Clairvoyant Son-in-law

C215 Auction House

C215 Auction House

Suzuki before the auction.    


After dealing with a series of trivial matters, Hsu Yi was prepared to send Ning Anmei, Ling Ruohan, and the two sisters back to Elder Ling's side in Huaxu.    


However, Ling Ruohan was unwilling. She wanted to participate in the auction and have fun. After that, she wanted to go back with Hsu Yi.    


Helpless, he could tell that the other party had already made up his mind. Hsu Yi could not force her. If he sent her back to Huaxu without permission, there would be a lot of trouble when he returned.    


Thinking of this, he held his forehead and said, "Alright, you can go, but you have to listen to me. You must not do anything reckless. If you violate my request, I don't care if you are willing or not. I will send you back to Huaxu immediately. "    


" Hehe, I know. Big brother, let's hurry up and leave. Otherwise, all the good seats will be taken away by others. "    


Ling Ruohan giggled and pulled Hsu Yi's arm as she walked towards the auction.    


"Don't worry. Our seats will not be taken away." Helpless, Hsu Yi still followed.    


The other girls also smiled bitterly and followed.    




"Hello sir, welcome to the Suzuki Auction House. May I ask if you are here because you received an invitation?" Upon entering, a receptionist dressed in red kimono stepped forward and spoke politely.    




After decisively and straightforwardly saying these two words, Hsu Yi added under the shocked expression of the welcoming lady, "You can go and flip it. It is in your VIP table. There should be someone called Hsu Yi."    


Although he was shocked, he did not ask too much because of his professional ethics. "Yes, sir. Please wait for a while. It will be done soon."    


After Hsu Yi nodded, the receptionist turned around and left.    


After a few minutes, the receptionist came over again and said even more respectfully, "Hello, Mr. Hsu Yi. Your best platinum VIP room has been prepared for you. I will now lead the way for you."    




There were different levels of VIP rooms in the Bell Wood Auction House.    


From low to high, there were three levels, Bronze, Silver and Platinum. The Platinum room was the highest, and it was also a symbol of status. No one could easily sit in it.    


This was because the Platinum box only had ten rare ones.    


Even some aristocrats could only go to the silver box.    




Inside the platinum box!    


The entire room was only about two meters tall, and it covered more than a hundred square meters. It was extremely luxurious, with beds and sofas... almost everything was there, just like a hotel presidential suite.    


In front of the sofa, there was a large piece of glass; the people inside could be outside, but the people outside... naturally couldn't see inside. It could be used to make it convenient for many wealthy and powerful people with special hobbies to auction while doing bad things.    


Next to the sofa, there was a monitor that looked like a tablet. On it were numbers in the millions or tens of millions.    


According to the receptionist, this was when the auction started. If you wanted to increase the price, just add as much as you want.    


Standing in front of the glass and looking down, there was an empty field in the middle that took up more than two hundred and twenty square meters. Surrounding it was a three-meter tall wall.    


For some reason, looking at this scene, Hsu Yi felt that this seemed to be... a colosseum, an arena, or something like that.    


On the other side of the empty field, which was also the other side of Hsu Yi's room, there was a large 'staircase' similar to the spectator stand? There were already many people sitting there, wearing earphones and holding a white plaque in their hands.    


It seemed like they were also here to participate in the auction of the Suzuki Auction House, but their identities naturally couldn't be compared to the people in their own box.    


After slightly exerting some spiritual force, Hsu Yi easily passed through the glass wall and saw his position clearly.    


This was a three-story building, and he was on the second floor, which was the right place.    


The first floor was a silver box, and the third floor was a bronze box.    


On the first floor, there was a four-meter tall foundation, which made people feel like they were in the air. However, in fact, it was convenient for people on the first floor to see the situation inside the three-meter tall wall clearly.    


Hsu Yi turned around and asked the receptionist, "I guess you have other facilities here, right? The sofa is one meter away from here. You can't let us stand here. Or bring a stool over to sit and watch, right? "    


"Of course not. You just have to sit there first."    


As he said that, he saw a remote control appear in the hands of the hostess. With a press, he saw the sofa and the short table in front of him move forward. In the blink of an eye, they were in front of the glass wall.    


At first glance, it was just right. Even leaning against the sofa, she could easily see the empty scene.    


"Well, this seems to be pretty good."    


"Mr Hsu, if there is nothing else for now, I will withdraw first. If there is anything you need, there is a remote control on the table. If you press it, someone will come over."    


Hsu Yi took a look and indeed saw the remote control with a single red button on the short table. "Well, okay. If you have something to do, go ahead. I can do whatever I want here."    




The receptionist bowed politely and left.    


"Oh, you guys take a seat. The food is free anyway, you can eat whatever you want."    


After the welcoming lady left, Hsu Yi also said to the few girls beside him.    


Lo Qingcheng and the other two girls did not think much about it. They directly sat on the long sofa in the middle and sat on the same spot as Hsu Yi.    


Only Ning Anmei and the other two sisters had a conflicted expression and did not know what to do. Ling Ruohan said, "You guys sit too. The auction is about to start, sit well ~"    


After struggling for a while, Ning Anmei also looked at Ning Anyun and nodded her head. They sat on two single chairs on the left and right side.    


Buzzing ~    


In the next second, an inexplicable sound rang out.    


Turning around, he saw that in the center of the empty field, the ground had suddenly 'collapsed' into a rectangular tunnel that was more than ten square meters in size.    


Below it, a platform rose up from the underground tunnel. It was exactly the same as the tunnel, and it was two meters tall.    


Then, the door on one side of the wall opened. A middle-aged man wearing a man's uniform and wearing modern fresh clothes, along with a young girl who was about the same age as Feng Ling, slowly walked towards the tall platform.    


The young girl was like a sparrow as she skipped behind the middle-aged man. She looked around as if this was the first time she had come to such a place. She was quite curious about everything.    


It seemed that the young girl was the assistant of the middle-aged man.    


However, if one looked carefully, one would realize or guess that the young girl's identity was greater than the middle-aged man's.    


If she was the assistant, how could she not know the rules and act recklessly? Wouldn't that be a disgrace to the Bell Wood Auction House?    


And since it was this nonsense, why didn't the middle-aged man dare to criticize the young lady?    


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