Creation Fishing System

C497 The Number One Sword in the World

C497 The Number One Sword in the World

Chu Yun led the horse and walked up the mountain path that led to the Lanruo Temple. It had to be said that this temple was indeed very strange in the dark of the night.    


The fog in the forest drifted outside Orchid Temple, making it seem like a ghost land in the Underworld. Together with the wolves in the distance. The effect of the howls could be said to be excellent.    


When he arrived at the monastery's entrance, Chu Yun tied the horse to a tree and walked into the Lanruo Temple. After a few steps, he heard the sound of intense fighting rising and falling within the Lanruo Temple.    


Clang! Clang!    


The intense Sword Qi, accompanied by the sound of metal clanking, was fighting fiercely in the temple.    


In this dilapidated ancient temple, two figures held Long Swords in their hands and flew up and down, each of them deadly.    


Chu Yun raised his eyebrows, and he saw the two fighting, one green and one old.    


The young man was dressed in black and wore a black hat. His face was cold and harsh, and his sword speed was extremely fast, but it was always too impetuous.    


As for the old man, he seemed to be in his fifties. His forehead was full and full. He had thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a thick beard. He wore grey cloth clothes, and there was a wine gourd tied around his waist.    


It was worth mentioning that the bearded man was fast and steady. His sword attacks were fierce, and his defense was flawless. He was obviously one level higher than the black-robed youth.    


At this moment, the two of them were competing with each other in the ancient temple. The black-robed youth's every move was deadly and merciless, but he was still unable to break through the bearded man's defense.    


The bearded man had cut off his opponent's sword moves several times, and when he was about to counterattack, he had held back when he was about to take the black-robed young man's life.    


In Chu Yun's opinion, the outcome of the battle had already been decided at this stage. If it wasn't for Big Beardy holding back, the black-clothed youth would have been slit in the throat long ago.    


However, the black-clothed youth clearly didn't see that the bearded man was giving in to him. When he nervously faced the bearded man's attack and saw that his opponent was about to take his life away, but was unable to stab out that critical strike, he naturally thought that it was because the bearded man's martial arts wasn't enough that he was still lacking a level.    


Thus, with a mocking expression, he counterattacked once again. It was as if he wanted to fight with his life on the line to determine who was stronger and who was weaker. He wanted to determine life and death with the bearded man.    




The bearded man let out a sigh. Seeing that the black-clothed youth was so insensible, he did not have the patience to continue fighting with him. Suddenly, his sword broke through the black-clothed youth's defense. The sword swept past his neck, but did not cut down. Instead, it cut through the black-clothed youth's shoulder, causing blood to flow out.    


After this sword attack, the two figures finally landed on the ground, landing in the courtyard of Lan Ruo Temple. Both sides were still holding their swords, facing each other.    


Chu Yun, on the other hand, crossed his arms and watched from the side with interest.    


"Brother Xiahou, you and I have fought for seven years. You have lost for seven years, but you are quite patient. Where am I hiding? You will chase me! "    


The bearded man spoke in a deep voice.    


"Yan Crimson Afterglow, I didn't think that you would hide in Lan Ruo Temple for half a month and sharpen your sword even more!"    


Marquis Xia was unwilling to accept this as he raised his chin and said arrogantly.    




Yan Crimson Afterglow immediately shook his head and said, "You will lose because you have wasted your youth. Your ambition is too great and you do not want to advance. For the reputation of being the best sword in the world, you reveal too much. You have ulterior motives and use unpredictable moves. The fire is too great, and your moves become powerless. . . You still have a problem. You can attack fast but not inaccurate!"    


As his voice fell, The black-clothed youth opposite him already had an extremely ugly expression. His breathing was fierce and his chest rose and fell. He took a step forward and said, "I'm here to compete with you, not to listen to your preaching! You! You. . . "    


At this moment, Chu Yun by the side couldn't help but shake his head and laugh when he heard this.    


Although the laughter was not loud, the black-clothed young man, Xiahou, could hear it clearly. He immediately turned his head to look at Chu Yun.    


"Stinking brat, what are you laughing at?!"    


Xia Hou asked.    


Chu Yun shrugged his shoulders and said, "I thought of something to be happy about. . . Alright, I'm laughing at you. "    


As soon as he finished speaking, Xiahou's facial expression became even uglier. In the dark night, he sized up Chu Yun who was standing opposite of him. It was a young general wearing the armor of the Raging Flame Army.    


When Xiahou saw the standard of the armor, a trace of ruthlessness flashed across his heart. Not long ago, he had also stayed in the army. Unfortunately, he was expelled from the army because of some trivial matters. Since then, he had no good impression of those soldiers. He thought that those people were either morons who followed the rules, or sly military ruffians. He didn't like either of them. He was disgusted by them.    


At this moment, when he saw such a young general who had not even grown all his hair dare to laugh at him in front of his face, he was furious in his heart. He asked coldly, "Why are you laughing at me?"    


"It's because you don't know your own limitations. "    


Chu Yun shook his head and said, "In the sword competition just now, you looked like you were the one who laughed at me. You seemed to be fighting back and forth with this bearded man. In fact, he had many chances to take your life, but he had always held back.    


However, you couldn't see that. He had held back and treated it as a sign that he wasn't as good as you and that he was proud of himself. Why don't you think about it? Which was more difficult for the bearded man to cut open your shoulder and throat?    


Weakness is not the original sin. Weakness wasn't self-aware. Instead, it was because of it that he was arrogant and conceited. It was truly incurable.    


Since you have been defeated by Big Beardy for seven years, you should know. . . There is a big gap between the two of you. He has pointed out your problem. As his opponent, although his words were a bit unpleasant, But to be able to do this is already a kind deed. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a few years of peace and quiet if he killed you with a single sword?    


However, you didn't listen to him at all. You were still immersed in your own world, sealing off the information and useful suggestions from the outside world. You would only become weaker and weaker if you kept on talking to yourself.    


Don't talk about the world's number one sword. If you continue like this, in a few years, your swordsmanship will become more and more unorthodox. I'm afraid that you won't even be able to compare to an ordinary first-class expert. "    




As soon as he finished speaking, a trace of surprise appeared in the eyes of Yan Crimson Afterglow, who was standing opposite Xiahou.    


He did not expect that this young general would have such knowledge and discernment at such a young age. This was not an ability that anyone could possess.    


Xiahou obviously lacked such an ability, and he did not have the capacity to tolerate others. When he heard these words, he was so angry that his lungs were about to explode.    


The young man in black suddenly withdrew his sword and pointed his finger at Chu Yun, who was standing opposite of him. "How dare a brat who hasn't even grown all his hair talk nonsense in front of me?! When grandpa was roaming the world, you were still eating shit in the latrine!    


Since you belittled grandpa to the point of being worthless, then let me see what kind of ability you have! To be able to make you speak such nonsense, make your move!"    


"Brother Xiahou, this is a matter between you and me. Why do you need to vent your anger on others?"    


Yan Crimson Afterglow frowned.    


Xiahou instantly roared furiously and said, "If he dares to humiliate me like this, then consider it a matter between me and him! Yan Crimson Afterglow, don't meddle in other people's business!"    


These words were also said with a stern expression but with a snitch on the inside. Here, in front of Yan Crimson Afterglow. If Yan Crimson Afterglow didn't want him to deal with Chu Yun, then he was afraid that he really wouldn't be able to fight this battle.    


With Yan Crimson Afterglow's protection, Xiahou would not be able to harm that stinky brat in the slightest.    


However. . .    


Chu Yun shrugged his shoulders and said, "If he wants to fight, then come. Let him recognize reality earlier. It's also a good thing to him too, so as to avoid living in his own world all day long. "    


When Xiahou heard this, he became even angrier. However, he didn't say anything more to Chu Yun. Immediately, he circulated his strength under his feet and flew towards Chu Yun. With incredible speed, he slashed out with his sword.    




The tip of the sword was slashed at a rapid speed. Under the dark night sky, it drew a bright sword arc and swept towards Chu Yun's neck. It was indeed very fast. With his early Myriad Stone Stage cultivation base, the speed of this sword slash was comparable to a Peak of Myriad Stone Stage.    


When Chu Yun saw this, his facial expression didn't change at all. He didn't even have the intention to draw his sword. In order to deal with such an opponent, there was no need for him to use his sword.    


Therefore, Chu Yun kicked with his leg. The silver spear that was placed beside him had already fallen into his hand. After that, he shook his Spear Edge and thrust it forward.    




A violent metallic clanging sound was heard. The Spear Edge collided with the blade of the sword and stirred up a violent force. By the time it reached Chu Yun's hand, it had already caused his hand to become slightly numb. On the other hand, Xiahou, who was opposite him, was also shaken until he somersaulted in midair and landed on the ground due to the rebounding force of the spear.    


However, both of them had withstood the rebounding force. On the surface, Xiahou had borrowed the force of the somersault to disperse the force even faster. However, in reality, Chu Yun had tightly gripped the spear with both hands. With just a twist of his waist, the force was transmitted to the ground beneath his feet.    


With two cracking sounds, the stone tiles under Chu Yun's feet cracked open. Chu Yun, on the other hand, had already moved forward quickly and swept the pole of the spear out.    


. . . "What?!"    


Xiahou's expression changed. He did not expect Chu Yun to be able to counter attack so quickly.    


He had just landed on the ground with a somersault, but his feet were still unstable. He faced Chu Yun, who was swinging his long spear like a stick, and could only raise his Long Sword to block in front of his chest.    




This spear heavily smashed onto Xiahou's sword body. It was a force that was almost a hundred jin heavy. It was very difficult to block it with a horizontal sword move.    


Thus, the spear pressed down on Xiahou's sword body and heavily smashed into his chest. Under the immense force, it hit Xiahou's protective inner energy.    




Xiahou coughed dryly. His chest was hit heavily. For a moment, his breathing became extremely depressed and he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.    


He had suffered such a heavy injury just as they had exchanged blows. Logically speaking, he had already lost. Moreover, he had lost more than just a little bit, but Xiahou was not someone who was brave enough to admit defeat.    


Ever since he had lost to Yan Crimson Afterglow for the first time, Xiahou had discovered one of his trump cards. No matter what, as long as he dared to put his life on the line, he would always be able to unleash new potential and create opportunities for himself.    


Therefore, in these seven years, almost every time he made a move, he would put his life on the line with Yan Crimson Afterglow and fight with his life on the line. Now that he was facing Chu Yun, he was going to use this move as well.    


But. . .    


When Chu Yun saw him draw his sword and counterattack without any hesitation, wanting to exchange injuries with his life in exchange for his life, he couldn't help but shake his head in his heart.    


It was obvious that this old good person, Yan Crimson Afterglow, had spoiled Xiahou. Every time Xiahou was going to use this method of fighting with his life on the line, Yan Crimson Afterglow would definitely not kill him. He could not really exchange injury for injury with Xiahou either. That was why he chose to retreat. That was why Xiahou felt that every time he fought with his life on the line, it would be useful.    


But in reality. . .    


It was just that he had made use of Yan Crimson Afterglow's kind personality and could not bear to really kill him.    


As for Chu Yun, he naturally would not spoil him like this.    


Seeing Xiahou pull out the Long Sword, giving up on defending and turning to exchange injuries with Chu Yun, Chu Yun smiled coldly. The steel spear in his hand suddenly fell down once again, smashing heavily on Xiahou's chest, causing him to be smashed to the ground before he could even approach Chu Yun and threaten him.    




With a dull thud, Xiahou's body was smashed to the ground, sinking into the ground on the spot. The surrounding limestone bricks were smashed into pieces, and with his body as the center, they spread out like a spider web.    


This strike had directly broken a few bones in Xiahou's chest. If Chu Yun had used a little more strength, it would have been enough to kill him on the spot. However, Chu Yun was not a bloodthirsty person, and he had only severely injured Xiahou here.    


At this moment, Xiahou coughed out a few mouthfuls of blood. His aura was extremely weak, and his eyes were staring blankly at the sky. It was obvious that he had been beaten senseless.    


Thinking of Xiahou's entire life. . . He had used the sword in his hand to make a name for himself as the number one sword in the world.    


Before he met Yan Crimson Afterglow, Xiahou had been undefeated for many years. After losing to Yan Crimson Afterglow, he was not willing to give up. He chased Yan Crimson Afterglow for seven years and also lost for seven years.    


He originally thought that Yan Crimson Afterglow was the most difficult mountain in his life to cross, but who would have thought that in this desolate wilderness, in a small, run-down temple, another person who could see him defeat actually appeared.    


What Xiahou found most unacceptable was that the other party was actually just a brat who had yet to dry up, and he was even the most hated person in the army in his entire life. . .    




Xiahou roared furiously. He clenched his fists and punched the ground, and he became furious.    


Chu Yun glanced at him and slowly looked away. He turned around and paid no more attention to him. People like him were headstrong and self-centered. They looked at the peaks that they had once reached and forgot everything. They were immersed in the glory of the past. They did not want to listen to anything and did not want to see anything.    


The higher one's martial arts, the lower one's mind would be. When one grew to this day, one would only be a giant baby.    


He put away his spear and turned around to leave.    


Behind Chu Yun, Xiahou crawled up from the pit while trembling. His eyes were blood-red, and he stared furiously at Chu Yun's back. He suddenly grabbed the Long Sword that he had thrown on the ground. Without saying a word, he suddenly stood up and stabbed at the vital spot on Chu Yun's back. He had actually launched a sneak attack!    


. . . "Be careful!"    


On the other side, Yan Hongyuan's expression changed. He had been surprised by Chu Yun's strength a moment ago, but he had never expected that Xiahou would use such a despicable method to launch a sneak attack on the victor after his defeat. He wanted to help, but the distance was too far. It was too late.    


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