Soldier King's Love Affairs In City

C159 Revenge of the Ghost Warriors(part I)

C159 Revenge of the Ghost Warriors(part I)

At this moment, a middle-aged woman with an amiable appearance walked over. Smiling at Liu Xuan, she said, "Fortunately, you called in advance. Otherwise, there really wouldn't be any place available today."    


"Thank you, Aunt Liu." Liu Xuan said with a smile.    


"What's there to thank me for? It's all thanks to you guys that I often bring your classmates over. Otherwise, the restaurant would have turned yellow a long time ago." The middle-aged woman thanked Liu Xuan instead.    


"Isn't that Uncle Liu's culinary skills too good? Otherwise, no matter how many students we introduce, we wouldn't be able to hold back." Liu Xuan smiled.    


Hearing Liu Xuan's words, the middle-aged woman's face broke into a smile. He turned his gaze to Qin Yun and said, "Oh, handsome brother, you're so lucky. You're the first boy to have dinner with her. You should be her boyfriend."    


Hearing this, Liu Xuan's face immediately turned red as he hurriedly explained, "Aunt Liu, don't speak nonsense. We are just ordinary friends."    


"Ordinary friends are still holding each other's arms so tightly. Who are you trying to trick?" Aunt Liu said as she looked at Liu Xuan holding Qin Yun's arm.    


Liu Xuan was about to loosen his grip on Qin Yun's arm when Qin Yun pulled his back. "Auntie, you're right. I'm her boyfriend." Qin Yun said with a smile.    


"Take a look. I already said that my guess was correct, right? This girl is too shameless. Take a seat first, I'll go pour some water for you."    


Liu Xuan stared at Qin Yun and said, "This Aunt Liu knows quite a few of my classmates and it's even a loudspeaker. In less than three days, I'm guessing that everyone who knows me knows that I have a boyfriend."    


"What's wrong with that? It saves that Young Master Qian from coming and bothering you again. Oh right, has Young Master Qian been here before?" Qin Yun asked.    


"No, I haven't seen you since that day."    


Just as Liu Xuan held Qin Yun's hand and was about to sit down, the golden dragon ruyi bracelet on Qin Yun's wrist suddenly trembled.    


"Not good, there's danger!" Qin Yun was alarmed. He knew that this was the Golden Dragon's Ruyi Bracelet as an early warning.    


Qin Yun frowned as he looked around vigilantly. However, he did not discover anything unusual.    


"What happened? Why are you suddenly so serious?" Liu Xuan asked doubtfully.    


"Nothing, I suddenly thought of something today, I'll send you back first." Qin Yun was afraid that he would implicate Liu Xuan, so he said this.    


He knew that the previous attempt to assassinate the SS grade killer had failed, but this time, it was most likely them.    


"Oh, okay, then next time." Although Liu Xuan was unwilling in his heart, he knew that since they were already here, Qin Yun would not pigeon his for no reason. He definitely had something urgent.    


After saying that, Qin Yun pulled Liu Xuan's hand and walked towards the door.    


Before the two of them reached the door, with a 'shua' sound, all the lights were extinguished and the entire street sank into darkness.    


"What happened? Why did the power suddenly go out?" Liu Xuan was clearly somewhat fearful of the darkness. As he spoke, the arm he held Qin Yun's arm tightened.    


"I didn't expect them to cause such a ruckus this time. They actually dared to make a move in University City!" Qin Yun's heart sank. He knew that if he were to make a move here, many innocent students would definitely be injured. It seemed like he had to lure them away.    


"Let's go!" Qin Yun carried Liu Xuan by his waist and quickly ran outside.    


Although it was dark and extremely noisy, it did not affect Qin Yun's hearing or hearing in the slightest.    


With a few strides, Qin Yun charged forward and threw Liu Xuan onto the car. Maserati roared angrily and ran off in the direction of the sparsely populated area.    


Just as Qin Yun walked out of the restaurant, a few figures followed closely behind him. When they saw Qin Yun get on the car and flee, those figures immediately stopped a Mercedes-Benz in the middle of the road.    


"You all are f * cking courting death! What if I crash into you and kill you all!?" The Mercedes-Benz driver stuck his head out the window and cursed at the people who had stopped him.    


"Eight!" One of the red-clothed men cursed angrily. His body flashed and appeared next to the Mercedes-Benz. With a "kacha" sound, a fist landed on the Mercedes-Benz driver's face.    


Due to his great strength, a single punch was able to shatter the driver's skull. He didn't even have time to scream before his seven orifices bled and he died on the spot.    


The man in red opened the car door and pulled out the corpse of the driver, tossing it onto the street.    


With a wave of his hand, the few of them quickly got into the car and gave chase in the direction that Qin Yun had disappeared in.    


"Qin Yun, what happened?" Liu Xuan sat beside Qin Yun and asked when he saw his serious expression.    


"From now on, no matter what you see, you can't tell anyone. Do you hear me?" Qin Yun answered with a deep voice.    


Liu Xuan had never seen Qin Yun be this serious. She knew that something might happen and nodded obediently.    


At this moment, Qin Yun saw a Mercedes-Benz behind him with its headlights on. It was quickly catching up.    


"So it was just a car." Qin Yun thought to himself as he suddenly accelerated, leaving the Mercedes-Benz far behind.    


"Eight!" The red-clothed man in the Mercedes-Benz cursed angrily. He had already reached his fastest speed. Although he was still unable to catch up to Qin Yun's Maserati, he was still in hot pursuit.    


Qin Yun appeared as though he was teasing them. Sometimes he would accelerate, sometimes he would slow down. Just as they saw Qin Yun's back, Qin Yun accelerated and vanished.    


The man in red who was driving was the head of the seven ghost soldiers. He had come on his own to kill Qin Yun and avenge his dead brother. The three people beside him were loyal to him, the team leader of Yamamoto Miche Consortium.    


"Lord Ono, it looks like Qin Yun is messing with us!" One of the team leaders beside the red ghost warrior said.    


"No matter what, I must kill him today and avenge my younger brother!" The red ghost warrior looked at Maserati, who was standing not far away, with eyes filled with hatred.    


"Hey!" The team leaders replied in unison.    


Soon, Qin Yun drove the car out of the city and stopped in front of an open area.    


"Wait for me in the car. No matter what happens, don't get out!" Qin Yun warned Liu Xuan.    


"Yes." Liu Xuan resolutely nodded his head.    


Just as Qin Yun got out of the car, the Mercedes-Benz behind him rushed over. With a squeak, it came to a halt not far from Qin Yun.    


Then, with four red-clothed ghost warriors in the lead, they walked down with katana in their hands.    


"I thought they were the SS killers with broken blades. I didn't expect them to be four East Island dogs." Qin Yun sneered disdainfully at the four people in front of him.    


"Eight!" Today, Qin Yun shall kill you and pay with my life for my dead brother! " The red-clothed ghost warrior roared at Qin Yun.    


"Your brother? I have killed so many East Island dogs, may I ask which one is your brother? " Qin Yun said with a coy smile.    


"You actually dare to insult Lord Qing Yi!" Upon hearing Qin Yun's words, the team leaders around the red-clothed ghost warrior were immediately incensed. They placed their hands on the katana and prepared to act at any moment.    


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