Creation Fishing System

C543 The Situation

C543 The Situation

Chu Yun looked at the excited Spider-Man and asked, "Do you really want to go to the Avenger base?"    


"Of course!"    


Peter Parker said in a matter-of-fact tone, "What else is more cool than joining the Avengers? They are saving the world, bro! "    


After he said that, Chu Yun showed a faint smile and followed Peter Parker out of the street. Not long after they left, police cars came whistling. When they arrived at the scene and saw Peter Parker, they all gave him a thumbs up.    


"Thank you, Spider Boy!"    


A white police officer shouted.    


"No need to thank me, because that wasn't my help. . . "    


Peter Parker spread his hands honestly, then added in a rather caring manner: "Also, my name is Spider-Man, not Spider Boy!"    


Judging from the voice, The warm-hearted Mr. Spider-Man in front of him was obviously not very old. He looked like he was still in junior high school, and there was a trace of tenderness in his voice.    


As soon as he finished speaking, friendly laughter sounded from all around. The policemen then rushed into the gold store, locking down the scene and controlling the situation.    


Not long after, Peter Parker brought Chu Yun to a square near a park. It was also at this moment that a plane quickly flew over from the distant horizon and landed on the square.    


"It's here to pick us up!"    


Peter Parker let out a wow, then he waved his spider web and headed towards the center of the square. Chu Yun saw this and immediately followed.    


Very quickly, the jet transport aircraft stopped not far from the ground. The surrounding sparse people immediately moved aside and used their phones to record the video.    


Although Spiderman and the transport were not unfamiliar in the eyes of the NY citizens, this city was so big that there were very few people who had actually seen it with their own eyes. It was only natural for them to take a photo.    


"Come on up, let's go to the headquarters!"    


Peter Parker jumped lightly and easily jumped onto the cabin door of the transport. He was about five or six meters from the ground. Then he turned his head and looked at Chu Yun below. As if he suddenly remembered something, he said, "Uh, if you don't mind, I can use the spider silk to pull you up. . . "    


Before he could finish speaking, he saw Chu Yun below also jump lightly and directly onto the cabin door. His movements were so relaxed that it was as if he had crossed a flight of stairs, without any pressure at all.    




Peter Parker exclaimed, "Brother, your jumping ability is really strong. It seems that your ability is not only good at shooting, but your physical fitness is also much better than ordinary people. . . . Other than Miss Alice, I have never seen a few challengers. Are all of you like this?"    


"I am not sure about the others. "    


Chu Yun shook his head and walked into the cabin. He sat down on a chair and looked at Peter Parker across from him. He asked with a smile, "Can you tell me about the situation in this world? I'm new here and I don't know many things. I'm a bit confused when it comes to reasoning. "    


"No problem! That's why you asked the right person!"    


Peter Parker sat opposite Chu Yun and opened his mouth like a machine gun firing. It really made Chu Yun realize what it meant to ask the right person.    


"Five years ago, on the 24th of September, there was a change on Earth for the first time. A huge continent plate appeared out of thin air on the periphery of Earth. It was a situation where there were no signs before, but suddenly, it appeared and attracted the attention of the whole world.    


Scientists from all over the world sent out teams to explore the continent. As a result, they discovered a ruined civilization ruin. There were many buildings and cities on it, but no one, no life, as if all of them had disappeared.    


After that, almost every few days, there would be some new continent plates appearing out of thin air on the periphery of Earth. Some even appeared on Earth and suddenly appeared from the ocean.    


However, among them, without exception, all of them were relics with no signs of life activity. There were traces of civilization on them, but not a single person lived in that civilization.    


Mr. Tony said that it was a special phenomenon in the multiverse that the multiverse had integrated. It referred to countless worlds that had fused with our world in a distorted form, but no one knew where those people had gone.    


Then, on November 10th, the first participant appeared in this world. Or rather, it was the first person to be discovered by the public.    


The venue was at the television station. At that time, there was a live broadcast of the news. Suddenly, the space in the studio distorted, and a figure appeared out of thin air in the studio. Just like the sudden appearance of the continent plates, it was seen by the audience all over the world.    


And this person is Miss Alice. "    




After Chu Yun heard this long narration, a strange expression appeared on his face, and he said, "Then she is really. . . Very lucky to actually appear in this kind of place. "    


"Isn't that so?"    


Peter Parker said, "Later on, according to Professor Bennet's research, the appearance of challengers was the same as the continent. They were all completely random. When they came to this world, It was completely possible that they would appear anywhere, but Miss Alice just happened to appear at the live broadcast of the television station. To be honest, it was a little too much of a coincidence, but. . . It was also thanks to her appearance and cooperation that we were familiar with the trial-takers. "    


As he spoke, Peter Parker looked at Chu Yun. He said, "Through Miss Alice's introduction, we learned that. . . It turns out that all the trial-takers came from outside of our world. Because of some unknown change in the universe, they left their homes. Disappeared from the original world, they appeared in a trial space filled with danger. When they opened up those dangerous spaces, they finally arrived in our world. "    


" Got it "    


Chu Yun nodded, then exhaled slowly and asked. "Then, what is the attitude of all the countries on Earth and the Avengers towards the trial-takers?"    


"In principle, Earth welcomes the good-hearted trial-takers to come to this world. As long as they are willing to abide by the rules of this world, they can become a part of this world"    


Peter Parker said: "Every cultivator who can come to this world has strength that surpasses ordinary people. If they are willing to do their best to protect Earth, then of course it would be better. Whether it is the countries or the Avengers, they are all very welcoming of the cultivators' participation.    


After all. . .    


The current Earth is not safe. Outside the starry sky, it is full of danger. The more people there are, the more strength there is. We need the trial-takers' strength and support very much. "    


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