Since the uprising outside of the Jiqing Prefecture, it had brought along more than thirty thousand refugees.    


With one hundred people against thirty thousand people, this war would definitely be very difficult to fight. Or rather, there would be no way to fight at all.    


And the military orders did not mean that they did not have the heart to defeat the Demonic Dao's group directly. They only needed to behead the Demonic Dao.    


Because these thirty thousand refugees were originally people who kept their own lives. Perhaps some of them really believed the Demonic Dao and took the initiative to revolt, but most of them were actually affected by the war and had no choice but to follow the raiders. Otherwise, they would not have a chance to live.    


So, as long as the demonic path, the leader of the bandits, was beheaded, and these refugees lost their leader, they would collapse on their own.    


Wuxin's letter was meant to rule General Sima and Jiqing Prefecture City. They were ready to make a move and ask Jiqing Prefecture to prepare for the refugees. They had to settle them down. Otherwise, the refugees would lose their homes and start a rebellion.    


"This world is bitter. . . "    


After Chu Yun thought about it, he slowly closed his eyes and sighed.    


In Wuxin's memory, many years ago, the Great Xia Dynasty had been peaceful and peaceful, but in recent years, calamities had been happening everywhere. Civilians had turned into bandits and rebels. It was as if the world was in chaos.    


They wanted to make the people suffer and destroy the suffering of the people. This period between prosperity and death was the most painful period for the people. Countless people would lose their homes during this period of time.    




At this moment, the sound of footsteps came from outside the tent. Opening the curtain, it was a soldier in armor.    


Chu Yun looked up at the other side and said, "Is it time?"    




The soldier immediately nodded and said, "The ceremony held by the demon has ended. The refugees have all dispersed. This is the best time for us to make a move!"    


As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Yun suddenly stood up. He picked up the sheathed Long Sword and hung it on his waist. He then grabbed a silver spear by the side of the tent. He wore armor and revealed his tall and straight body. He walked out of the tent with vigorous steps.    


The soldier reported that the ceremony was an event that the demon would hold every night. Every time, two thousand refugees would participate. They would kneel on the ground and chant some spells.    


On the surface, the demonic path claimed that the purpose of the ritual was to comfort the families of the refugees and to pray for their blessings in the Underworld. However, in the eyes of Wuxin and the others, it was just a trick to fool the people.    


But. . .    


It was strange that the Demonic Path had very strict requirements for the people participating in the ceremony. Each time, there would be no more than two thousand people. Furthermore, those who had participated in the ceremony before would not be allowed to participate in the next one.    


If there was a refugee who had participated in the second ritual and concealed his identity, the Demonic Path would be able to recognize him on the spot.    


To be honest, this was also the thing that puzzled Wuxin and the others the most. After all, there were so many refugees. Two thousand people participated in the ritual every day. How could they remember to come here?    


However, the Path of Yao could remember all the refugees who participated in the ceremony every time, so that when the other party participated in the second ceremony, he would be able to find them immediately.    


Wuxin and the others chose to attack after the ritual ended because the ritual seemed to be very tiring. Every time the ritual ended, the two thousand refugees would be extremely tired, and they would almost fall asleep on the spot. The Path of Yao, on the other hand, had to stay away from the crowd and cultivate somewhere.    


When Wuxin and the others had been tracking the Demonic Path until now, they had already discovered this pattern. After the ceremony ended, the Demonic Path cultivated alone, which was the best time for them to attack.    


Chu Yun exited the tent. The nearly one hundred vanguard soldiers of the Divine Wind Battalion outside were already prepared.    


"Bring the carrier pigeon. "    


Chu Yun raised his hand, and a soldier beside him immediately stepped forward and handed the carrier pigeon to him.    


Chu Yun picked up the letter he had written to General Sima and put it into the carrier pigeon was tied up in. He then released the carrier pigeon and asked it to send the message.    


In an era where communication was weak, messenger birds were already a very safe, convenient, and fast way of sending messages.    


The principle was to make use of the carrier pigeon's instinct to return to its nest. Before the army set off, it would take the carrier pigeon from the headquarters of the military camp. When it needed to send a letter, it would release the carrier pigeon and fly back to its nest. At the same time, it would bring back the letter it needed.    


"Everyone, we have found out where the demon will go after the ceremony every day. At the back of the mountain, in a cave. He doesn't like people following him when he is cultivating. So the guards of the refugees will be very weak. Your main duty is. . . To be on guard for me, to guard the surrounding areas of the cave. Don't let the refugees come close, and the task of killing the thieves. . . Leave it to me. "    


Chu Yun looked around and whispered to the soldiers of the Divine Wind Battalion.    


"Yes, General!"    


The soldiers cupped their fists and bowed. They had no meaning to Chu Yun's plan. Everyone knew that although General Wuxin was young and not yet twenty years old, he was already the strongest man in the Divine Wind Battalion and even the entire Raging Flame Army.    


He would do it. The demon would only die in the cave.    


"Let's go!"    


Chu Yun did not say anything more. With an order, the 100 soldiers of the Divine Wind Battalion immediately took advantage of the darkness and headed towards the desolate mountain not far away.    


At the foot of the mountain, countless refugees cut wood and started a fire, setting up a fire. Under the pitch black night sky, the sparks of fire linked together and lit up half of the desolate mountain.    


However, although there were many people, in front of the well-trained soldiers of the Divine Wind Battalion, they were just a bunch of motley crew members. Besides having more people, they had no other advantages.    


Chu Yun led a hundred soldiers of the Divine Wind Battalion around the mountain from where the lights were weak and headed towards the back of the mountain. Soon, he connected with the spies of the Divine Wind Battalion.    


"How's the situation?"    


Chu Yun asked.    


"General, it's still the same as before. After the ceremony ended, the demon went to the cave in the back mountain to cultivate by himself. "    


The spy immediately told Chu Yun about what he saw with his own eyes.    


"Alright, spread out along the way and pull the cordon. Don't let anyone get close. I'll go and kill the enemy!"    


Chu Yun took a deep breath and after giving this order, the 100 God Wind Battalion soldiers beside him immediately spread out. They pulled out a cordon and hid in the dark, guarding against any refugees that might get close to the back of the mountain to prevent Chu Yun from being disturbed.    


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