Soldier King's Love Affairs In City

C557 Eerie Giant Tree

C557 Eerie Giant Tree

"Get out of my way!" Qin Yun's eyes turned cold as the Dragoncry Sword in his hand ignited with crimson-gold flames. It slashed at the vines that came sweeping at him.    


"Whew." With a sound, the blade of the Dragoncry Sword instantly ignited into a raging flame when it touched the vine.    


These flames were not ordinary flames. Instead, they were the South Spirit Flame contained within the fire pearl. Its temperature was extremely high, and a large portion of the vines were burnt away.    


"Creak …" Another ear-piercing scream came up. Green 'blood' flowed out of one of the vines. When that blood came in contact with the South Spirit Fire, it made a sizzling sound.    


And then, the flames slowly died down.    


"What!" Qin Yun felt a chill in his heart when he saw the scene in front of him. He never expected that the vine would be able to extinguish the South Spirit Fire in the first place.    


"Let's see how fast you can destroy it. It's better if I burn it faster than you!" Qin Yun growled as he swung the Dragoncry Sword that was burning with raging flames.    


A stream of sword Qi containing blazing flames shot out. The moment the sword Qi came into contact with the vine, it ignited with blazing flames once again.    


"Shua shua shua!" Qin Yun constantly brandished the Dragoncry Sword in his hand as he slashed out with the sword beam that contained the South Spirit Fire and ignited all the vines.    


Immediately, Qin Yun was surrounded by a sea of flames. The flames soared to the sky as countless vines were engulfed in flames.    


However, Qin Yun stared at the five towering trees that were not far away. That was because the screams came from the five gigantic trees.    


"He's here!" Qin Yun growled.    


At this moment, the entire ground began to shake. "Rumble …" One of the towering trees suddenly grew 'tall', revealing a thick, thick rhizome.    


At the same time the thick rhizome was revealed, countless dense white bones were brought out from the ground. It seemed that it had wrapped itself around its prey before burying it under his feet to provide sufficient nutrients.    


It was also wet, and it quickly extended towards the direction of the sea of fire.    


When the South Spirit Fire touched the stem of the tree, 'blood' flowed out from the stem and immediately extinguished the South Spirit Fire. In that instant, less than half of the sea of fire around Qin Yun was extinguished.    


"Burn!" "Fierce Dragon Battle Mark!" Qin Yun roared angrily as the Fierce Dragon Battle Tattoo in front of him lit up. A golden dragon suddenly appeared in front of him.    


The Zephyr Dragon roared and immediately transformed into crimson-gold flames that began burning incessantly around Qin Yun.    


Qin Yun roared as the Dragoncry Sword in his hand instantly coiled around a golden dragon. This golden dragon burned with scarlet golden flames and emitted waves of heat waves.    


The moment the golden dragon appeared, the 'towering' tree gave a sharp whistle. Its thick roots shot straight at Qin Yun.    


"Flame Dragon's Slash!" Qin Yun looked at the gigantic rhizome that was slapping at him. His eyes turned cold as he tightened his grip on the Dragoncry Sword and waved both of his arms.    


The crimson-gold Flame Dragon then departed from the sword, moving towards the enormous rhizome.    


Boom!" With a loud bang, the flame dragon collided with the root, causing an explosive sound. Soon after, the huge root exploded.    


The moment it exploded, green liquid splashed in all directions. When the liquid splashed onto the Flame Dragon's body, the flames on its body instantly weakened by a bit.    


However, the flame dragon didn't slow down in the slightest as it pounced towards the tree trunk of the towering tree.    


Boom!" The flame dragon collided with the tree trunk, creating a huge hole. Then, the flame dragon's body started to burn.    


"Squeak, squeak …" The towering tree kept twisting and turning, and was quickly engulfed by the Flame Dragon's flames. The surroundings temporarily quieted down, and the vines stopped moving.    


"Phew …" Qin Yun looked at the blazing gigantic tree and heaved a long sigh of relief. He thought to himself, "No wonder the journey was peaceful. So there's such a thing around."    


The giant wolf transformed into a human form as it walked over. It said to Qin Yun, "Thank you, Sage, for saving my life."    


Qin Yun did not reply. Instead, he looked at the blazing tree and said with a frown.    


"This tree must have trained to the Exquisite Spirit Realm, but there are very few trees that can cultivate spirit energy. I wonder why this thing is so powerful, could it be because of the primeval forest?"    


At this moment, there was a rustling sound from the surrounding once again, and the quietened vines started moving again.    


"This is bad!" The other trees moved too. " Hu Ji, who was at the side, looked at the other three trees with fear in her eyes.    


Looking again, he saw that there were more vines rapidly extending over.    


Qin Yun's eyes turned cold when he saw this. He said to the duo, "Take care of yourselves."    


"Yes." The two replied, then took out their weapons and began to frantically reap the incoming vines.    


Through his previous experience of killing the Tree Spirit, Qin Yun knew that destroying its trunk was equivalent to killing it.    


Qin Yun carried the Dragoncry Sword that was burning with crimson-gold flames and charged at the trunk of the three trees.    


The three gigantic trees sensed Qin Yun's threat and retracted the vines that had attacked them. They attacked Qin Yun instead.    


"Dragon God Slaughter!" The sword in Qin Yun's hand trembled as a gigantic sword beam nearly ten meters in diameter and infused with the power of the fire pearl slashed out at the vines.    


"Phew." "Swish." Wherever the sword Qi passed by, a portion of the vines would instantly burn. Those that did not burn, however, were cut off by the sword Qi's might.    


"Squeak, squeak, squeak …" Upon seeing this, the three giant trees let out ear-piercing hisses, as if they were talking about something.    


After which, the vines that had not attacked yet began to gather quickly, intertwining and intertwining together, immediately forming a wall of vines that was about seven to eight meters square and three to four meters thick, preparing to block the attack of the Dragon God Slayer.    


Boom!" With a sound, the massive sword aura of the Dragon God Slayer fiercely struck the wall of vines.    


The massive sword aura of the Dragon God's Slaughter pierced through the wall of vines, and the wall of vines began to burn fiercely.    


However, after piercing through, the Dragon God Slayer's sword energy had been reduced by more than half. "Rumble …" The three towering trees rose up from the ground, revealing their enormous rhizomes.    


"Bam!" With a sound, the Dragon God's Slaughter was smashed apart by the giant root of a towering tree.    


Although the Dragon God's Slash had dispersed, Qin Yun's body had already passed through the wall of burning vines. He was very close to the three towering trees.    


"Hu!" The massive rhizome of a gigantic tree whizzed towards Qin Yun's head with a whooshing sound.    


"You're courting death!" Qin Yun looked at the pulling roots as a cold glimmer flashed in his eyes. He raised the Dragoncry Sword in his hand.    


"Swish!" With a sound, the Dragoncry Sword split the giant rhizome in two.    


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