Soldier King's Love Affairs In City

C720 Six Legged Bladelike Chi

C720 Six Legged Bladelike Chi

"Swish!" With a sound, Qin Yun landed firmly on the top of the tree. The tree he was originally resting on collapsed.    


Qin Yun quickly hid amidst the dense foliage and looked in the direction where the tree had fallen.    


A twenty-meter tall giant gray ape appeared before his eyes. It lazily stretched its back and slowly stood up, as if it had just woken up.    


This giant ape's Cultivation was very high, it was already at the peak of the Reincarnation stage. Even if it was the Netherworld Old Ancestor, Chi Zhantian and the others, they would still not be able to win against it.    


"Roar!" A loud and clear roar came from the dense forest far away. From this roar, it was not hard to determine that the strength of the owner of the voice did not belong to the giant ape.    


The giant ape's eyes immediately flashed with anger when it heard the loud roar. It picked up a fallen tree on the ground and threw both of its arms toward the source of the roar.    


"Whoosh!" With a sound, the giant tree that weighed several tons flew out nearly a thousand meters as if it were a sandbag in the giant ape's hand.    


Qin Yun was stunned. He knew that in terms of physical toughness, he was definitely no match for the giant ape in front of him.    


Boom!" With a sound, a ray of spiritual light struck the giant tree, shattering it into pieces.    


"Aooo!" The giant ape let out a roar and ferociously charged towards the direction of the roar and the light beam.    


As the giant ape's body was extremely huge, many of the giant trees were knocked over while it was running away. However, it did not stop the ape from moving forward.    


After running for nearly a thousand meters, it suddenly stomped on the ground and leaped high into the air.    


When the giant ape leaped up, a colossal Multi Colored Tiger also leaped up and pounced towards the giant ape's jumping figure.    


Soon after, the two giant beasts started fighting.    


Qin Yun had no interest in watching the battle between them. Instead, he wanted to stay as far away from them as possible.    


However, the tree in front of him had been nearly destroyed by the giant ape. A long distance in between, the trees had collapsed. Furthermore, the location of the battle between the two behemoths happened to be the route Qin Yun had planned out earlier.    


"In that case, we can only avoid it." Qin Yun thought to himself as he prepared to go around it.    


Suddenly, he realized that he had been locked on by an aura. Qin Yun slowly turned his head and looked in the direction where the aura came from.    


He saw a huge Six Legged Bladelike Chi staring at him in the middle of a huge tree fifty meters away from him.    


The Six Legged Bladelike Chi was about four meters long, its body was slender, its body was emerald green, it had a pair of transparent wings on its back, its four limbs firmly gripped the tree trunk and its two blade-like front legs were curled up in front of its chest.    


The Six Legged Bladelike Chi's disguise could be said to be perfect. If not for Qin Yun sensing that its aura had locked onto him, he would not have noticed its existence.    


"Damn, even the Six Legged Bladelike Chi in the Four Spiritual Illusions is so abnormal." Qin Yun cursed in his heart but he did not dare to be careless. He slowly turned around as he calculated how he could eliminate the gigantic beast without alerting the other two.    


"Hiss, hiss, hiss …" The Six Legged Bladelike Chi emitted waves of low roars, but it remained motionless.    


Qin Yun knew that although the Six Legged Bladelike Chi looked slim, it possessed terrifying strength. Its attack speed was especially fast.    


"Whoosh!" With a "peng" sound, the Six Legged Bladelike Chi's body flashed as its two sharp, jagged front legs instantly opened. The surface flickered with an emerald green light as it slashed fiercely at Qin Yun.    


"So fast!" When Qin Yun saw the attack of the Six Legged Bladelike Chi, he was secretly astonished.    


With a flash of golden light, he leapt sideways towards a tree beside him and dodged the fierce attack from the Six Legged Bladelike Chi.    


"Swish!" With a sound, the tree that Qin Yun was resting on was simultaneously split apart by his sharp front legs. Following that, a green beam shot out, splitting a few trees in front of him as well.    


When Qin Yun saw this, he was even more alarmed. That was because this object had cultivated an attack similar to Saber Qi.    


"Fortunately, we didn't disturb them." Qin Yun used the corner of his eyes to look at the two gigantic beasts that were continuing to fight in the distance. He thought to himself.    


"Hiss!" When the Six Legged Bladelike Chi realized that its attack had missed, it roared. It turned its body and continued attacking at Qin Yun with a speed sharp enough to speed up.    


"Then I'll play with you." A glimmer flashed in Qin Yun's eyes as a golden beam flashed in his hand. With a flash, the Dragoncry Sword appeared in his hand.    


"Clang!" With a sound, the sharp front legs and the edge of the Dragoncry Sword fiercely clashed, emitting a clear and melodious sound of steel clashing.    


Qin Yun felt a tremendous force from the Dragoncry Sword. Not only was the Six Legged Bladelike Chi fast, its strength was not weak. From the looks of it, it was at the top of the food chain in the forest.    


When the Six Legged Bladelike Chi saw that its attack was blocked, it swung its blades horizontally and slashed down along the Dragoncry Sword once again.    


"You were attacking just now, now it's my turn!" Qin Yun roared as he exerted force with his right arm that was holding the Dragoncry Sword. A sharp sword beam instantly appeared on the blade.    




Qin Yun flung the Dragoncry Sword in his hand forcefully at the Six Legged Bladelike Chi's sharp forelegs.    


The front legs of the Six Legged Bladelike Chi were incomparably sharp, but they could not compare to the keenness of the Dragoncry Sword. Furthermore, Qin Yun's Cultivation and strength were completely superior to it.    


"Swish!" With a loud sound, the sharp sword beam instantly cut off the Six Legged Bladelike Chi's sharp, jagged front legs.    


After cutting off the Six Legged Bladelike Chi's forelegs, the Dragoncry Sword's sharpness did not stop. Instead, it continued to slash towards the Six Legged Bladelike Chi's neck.    


The Six Legged Bladelike Chi's body was split into two by the Dragoncry Sword. The life force of the Six Legged Bladelike Chi started to dissipate instantly.    


Qin Yun watched the two behemoths continue fighting and did not pay attention to the interlude. He heaved a sigh of relief. Just as he thought the battle had ended without a sound.    


"Squeak!" With a sound, the Six Legged Bladelike Chi that was about to die suddenly emitted an extremely ear-piercing screech.    


"This is bad!" Qin Yun turned pale with fright. It would be terrible if he caught the attention of the two behemoths. Without any hesitation, Qin Yun raised his sword and the Dragoncry Sword's sharp sword beam cleaved the Six Legged Bladelike Chi's head in half.    


However, the piercing strength of this scream was extremely strong. Its sound had already attracted the attention of the two distant beasts.    


"Roar!" The two beasts roared at the same time.    


They immediately stopped fighting, and the ground began to shake as well …    


"Flee!" Qin Yun did not have any time to hesitate as he quickly fled in the opposite direction from the two gigantic beasts.    


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