Clairvoyant Son-in-law

C36 Don't be Afraid

C36 Don't be Afraid

The field of Capital Ultra-capable University was a full 1,500 meters in diameter.    


One had to know that those ordinary long-distance running champions only had a few thousand, right? Now, you're giving us five hundred laps, aren't you teasing me?    


One lap fifteen hundred, ten laps fifteen thousand... five hundred laps, damn, I'm really going to die.    


"That Mr Hsu, can you... Can you be a little less? We, we can't take it! " A student couldn't help but say. At the same time, because she was a pretty good girl, she pretended to be pitiful. Her eyes were watery.    


"Oh, so it's like that ~"    


Hsu Yi straightened his face and said, "I'm a benevolent man, and I won't bully you. Then, you can run for four hundred... "    


The students heaved a sigh of relief and were extremely excited. They didn't expect Mr Hsu to be so good. He was really considerate of us at all times.    


Although it was only a drop of one hundred, it was still a drop in difficulty. They were also slightly satisfied.    


"Four hundred and ninety-nine laps!"    


However, before they could think too much, Hsu Yi's voice sounded again. The students' expressions froze there. It was so awkward and embarrassing.    


They did not think that Hsu Yi would be so insidious and scam them. It made them happy for nothing, and it made them excited for nothing.    


"Devil, inhumane!"    


All the girls complained about Hsu Yi and couldn't help but mutter. The latter's face could not help but turn red as he said, "If you keep dilly-dallying and dilly-dallying, add ten laps."    


But at this time, Liu Yifei stood up and softly asked, "That Mr Hsu, can we keep this running for now? This big sun, we, we might have heatstroke."    


Actually, there was another reason that was not mentioned. Girls love beauty and white, but running under such a big sun, their skin would definitely be black. This was a problem that couldn't be ignored for girls who love beauty.    


Because there was a towering ancient tree in the middle of the field, they were currently in the shade under the shade of the tree.    


"Oh, if that's the reason, I'm sorry, it doesn't make sense!"    


Changing the topic, Hsu Yi said, "If you can't even bear this bit of suffering, then what qualifications do you have to go there? Let me tell you, from the beginning to the end, you were just saying what you wanted to say and what you wanted to say. "    


"Of course not!"    


In an instant, it was as if their tails had been stepped on. With a flushed face, they said, "Working for Celestial Emperor is the thing that I hope the most in my life. Who would say things that are not true?"    


Feng Ling rolled her eyes and said, "Moreover, after five hundred laps, we still need to run for a little more than a day. Then, do we not need to eat? Don't we need to attend other classes?"    


" Oh, that's true. That's a problem. "    


Hsu Yi rolled his eyes and said, "That's fine. Time will be delayed a little. After the meal, I will allow you to rest for half an hour and then run.    


Of course, you don't have to worry about the other classes. I won't let your classes be dragged away. "    


With a malicious smile on his face, the students suddenly had a bad feeling. It made them tremble with fear, as if they were about to bite the hand of a tiger!    


As if he could read everyone's thoughts, Hsu Yi waved his hand and smiled. "Relax, relax, relax, don't be nervous. Why would I cheat you?"    


Why don't I believe it?    


This was what everyone was thinking, but they didn't dare to say it out loud. Because if they said it out loud, they would be the ones to suffer.    


Ring, ring, ring ~    


Before they could think too much, the bell for the end of the class rang. Hsu Yi said faintly, "Now there is only one class left, which is lunch time. When you're done eating, take the initiative to run. How many laps do you want? If I find out who leaks one lap, add ten laps. " ...    


Putong ~    


He looked around and saw a famous figure in the Ultimate Class One. The young man, who was actually a little fatty, collapsed onto the ground. He looked like he was about to cry but had no tears, almost calling him 'Mama'. It was obvious that he had planned to replace the pillar with a fake one to make up the numbers.    


He remembered that his name seemed to be Jin Sanbao.    


Teacher's office!    


When Hsu Yi arrived, Muh Yang hurriedly came forward to greet him. He poured some water and asked if he was tired, causing the surrounding atmosphere to become extremely awkward.    


"It's the second time! As far as I know, it's less than three things! If you continue to be like this, don't blame me for disregarding the relationship between my colleagues. "    


Staring at Muh Yang, Hsu Yi coldly said, scaring Muh Yang so much that he hurriedly stepped back. With a face full of resentment, he said," Tian, you are so cruel. Could it be that you have forgotten that we used to... "    




Muh Yang felt a wave of killing intent coming towards him. He was so scared that he quickly shut his mouth. Unwilling to give up, he walked towards Yeh Ze and said to himself, "Humph! My Ze is better!" He changed the topic. He grabbed Yeh Ze's arm and said as he swung it, "Ze, look. Tian is bad. He is really bad."    


He looked down at the ten fingers on his arm that were painted with nail polish. He then looked up at Muh Yang, who had a bitter look on his face. Yeh Ze's face couldn't help but turn black. However, he looked at Lee Siyu, who was looking at him with a silly and cute face not far away. He was shocked. He could only silently bury the bitterness in his heart and did not even look at Muh Yang. He continued to immerse himself in his thoughts.    


This scene caused Hsu Yi to almost be unable to hold back his laughter. However, he covered his face on the table and laughed wildly.    


After a moment, perhaps Muh Yang felt bored, but he also let go of Yeh Ze and went to do his own things. At the same time, Hsu Yi also told Yeh Ze and the others about some things that happened during the previous lesson.    


Regarding this, everyone naturally had no objections. In any case, your position was equivalent to the class teacher's position. You can do whatever you want, and we can't interfere.    


The bell for class rang once again. This class was taught by Zhao Yangning in Mandarin. Hsu Yi was so happy that he laid on the table and slept.    


After an unknown period of time, when Hsu Yi opened his eyes, he saw Lee Siyu holding her chair and sitting on the other side of his desk. She was holding her chin and blinking at him.    


He could not help but glance at her and saw Yeh Ze staring at him with a bitter expression. The meaning in his eyes was obvious, Kid, I know you have a good relationship with women. But if you dare to lay your hands on her, I will be irreconcilable with you!    


This caused Hsu Yi to reveal a helpless expression. He sighed and looked at the sky with an expression of grief and indignation: My god, I know I am very handsome, but you don't need to give me so much, right? Sooner or later, I might be squeezed dry.    


Retracting his emotions, Hsu Yi asked in puzzlement, "Siyu, what are you doing?"    


Being caught at the scene, Lee Siyu did not have the slightest blush or any other expression. She was still as adorable as before. Blinking her eyes, she said, "No. Siyu only saw Mr Hsu sleeping like he was having fun and watching."    


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