Soldier King's Love Affairs In City

C240 Xiao Ran's Heart

C240 Xiao Ran's Heart

Ah!" The Scarlet Tiger issued a pig-like scream as the dagger in its hand fell to the ground.    


Without waiting for the dagger to fall to the ground, Qin Yun raised his leg and kicked the dagger up. Then, with lightning speed, he grabbed the dagger.    


A golden light flashed on the dagger. "Shua!" With a "kacha" sound, it cut across the red tiger's neck.    


Chi Hu, who was screaming, instantly quieted down. His eyes widened as his other hand rubbed his neck.    


Blood spurted out and splattered all over Qin Yun's body. When Qin Yun released his grip, the tiger collapsed to the ground with a thud, turning into an ice-cold corpse.    


Qin Yun squatted down and used a dagger to cut the rope on Xiao Ran's body. He then took out the object that had been stuffed into her mouth.    


After Xiao Ran regained her freedom, she threw herself into Qin Yun's embrace and cried.    


Qin Yun caressed Xiao Ran's back and said, "Everything is fine. Everything is over."    


However, Xiao Ran continued to hold onto Qin Yun tightly. Why didn't she let go? Tang Xuan, Hou Feng, and Xiao Rong tactfully turned to leave.    


Meanwhile, Xiao Zhidi ran over to Xiao Ran's side, "Little aunt, you really worried me to death. I almost thought I wouldn't be able to see you anymore."    


Only then did Xiao Ran release Qin Yun and rise from his embrace. With lingering fear in her heart, she said, "Zhi Shuang, it's fortunate that both of you reacted fast. If I had been any later, I would have been taken away by them."    


"Now that the bad guys have been dealt with by Qin Yun, you can relax. Little Aunt, let's go home." Xiao Zhi supported Xiao Ran with her hands.    


Xiao Ran nodded slightly and gave Qin Yun a reluctant look. She wanted to say something, but she did not say it. With the support of Xiao Zhidi, she walked out of the Yangtze Restaurant.    


As soon as Xiao Ran and Xiao Zhi left, the forces of Nightmare Terror, Red Wolf Army, and Xiao Family rushed in and took care of all the corpses on the ground.    


"Tian An, tell our brothers to dig this ruin up. If I'm alive, I want to see the corpse." Qin Yun said as he looked at the ruins that suppressed Ding Yuanzheng.    


"Brothers, can we move this place away?" Tian An waved his hand and all the brothers of the Nightmare Terror swarmed over. After a short while, they cleared away the ruins and pulled out the dying Ding Yuan.    


Right now, all the bones in Ding Yuanzheng's body had been crushed. His internal organs had already been shattered, and after such a huge amount of pressure, there was basically no way he could be saved. He was only supported by a mouthful of Upper Sky Qi.    


He could only stare hatefully at Qin Yun and could not say a word.    


Qin Yun walked to his side and said lightly, "I never expected a Connate realm expert like you to be in such a situation." Qin Yun's words turned cold. "However, you do deserve death for daring to lay your hands on the Xiao family!"    


When Ding Yuan heard Qin Yun's words, his eyes were filled with despair. His eyes revealed a pleading look. He was begging Qin Yun to give him a quick death.    


"On the account that you are also an expert, I'll just give you a quick death!" A cold light flashed from the dagger in Qin Yun's hand as it stabbed into Ding Yuanzheng's chest.    


Ding Yuanzheng did not even have the strength to scream. His pupils became dull and he lost the breath of life.    


The matter regarding the Yangtze River workshop was handed over to Tang Xuan. Qin Yun immediately returned to the Xiao family …    


Country A's Adept Association Headquarters.    


Five people were seated at a long table. These five were the higher-ups of the Adept Association.    


One of them, a bald old man who was wearing a training uniform, gently wiped the katana in his hand with a towel and said: "That brat, Hong Yan, always thinks that she is invincible. This time she has lost her life."    


Another tall and skinny middle-aged man said in a deep voice, "It doesn't matter if Hong Yan dies, but how does his big brother explain it to him?"    


"Isn't his elder brother also a member of our council? "Naturally, they will know the rules of the council and won't blame us." The bald old man looked at the katana's blade edge and said.    


The remaining three people remained silent, as if they were thinking of something.    


The tall and skinny middle-aged man continued: "The most important thing is that the dragon lord's strength has already surpassed our imagination. If we allow him to grow, our relationship with China will be broken."    


"Just kill him." A short fat old man slowly said.    


"It's easy to say, but if we go to assassinate them again, it will arouse China's dissatisfaction, what do we do if they attack us?" Middle-aged man pondered.    


"We can only pay close attention to the movements of the Dragon Lord. Once he leaves the city, we will immediately have his head drop to the ground!" The bald old man suddenly waved the katana in his hand, causing the flower vase not far away to immediately break.    


After hearing what the bald old man said, the remaining four people all nodded …    


After Qin Yun returned to the Xiao family, he first went to see Xiao Zhidi's father, Xiao Chuan. Following that, he helped Zhang Luo rebuild the Xiao family.    


Time flew by quickly as the sky gradually darkened. Qin Yun was preparing to return to the room that Xiao Zhidi had prepared for him to rest.    


Just as she was about to go upstairs, Xiao Ran appeared in front of Qin Yun.    


Qin Yun smiled at Xiao Ran and said, "Why are you here so late? You must have been frightened today. Go and rest early."    


Xiao Ran did not reply. She simply looked at Qin Yun without a word, as though she was making an important decision.    


"What happened to you? Are you alright?" Qin Yun asked Xiao Ran with concern.    


"No, it's fine. I haven't really thanked you for saving me again." Xiao Ran lowered her head and said.    


The last time Xiao Ran had been captured by Yamamoto Michio was about to be tainted by Ivy, Qin Yun had appeared in time to kill Ivy and save Xiao Ran.    


"Aren't you a stranger? You're Zhibao's aunt, my aunt." Qin Yun said.    


When she heard the word 'aunt', Xiao Ran's body jolted. She gritted her teeth and said resolutely to Qin Yun, "I don't want to be your aunt! I want to be your woman. "    


When Qin Yun heard Xiao Ran's words, he was stunned at first. He stood rooted to the spot and said, "But … but …"    


Xiao Ran threw herself into Qin Yun's arms. She planned for Qin Yun's words and said firmly, "There's no 'but'. I've thought about it for a long time. I want to be your woman!"    


Qin Yun had initially liked Xiao Ran and had helped him a lot. However, after Qin Yun found out that she was Xiao Zhi's aunt, he gave up on the idea.    


He didn't expect that Xiao Ran would be so determined to help him. He held Xiao Ran tightly in his arms as well.    


Xiao Ran felt the warmth in Qin Yun's embrace and knew that it was a response from Qin Yun. She lifted her delicate face and sealed Qin Yun's mouth with her fiery hot lips.    


Qin Yun felt a softness pry at his teeth. His teeth moved slightly as the two of them clashed.    


She began to pant. The fire Qin Yun had ignited last night had ignited as a result. It was an intense response.    


Xiao Ran whispered into Qin Yun's ear, "Go to my room and take a left turn."    


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