Clairvoyant Son-in-law

C121 Devil Blood

C121 Devil Blood

And that's why it's called Devil's Blood.    


He looked at the White Night Sword Spirit before him who had already lost consciousness and was left with the brutal nature of wild beasts. Hsu Yi said faintly, "You know my identity, but you are not a match for me, yet you did not surrender obediently. Instead, you are walking further and further on the path of seeking death. You are really quite awesome. "    


As he spoke, his right hand grabbed through the air. Then, no matter how much the Sword Spirit of White Night struggled, it was all captured by Hsu Yi under completely meaningless circumstances.    


He grabbed his neck. After he said those words as usual, he broke his neck bone with a 'crack'. At the same time, the Supernatural Ability was injected and destroyed all the structure of his body.    


"I hope that in your next life, you will be an ordinary person. Don't walk further and further on the road of seeking death."    


Suddenly, his palm turned red, and a huge flame ignited, turning the sword spirit into ashes in an instant. At that moment, Hsu Yi frowned, as if he had sensed something.    


"Mind control? Mind control? Bai Kaixuan, you've been careless for so many years."    


Thousands of miles away, in a small farm yard, a naked young man was whipping an enchanting woman.    


Suddenly, he trembled and looked at the sky outside the window with murderous eyes. He said in a cold voice, "Celestial Emperor, you crippled another puppet of mine. Five of them. We are irreconcilable."    


As he said that, he slapped the woman with his right hand.    


"Ah ~"    


After killing her with a single strike, he violently stabbed a corpse.    


After dealing with the bomb, Hsu Yi headed towards the Game Hall.    


As soon as he entered the Game Hall, it was unusually lively. In the blink of an eye, he saw a group of people not far away. They seemed to be looking at something.    


However, he did not step forward. Once he squeezed in, he instantly understood.    


Wasn't the culprit Muh Ximo and the other girls?    


The seven girls were at the top of the group, and they came together in groups. Naturally, it was a powerful scene that attracted the attention of many people. In addition, At this moment, they were all standing on the dancing machine. Their delicate bodies swayed as they danced with the steps.    


Such a scene naturally attracted everyone's attention.    


Especially when he saw that many young men were eager to give it a try and were about to make a move. The corners of his mouth raised, and he stepped forward directly, choosing a dance machine as well.    


"Mr Hsu."    




All the girls were excited when they saw the man, but Hsu Yi smiled and said, "Don't stop. I haven't touched this in a long time. I'll play with you guys today."    


"Hey, Mr Hsu, you know how to dance too?" It was Liu Yifei who asked the question.    


"Of course!"    


In an instant, Hsu Yi replied in a very pretentious manner, "I'm not bragging. My dance can be said to be earth-shattering. Even the Asian King Nicholas Cage was taught by me."    


When he said this, not only were the girls booing, even the audience was the same.    


Through Hsu Yi's conversation, they knew that they knew each other. Although they envied Hsu Yi for having so many beautiful women around him, when they suddenly heard this, they could not stay calm anymore.    


Damn it! Who is this guy? He can't act like this even if he pretends to be cool, right?    


Who is Nicholas Cage?    


He is the dancing king of Asia, a hybrid of three countries.    


His great-grandfather was European, and he was also the European King of Dancers in that era. His grandfather was the King of Dancers in the American era, and his father was the King of Dancers in the Asian era.    


The three generations of elders were the leaders, and Nicholas Cage was also the king of this generation.    


As expected, he did not bring shame to his ancestors. This year, he was only 21 years old, and he firmly sat on the throne of a dancer.    


But now, a young man with no name and no head dared to say that he had taught the king of dancing before. How could you be so shameless?    


Before they could complain, they saw Hsu Yi click on an explosive foreign language song. Then, under everyone's shocked gazes, he jumped up.    


This song could be said to be one of the top ten most difficult songs in the world. It was called @ @ @ # # BB47B42 @, the Chinese version of the song was called Half City Misty Rain.    


It was said that dance king Nicholas Cage also took close to a week to master it. It could be seen how difficult it was to master it.    


Soon after, they were even more shocked. Even the girls stopped in their tracks and stared at Hsu Yi with their mouths wide open.    


They saw him play the song without any mistakes, just like on the screen in front of them. Even... When he was slowly playing the pure music, he turned around and went to Muh Ximo's side. The music Muh Ximo chose jumped out.    


It was not over yet!    


He did the same thing and moved to Feng Ling's position again. He jumped right after her. He even said that he did not let the other girls go.    


Because the dance machine's mode was calculated according to the dancing speed of the dancer, after he finished dancing the girls, he returned to his own dancing machine and started to dance sharply.    


The whole place was silent, only the sound of music. They seemed to only hear the sound of their own saliva being swallowed.    




What kind of great god could do this?    


One! One person dancing eight people, even if it was the King of Dancers. That's all, right? Furthermore, he felt that even a dance king might not be able to do so? Furthermore, there was still the high-difficulty Halftyman inside!    


Very quickly, Hsu Yi finished dancing all eight songs by himself. He wiped the cold sweat off his forehead and took a deep breath. He looked at the crowd in silence. Hsu Yi smiled and said, "What's wrong? Why did you all become stupid after jumping? If that's really the case, then I'm sorry."    


What do you think?    


You still have the face to ask us what happened? Why didn't you ask yourself?    


Why did you make it so scary? If you want to jump, so be it. If you want to show off, why do you want to show off? How can you let us owe you?    


They couldn't help wondering if what Hsu Yi said was true. Had he really taught dancing kings before?    


But then, they shook their heads and denied it!    


It must be a coincidence. It must be a pure coincidence. Maybe he had put in more effort than the king of dancing to achieve this. How could he be the master of the king of dancing? Even Nicholas Cage did not say that he had a master.    


However, since this person was so 'powerful', could it be that he would be the one to sit on the throne of the King of Dancers in the next competition?    


This was the only way. They really could not think of anyone in this world who could dance better than him.    


On the other hand, the eyes of the girls were filled with excitement.    


This was Hsu Yi, their Mr Hsu.    


Not only was his martial arts extraordinary, but his dancing skills were also extraordinary. How many things in the world could stump him? Could it be that he was really a versatile genius, the real prince charming in the hearts of girls?    


Even Muh Xue was in a trance for a moment.    


"I want to challenge you!"    


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