Clairvoyant Son-in-law

C350 Hidden Competition

C350 Hidden Competition

"All right! Since that's the case, there's nothing else for you. Goodbye!"    


After pondering for a while, Hsu Yi spoke leisurely. With a wave of his hand, all the people from the Yu family vanished from where they stood. It was as if they had vanished into thin air, leaving no traces behind.    


Hsu Yi walked towards the people from the Lo family. He didn't care about their worshipping and fearful gazes. He furrowed his brows slightly.    


However, he didn't make any other movements. He merely shook his right hand's five fingers slightly, and two more figures appeared on the scene. It was as if two silhouettes had appeared on the scene.    


"Father, mother!" Facing Lo Qingcheng's exclamation, the two figures were surprisingly Lo Qingcheng's parents. However, her father was in a coma, but her mother's face was haggard, as if due to some matter, her entire person was very tired.    


The sudden change in the scene and the appearance of so many of her family members stunned Lo's mother. She did not react to what had happened. Her face was filled with fear. Was it the doing of the people from the Yu family?    


However, when she saw Lo Qingcheng and Hsu Yi beside her, she couldn't help but ask in disbelief, "Qingcheng? Heavenly Emperor? You, you, are you really all?"    


Lo Qingcheng said with tears in her eyes, "Yes, it's us. Mom, Tian and I have rushed back. We are not afraid of the Yu family anymore. Dad, how is dad? "    


Speaking of this, Lo's mother was also shocked. She shed tears of excitement. She looked at Hsu Yi and said," Heavenly Emperor, I beg you, I beg you to save Tan Zhi Hao. He, he was seriously injured by Yu Despotic. Now, his life is in danger."    


Actually, there was no need for Lo's mother to speak. Hsu Yi had brought the two of them here. He was preparing to treat them. Therefore, when he heard the former's words, he did not hesitate or delay. His palm was covered with a green glow that was mixed with a golden color. He faced Luo Zhi Hao. He enveloped him.    


His whole body shone brightly.    


However, in the blink of an eye, the light dissipated. Father Luo's hand moved slightly, as if it was about to wake up.    


As expected, when Hsu Yi withdrew his hand, Father Luo's eyes trembled a few times. Finally, he opened his eyes. He looked confused and confused, as if he didn't know what had happened.    


Then, Hsu Yi walked towards Lo Beiming and said with a smile, "Grandpa Luo, I can see that there is a hidden disease in your body. It should be that you were injured at that time and were barely able to suppress it, right?"    


Lo Beiming didn't deny it. He nodded and said, "Heavenly Emperor, what you said is true. I used all my strength to suppress it. Otherwise, a mere Ethereal Powder would not have made me like this."    


"En, it's just a small injury. Bear with it for a while."    


After saying that, he raised his hand. Under the puzzled and shocked gazes of the crowd, he struck his palm towards Lo Beiming's chest.    




Black blood spurted out from his mouth. Lo Beiming felt like he had been kicked out of his mouth. He immediately became weak and fell to the ground. He held his chest and panted continuously.    


"Heavenly Emperor, what are you doing?"    


Luo Fu, who had woken up, exclaimed when he saw what was happening. A few of them hurriedly ran forward and helped Lo Beiming up, their faces filled with worry. They couldn't understand why Hsu Yi would attack them for no reason. Could it be that the other party was really Yu Ba's lackey, deliberately putting on an act in front of them?    


Hsu Yi didn't answer, but Lo Beiming stopped him in time. "It's none of Heavenly Emperor's business. I'm fine. You guys don't have to worry." After saying that, he looked at Hsu Yi. "Thank you, Heavenly Emperor, for helping me treat my internal injuries."    


Although everyone was still at a loss, they had already figured everything out and understood the truth.    


Hsu Yi slowly said, "Because Yu's attack was not only serious, but also poisoned the Gu, causing Grandpa Luo's life force to be continuously devoured. And that black blood was naturally not an ordinary color. It was the poisonous Gu that had already been digested."    


He had already thought of the truth infinitely close to helping Lo Beiming. Now, after hearing what the other party said, everyone came to a realization.    


After a while, the people from the Lo family dispersed, and prepared to deal with the follow-up matters. Furthermore, after dinner, Hsu Yi made a slight decision.    


"Uncle, since the matter has been resolved. I also believe that this matter has already spread throughout the entire Hidden World. I reckon that no one will dare to continue courting death. Then, we still have some other matters to attend to. We won't be staying for long. "    


After chatting for a while, Hsu Yi looked at Luo Zhi Hao and the others and spoke slowly.    


Lo Qingcheng did not refute. She came back this time because of her parents. Now that it had been resolved and they had seen each other, it was not a big deal to stay any longer.    


Not to mention that she still had work to do.    


The elders of the Lo family were silent. They looked like they wanted to say something, but their expressions were unnatural. It was difficult for them to say anything.    


"Hmm? If there's anything else, tell me. I'll see if I can help you solve it."    


He wasn't too full with his words. If the other party wanted him to help them unify the Hidden Family or any internal matters, he wasn't willing to do so because he didn't want to get involved in this dispute.    


Finally, the eyes of the people from the Lo family fell upon Lo Beiming. The latter took a deep breath and made a gesture of wanting to kneel down, but was naturally stopped by Hsu Yi.    


An invisible force stopped him. Hsu Yi frowned and said, "Grandpa Luo, if you have something to say, just say it. I hate beating around the bush the most."    


"That's right, grandpa! If you treat Tian like an outsider again, you will be able to tell his identity clearly. Then don't talk about him, even I don't want to pay attention to him. "    


On the side, Lo Qingcheng also opened her mouth, and even Chu Wenrou joined in.    


Hearing this, Lo Beiming gritted his teeth and was at a loss for a few minutes. Just now, he said the whole story, "Heavenly Emperor, please forgive me. A few years ago, I made the decision without your permission. In your name, announce a piece of news in the Hidden World"    


" Oh? What is it?"    


Hsu Yi raised his eyebrows. There was a deeper meaning to it, and his interest was piqued.    


After a moment of silence, Lo Beiming said, "I will announce that the next time you come back, you will personally preside over the Secluded Sect, and the youngest junior of the eight Hidden Family will participate in a competition."    


"So that's how it is."    


After pondering for a while, Hsu Yi asked again, "But it's just this matter, so it's not a big deal. There's no need to make such a big fuss. However, what is the reason for you doing this? What is your purpose? "    


This time, Lo Beiming did not stop. He answered directly. Perhaps he felt that if he delayed any longer, he would whet his appetite and make the other party unhappy.    


"Because we all know that the rumors in the outside world are about to spread to the five kingdoms. Therefore, the reason why I am doing this is because I want the younger generation in the top ten to participate in the great competition with you. "    


As if he could tell what Hsu Yi was about to ask, Lo Beiming added, "It's because the energy in a large place is rich, and the hidden world in the outside world is many times denser than in the outside world. Therefore, this old man has some selfish motives. I hope that the Lo family will... Be stronger."    


"After that..."    


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