Eternal Sovereign



After the Heavenly Pride s of Heavenly Superb Alliance left, the rest of the Heavenly Pride s went forward to congratulate. Chen Hongfei and the others did not have to worry about it, as they recognized each other. However, there were a few people that Chen Yi did not know, so they came over to congratulate him.    


When people who didn't know anything came here, they would think that these people were familiar with Chen Yi.    


Chen Yi was a bit helpless, but he didn't try to chase them away with a cold face.    


One more friend and one more path. In a situation where there was no conflict of interest, there was no need to offend others.    


Chen Yi understood in his heart that the [Heavenly Superb Alliance] was the strongest power on the Heavenly Pride. These people only wanted to become friends with him after seeing that he was protected by the [Heavenly Superb Alliance].    


Who knows? Maybe after a few years, he would be able to use this friendship to join [Heavenly Superb Alliance].    


Even Chen Yuyu and Chen Haobo let go of their modesty, but Chen Boxue couldn't let go of his face. Although he had given up on fighting Chen Yi and admitted that he was far from Chen Yi, he couldn't do anything about it even if he had to befriend Chen Yi.    


Chen Boxue blushed when he thought about how he and Wu Junzi felt that he was very good.    


Compared to Chen Yi's current strength, killing him in an instant wasn't a problem.    


Chen Boxue was only embarrassed, but Chen Haoyan was unwilling. He coldly snorted and then turned around and disappeared.    


Chen Feiming sighed. He really shouldn't have been bewitched by the [Nine Heavens Azure Thunder Pill]. He could have avoided enmity with Chen Yi, but instead...    


He only hoped that Chen Yi didn't hold a grudge now, otherwise, he would be in trouble sooner or later.    


Chen Feiming's background was not as good as Chen Haoyan's. In the current Heavenly Pride Peak, they also did not have any connections, so it was destined that they would have to stay low-key for the next few years and not stir up trouble.    


He made up his mind that he would not provoke Chen Yi these few years. He hoped that Chen Yi would forget about him.    


There were a lot of Heavenly Pride who wanted to make friends with Chen Yi, but they quickly left one by one. They didn't stay for long to annoy Chen Yi, so no matter how intimate they were, they understood that they didn't have a good relationship with Chen Yi before, they shouldn't be too close.    


As Heavenly Pride s, their EQ was not so low. After all, they had received a very high education.    


The reason why some Heavenly Pride s have such low EQ is because they do not place you in their eyes.    


For example, if Chen Haoyan had known that Chen Yi's strength would be this strong, he wouldn't have hated Chen Yi for refusing his invitation and not telling him the secret of the Genuine Qi's transformation. In the end, he would have captured Chen Hongfei and used him to attack Chen Yi.    


It must be because of a different attitude, probably similar to a few Heavenly Pride s.    


The reason why he still couldn't bear to see Chen Yi anymore was because the two of them had already formed an enmity long ago, so he couldn't be bothered to befriend Chen Yi anymore.    


Or for example, Chen Taining, if he had not known that Chen Yi had awakened a special bloodline and killed a Shiwu Beast that was close to the peak of the third step, he might not have abandoned his pride of being a member of one of the twelve branch family.    


If he didn't know that Chen Hongfei, Chen Zishi, Chen Yumei, and Chen Yi were friends, Chen Taining might not have cared much about these three. Not to mention guiding Chen Yumei to where she was going and even introducing Chen Zishi to Chen Tian Yu.    


It was a pity that Chen Hongfei was too weak. Chen Taining wanted to recommend him, but he couldn't.    


Soon, only Chen Hongfei, Chen Zishi, Chen Yumei, and Chen Taining remained by Sun Tie's side.    


These four could be considered reliable friends after three rounds.    


Among them, Chen Hongfei and Chen Yi had the closest relationship, followed by Chen Zishi, then Chen Yumei and Chen Taining.    


Chen Yi invited the four of them into the room to talk, but none of them refused.    


The furnishings inside the house were simple. Other than bed and table, there was nothing else of use. This was only the ninth region of Heavenly Pride, the accommodation provided was naturally ordinary.    


Fortunately, the few of them did not mind. They knew that they would soon leave this place one by one.    


Although Chen Hongfei was weak, he had a brother. His brother's current strength was not any weaker than Chen Yingji's.    


With the protection of this elder brother, Chen Hongfei had a place to stand even in the first few districts.    


Chen Taining waved his sleeve and a few bottles of Spirit Wine appeared on the table. They were not of low quality and were suitable for several people to consume.    


After the spirit wine was consumed, the atmosphere soon became joyous. Chen Zishi and the others, who could not be considered familiar with each other, also grew closer.    


After a round of drinking, Chen Taining and the others left.    


Before leaving, Chen Taining reminded, "Chen Yi, you severely injured Chen Yingji, so you must have offended the [Greencloud Association]. Even though you have joined the [Heavenly Superb Alliance], it is impossible for the [Heavenly Superb Alliance] to constantly protect you. Furthermore, even though the [Heavenly Superb Alliance] can intimidate most people, it will not be able to intimidate the eighty-one people on the Heavenly Pride peak. "    


"[Greencloud Association] is one of the eighty-one people, if he makes a move, the top expert or even vice president of [Heavenly Superb Alliance] can make a move to protect you."    


"It is true that [Heavenly Superb Alliance] values you, but it is unlikely that they would send such an expert to protect you closely. Therefore, before you have the power to fight against [Greencloud Association] 's chief, you should keep a low profile for the next few years."    


"With your talent, I believe you won't need to be afraid of that [Greencloud Association] chief in a few years."    


Chen Yi nodded with a serious expression: "Don't worry, I got it."    


After Chen Taining and the others left, Chen Yi returned to his room and sat on his bed.    


He sighed. As expected, once his background was exposed, many troubles would come knocking on his door.    


Chen Taining did not know about the relationship between Chen Yi and Chen Yu, so he did not think that an expert like the [Heavenly Superb Alliance] 's deputy chief would take action, but Chen Yi knew that if the [Greencloud Association]' s chief really took action against him, with the relationship of Chen Yu, the [Heavenly Superb Alliance] 's corresponding expert would definitely take action.    


However, there was one thing Chen Taining was right. Even though Chen Yu had instructed his [Heavenly Superb Alliance], [Heavenly Superb Alliance] could not always protect him. He still needed to have sufficient strength to protect himself as soon as possible.    


"Perhaps it will be enough after the Yuan Spring has been baptized." Chen Yi squinted his eyes.    


The baptism of Yuan Spring s would be a qualitative change to him!    


Ever since his [Pure Yang Spell] levelled up to the third stage, the effect of Chen Yi's Genuine Qi Refinement had far surpassed that of the time when he was at the second stage.    


By the time he left the Shiwu Island, Chen Yi's Genuine Qi quality had already reached the top-notch.    


However, in the few days since he returned and in the two days at home, Chen Yi's Genuine Qi s were on the verge of breaking through to the quasi-high quality!    


The terrifying efficiency of the third stage of the [Pure Yang Spell] was evident.    


Chen Yi estimated that only after the Genuine Qi transforms to Exquisite quality would it slow down, but it wouldn't be too slow. It would only take a month or two before it reaches the peak of Exquisite quality.    


Only when he reached the Flawless rank would he encounter difficulties.    


Not to mention the Pure Yang Sword later.    


The flawless and pure Yang Genuine Qi would become Chen Yi's Genuine Qi's two major obstacles in the process of transformation.    


However, once it transformed, the increase in its strength would also be shocking.    


For example, once a pure Yang Genuine Qi was ranked as a profound practitioner, with a casual palm strike, the strength of the Genuine Qi would be equivalent to that of an ordinary profound practitioner at the seventh or eighth level of the Body Refinement Realm.    


Its ability to jump levels was extremely terrifying.    


In a short period of time, Chen Yi naturally could not reach the two levels of a flawless and a pure Yang Genuine Qi. But after going through the baptism of the Yuan Spring, Chen Yi was completely confident that he could transform a Genuine Qi into a top-grade Genuine Qi.    


He believed that with so many Heavenly Pride on the Heavenly Pride Peak, there might not be a few who managed to transform their Genuine Qi into top-grade profound beasts.    


He had asked Fool Uncle before, and Fool Uncle had only transformed his Genuine Qi into the highest quality Genuine Qi when he was close to the perfection-stage of the Circulation Stage.    


Could it be that the Heavenly Pride of the current Heavenly Pride Peak can compare to Fool Uncle of the past?    


At most, it would be of the highest quality.    




In the first area of Heavenly Pride Peak, the sound of flowing water could be heard.    


Within an ancient looking villa.    


A young man who looked to be around twenty-four to twenty-five years old looked at Chen Yingji who was lying on the bed with a pale face. His name was Chen Hanbas, and he was the person who handled matters normally in [Greencloud Association], and also the deputy chief of the [Greencloud Association] alliance.    


"Bastard!" What a rookie, to be so arrogant and not put us in your eyes! " Chen Hanji slammed his hand on the table, causing the table to shatter into pieces.    


Middle stage of the Circulation Stage, the terrifying aura of four cycles filled the entire room.    


Chen Yingji's body was full of burn marks. It was extremely horrifying, even his face looked ruined.    


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