Eternal Sovereign





Chen Yi was just a normal warrior and his Sea of Consciousness hadn't fully opened yet. Usually, it was in a closed state, but at this moment, streams of colorful lights rushed into his Sea of Consciousness.    


Chen Yi let out a grunt as blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth. He only felt waves of dizziness assaulting his head before he fainted.    


After an unknown amount of time, Chen Yi rubbed his head and got up, cursing silently: "It's just a system, is there a need to be like this?"    


Just now, Chen Yi truly felt like his head was about to explode.    


It was a good thing that everything was over now. Before Chen Yi could see what the system was like after it was activated, he already felt the changes.    


The pain and dizziness in his head gradually disappeared, and what replaced it was a clear-headed feeling. In fact, Chen Yi had an even stranger feeling, this feeling seemed to be like looking at a third angle. He could vaguely feel some of the surrounding situations, although it was a little blurry, but he could actually feel it.    


Not only that, the memories of his childhood suddenly appeared in his mind, the forgotten memories also resurrected.    


"My memory has improved? Or could it be that my spiritual force has increased? " Chen Yi was someone who had transmigrated, so he naturally had some guesses about his current situation.    


How similar was his current situation to releasing Mental Energy? However, those who were truly able to release their spiritual energy could clearly feel everything around them, including the movements of the leaves and leaves, the movement of the air, and the movement of the little bugs.    


As for him, he could only vaguely sense his surroundings for a few meters.    


"My spiritual force has definitely improved, or perhaps it's because the system has undergone a qualitative change. However, this qualitative change is not enough to allow my spiritual force to be completely released, forming the legendary level where the primordial spirit leaves the body." Chen Yiruo pondered.    


The improvement of his spiritual force also meant an improvement in his memory. Chen Yi believed that if he practiced martial arts now, he would be able to get started quickly.    


Above that level was not only something that could be done with one's memory, but also something that required continuous hard work and cultivation.    


"Now, let me see what exactly is this System that followed me here." Chen Yi closed his eyes and accepted the bunch of information that suddenly appeared in his mind.    


After a long while, Chen Yi opened his eyes. His eyes were filled with excitement.    


He had made the right bet. The system that came with him was indeed of great help to his martial dao.    


This so-called system was called Super Red Packet System. It was created by a supreme elder who roamed the world, and the system stored the super big boss's many treasures that had traveled through the heavens over the years. These treasures would appear as red packets.    




The red packets of the super red packets system were all attached to various items in this world in a special way. He had to search for them one by one, using the super red packets system's scan to scan the items and retrieve the treasures that were attached to them. Only then could he open the red packets and obtain the treasures within.    


Furthermore, not all of the red packets were treasures. That is to say, even if one opened the red packets, it was very likely that they would be given an ordinary item.    


But no matter what, this super red packet system still allowed Chen Yi to see hope for revenge.    


This was the system's red packet search interface. In the middle of the interface, Chen Yi was standing on a white dot, and around the white dot appeared some red dots. These red dots were where the red packet was located.    


Red packets are the lowest grade red packets, and above the red packets is the orange red packet. But Chen Yi took a look, there weren't many orange packets on the search interface, only a few, and they were still very far from where he was at the white dot.    


The red packets were stored on all living things in this world using special energy. They would disappear after a period of time and be moved to other places. They were not stored on an item, but on top of that.    


The amount of time that the red packet was kept was around a month.    


The age of the orange red packet was three months.    


If Chen Yi failed to get the red packet within a month, it would disappear.    


If Chen Yi failed to get the orange red packet within three months, it would also disappear.    


He wouldn't be able to make it in three months. After all, he was just a young warrior who had just entered the Invigorated Meridian Stage, and there were not many warriors like this in the martial world, so he couldn't go too far.    


"Huh?" Chen Yi suddenly exclaimed. He found that a red dot had appeared on the white dot. The red dot and the white dot almost overlapped.    


Chen Yi suddenly stood up: "This room of mine has a red packet!"    


"Right." Chen Yi suddenly slapped his forehead. Previously, when the system opened up, it gave him quite a lot of information, including a message that in order to improve the host's development, the system would open up and give the host a novice gift, namely three red packets.    


From the looks of it, the red packet in his room was a novice gift provided by the system.    


Otherwise, how could he be so lucky? When the system was activated, a red packet appeared in his room.    


Chen Yi immediately scanned his room with the scanning interface.    


After a moment, Chen Yi's mouth twitched as he picked up his underwear. If he didn't use the scanning interface, these were just ordinary underwear.    


However, with a sweep of the interface, one could see a weak scarlet radiance shining on his underpants.    


Chen Yi's face was dark, "Why did the red packets come in?"    


Fortunately, there was no one around. After an awkward moment, Chen Yi was finally filled with excitement.    


So what if it's a red packet? What he wanted to open was a red packet, not underwear.    


The scanning interface scanned the red packet. The red blob of light on his inner pants had already disappeared. Replacing it was a red blob on the scanning interface, flickering with a weak red light.    


The red blob of light was divided into three levels: elementary, intermediate, and advanced.    


Beginner red packet, the chances of obtaining a red treasure were 10%. The remaining 90% were all useless items.    


Intermediate red packet had a 20% chance of obtaining a red treasure, and a 1% chance of obtaining an orange ranked treasure.    


A high-grade red packet had a 30% chance of obtaining a red treasure, another 2% chance of obtaining an orange ranked treasure, and another 1% chance of obtaining a yellow-ranked treasure.    


It flickered with a weak scarlet light. That is to say, the red and white bag that Chen Yi swept out was an elementary red packet. The probability of obtaining the red treasure was only 10%, and the remaining 90% was not going to get anything good.    


Chen Yi used his scanning interface to scan every corner of the room. Finally, he scanned two red packets on a ceramic vase and a wall sticker.    


The red packet on the porcelain bottle was an intermediate red packet, and the red packet on the wall was an advanced red packet.    


"I hope these three red packets will drop something good." Chen Yi muttered.    


Then, Chen Yi was slightly excited as he prepared to open the red packet.    


The first thing Chen Yi clicked on was the beginner red packet. He reached out his hand towards the red packet that appeared on the scanning interface. The next moment, he opened the red packet and a faint red light flew out, landing in Chen Yi's hand.    


"So smelly!" Before Chen Yi could see anything, a strong stench of feet hit him and Chen Yi subconsciously threw the item in his hand.    


Chen Yi rubbed his nose fiercely and looked towards the direction of the stench. However, Chen Yi's face instantly darkened.    


It was a pair of socks!    


Big red silk stockings!    


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