Clairvoyant Son-in-law

C17 Li Wenjuan Is Here

C17 Li Wenjuan Is Here

The Ultra-capable could also be called an Esper, and could be understood by the Esper in novels.    


He mastered all kinds of abilities, such as elemental, auxiliary, natural and special abilities!    


The Ultra-capable's level started with the First Palm Esper ability, -0 Ultra-capable. After that, it was respectively the Yellow, Black, Earth and Heavenly Tier 4 Ultra-capable. Each level also had a small stage of Level 0-0.    


After the Sky Rank, it was not a domain that ordinary people could touch upon. It was an overlord of a region, able to stand at the top of the world.    


The advancement of a special ability was actually the evolution of the special ability within one's body.    


White, red, orange, green and blue. These eight colors corresponded to the eight levels of the Ultra-capable.    


For example, a normal tier 1 Ultra-capable had a white, ordinary marble-like factor in its body. With every increase in level, a corresponding ___ could be added.    


This was an Ultra-capable!    


He was originally a perfect male god. Now that he was at the perfect stage, he would probably be able to reach the next level of perfection - the identity of an Ultra-capable. This caused Leng Hanling's heart to be incomparably excited.    


Mama, if time could be reversed, I would say thank you. Thank you. You've helped me seek marriage since I was young. Thank you, for letting me develop the habit of praying to Buddha, I really want to thank you.    


Leng Hanling was so excited in her heart that she urgently wanted to know Hsu Yi's level. She just stared at him without blinking.    


But, this made our Tian suffer!    


Because it was close to autumn, the weather was still very hot. The current Leng Hanling was wearing a relatively cool white shirt, and there was a knot at the bottom that revealed her snow-white belly button.    


Her lower body was a short legged cowboy, and it was about half the length of her knee.    


Because she was forced to know Hsu Yi's answer, she was closer to him. The faint jasmine fragrance mixed with the natural fragrance of the body caused Hsu Yi to be slightly intoxicated, and he began to... react.    


However, he managed to suppress it in time. If he was discovered, it would be extremely awkward.    


"Cough cough, that, can you let go first? Men and women don't seem to be related..."    


"Ah ~"    


Hsu Yi's reminder made Leng Hanling instantly come back to her senses. She took a few steps on the spot and said awkwardly, "Um, sorry about that. I got excited for a moment. I get too excited every time."    


"It's fine!"    


He waved his hand and his eyes lit up. He raised his palm and a yellow light covered his entire palm.    


"Wah, Earth Rank Ultra-capable! I didn't expect Mr Hsu to be so powerful. We will live together in the future. Please teach me generously and train me."    


Leng Hanling was like a little fangirl now, seeing stars.    


She was young and promising. At a young age, she was less than thirty years old and already had the strength of an Earth Rank Ultra-capable. Then, it seemed like she was still single. This...    


I want him! I want him! I want him! I want him! I want him! I want him! I want him! I want him to be my man!    


Leng Hanling knew that Hsu Yi was so outstanding, he definitely would not lack suitors in the future. Therefore, she wanted to take advantage of the fact that they were living in the same villa and catch up with him first.    


Then, she pretended as if nothing had happened and said, "Then Mr Hsu, we will happily decide. I will go back to work now. I will ask them to pack their luggage at night. They should be here by 8 o'clock."    


"Okay, sure. I'll prepare a small welcome ceremony for you guys. I'll make a few home cooking dishes to welcome you guys. I'll also go to the real estate company to give you a few keys. "    


"Hehe, then it's decided. We won't eat tonight, so we will try Mr Hsu's cooking."    


"Well, it's getting late. I will leave first. See you at night, Mr Hsu."    


"See you tonight!"    


After greeting each other, Leng Hanling turned around and was about to leave. However, after a few steps, she turned around to look at Hsu Yi and said, "Mr Hsu, I hope you will be pure in the future. My two best friends are very good. You can't bully them."    


"Don't worry, I am not that kind of person."    


"That's good! If you dare to bully me, even if I'm not a match for you, I will find a chance to crack your crime."    


The next moment, Hsu Yi tightened his legs. He felt like the wind was blowing on his crotch, causing his younger brother to feel cold. His heart was filled with sadness.    


As if she was very satisfied with this effect, Leng Hanling clapped her hands and left with a proud and proud look. ...    


"Oh my, are all girls nowadays so fierce? Don't you know that men can't give them blessings without brothers?"    


At this point, Hsu Yi said with an evil smile, "Well, well, well. I didn't expect her to be dishonest. She actually likes that tune..."    


A wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. It also seemed to give people a cheap feeling. Fortunately, no one was here. If he was, his image would have been completely gone.    


When he returned to the dining table, he had just picked up the cup of soybean milk that was still somewhat warm when the doorbell rang.    


Dingdong ~    


Looking at the time, it was already nine o'clock. Then, he muttered, "Oh my, I don't think I should think about eating this. Forget it, I'll just drink some soy milk. It'll save me a bit of trouble later and later. "    


Gulp. He finished the soy milk in the cup in one gulp. He took out a piece of paper and inserted it into his mouth. Then, he appeared outside the door in a flash. He was filled with excitement. However, in the next second, although he was a little disappointed, it did not matter. In any case, this was not bad!    


The person who came wasn't the so-called unfamiliar woman who rented the house, but instead...    


Lee Wenjuan!    


Hsu Yi's eyes flashed. He turned around and entered the house without looking back. At the same time, he said, "Since you are here, could it be that you still want to talk outside in a hot day?"    


It seemed that this Ya in front of him was really going all out to save money. From the looks of it, she had walked over with sweat all over her face.    


While she was hesitating, she remembered her purpose for coming here. Lee Wenjuan took off the sandals on her feet and walked into the house barefooted.    


In the living room!    


Hsu Yi spread his hands and sat on the brown leather sofa. He looked at Lee Wenjuan, who had become relaxed and cautious because of the air conditioner.    


He did not say anything and just watched quietly.    


After a long time, Hsu Yi realized that if he did not speak, it would be impossible to expect ___ to speak first. So, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Don't tell me you just want to freeload the air conditioner on my side. There's nothing else to say?"    


After struggling for a moment, Lee Wenjuan carefully asked, "Mr Hsu, what you said yesterday, is it still effective?"    


"Do you mean to invite you on this matter, or is it something else?"    


She hesitated, but Lee Wenjuan still asked, "Is it that Mr Hsu said that fifty thousand a month's salary is still effective?"    


She could not tolerate it!    


One had to know that the sales she mentioned before was only fixed at two to three thousand a month. Then, every time she received people, they would only look at the house but not buy it.    


So, for the split, it was completely unrelated to her!    


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