Clairvoyant Son-in-law

C594 Water Battle?

C594 Water Battle?

When they arrived at Wu Mengyin's car, Hsu Yi sat in the front passenger seat. Wu Mengyin drove out of the villa and asked Hsu Yi, "Did you and Zhang Benchu reach an agreement?"    


Hsu Yi nodded and smiled. "It's all thanks to sister this time. If it wasn't for sister, I would really be confused."    


"After all, the investigation team is too unfamiliar to me. If I didn't talk to Zhang Benchu today, I probably wouldn't even know how I died."    


"To put it bluntly, I'm really grateful to you. I can't even express my gratitude. However, if you keep this in your heart and don't say it out loud, you'll feel like you're nothing."    


After hearing Hsu Yi's words, Wu Mengyin was slightly stunned. She shook her head lightly and did not answer Hsu Yi's words.    


Around Xuantian City, there was a river that surrounded almost half of Xuantian City. It was very magnificent. Wu Mengyin parked her car by the river and walked to the fence of the river. She looked at the magnificent river.    


Hsu Yi quietly stood beside Wu Mengyin.    


"Do you think that I suddenly recognized you as my younger brother and helped you without spare energy? I am a little puzzled and even thought that I have another purpose?" Wu Mengyin turned around and looked at Hsu Yi with a smile.    


Hsu Yi heard Wu Mengyin's words and was slightly stunned. He took out a cigarette from his body and lit it up. He smiled and said, "Sister, I really don't have this. I know what level I am at now.    


Although I don't know how powerful sister's background is, at least I can be certain of one thing. If sister wants to pinch me to death, it will probably be easier than pinching an ant to death. There is no need to play tricks."    


"Just like the abnormal behavior in third-rate movies, a villain. His combat power surpassed that of an upright person, but he had to resort to some tricks. Poison, seduction, and the like to kill an upright person. This is a bit unethical. Furthermore, his sister was not someone who would appear to be a pain in the ass all day long. Right! "    


"Does it look like a pain in the ass?" Wu Mengyin did not know whether to laugh or cry when she heard Hsu Yi's analogy.    


"Do you want to hear a story?" Wu Mengyin turned around and looked at the river and whispered.    


"Okay!" Maybe because she felt that one word was too light, she smiled and added, "Sister, say it. I will listen. I promise I will be serious."    


Wu Mengyin did not pay attention to what Hsu Yi said after that. She just minded her own business and said, "When I was very young, I knew a person. His name was Wei Wuenvy. There was also another name, Wei Qiankun. I heard that the word 'Qiankun' was given to him by a fortune teller. Great Jie meant that he could be all-inclusive and have a universe in his heart! Thus, he changed his name."    


" And he indeed didn't fail that fortune teller's divination. When he was fifteen years old, he was almost at the top of the Southern Sky Gate. At the age of seventeen, he had already stood up step by step, becoming a figure that the various factions could not underestimate."    


"Family?" Hsu Yi looked at Wu Mengyin and asked.    


Wu Mengyin shook her head and said lightly, "He is just a child from an ordinary family. When he was twenty years old, That year I was just 12 years old and he became my teacher. Teaching me a lot of things is something you cannot think of. "    


"He said that women are not necessarily men's vassals. There is a kind of woman that can trample all men under her feet and ask me if I'm willing to be such a woman"    


"At that time, I didn't understand. I only knew that he was very powerful. Many people fled when they saw him. Those who bullied me in the past were even more obedient to him.    


Seeing me is like a mouse seeing a cat. So, back then, I really admired him and agreed without thinking. "    


... ""    


Wu Mengyin's story was very long.    


Hsu Yi did not interrupt her. Instead, he quietly listened to her tell the story from beginning to end.    


The wind gradually started to blow by the river. Seeing that Wu Mengyin was wearing thin clothes, Hsu Yi took off his coat and put it on Wu Mengyin.    


It was not until Hsu Yi finished smoking half a pack of cigarettes that Wu Mengyin's story came to an end. She slowly said, "It is said that the wind will destroy the trees that stand out in the forest. I did not think that he would end up like that."    


"In the past twenty years, he left behind a legend in the Southern Sky Gate. Until now, no one has been able to break his legend..."    


"That's because his strength isn't enough to make everyone fear him." Hsu Yi said indifferently.    


Wu Mengyin nodded and sighed, "Yes, his strength is not enough to make everyone fear him. If he knew to restrain himself a little, perhaps he would not end up like today."    


"Sister, let bygones be bygones!" Hsu Yi smiled and said.    


Wu Mengyin nodded slightly. She still did not say that Hsu Yi had the shadow of that person on him. Maybe she did not want to put any psychological burden on Hsu Yi.    


And she still underestimated Hsu Yi's wisdom!    


When Wu Mengyin started to tell this story, Hsu Yi had already guessed that there was no love or hatred in this world for no reason.    


Wu Mengyin stretched out her hand and pulled a strand of hair from her forehead to the back of her ear. She smiled and said, "Actually, a few years ago, there was an old monk who calculated my life. He said that I would meet a man in the future. A man who could die for me. When the time comes... I can let go of everything..."    


Before Wu Mengyin could finish speaking, she saw Hsu Yi turn over and stand on the railing by the river. Without waiting for Wu Mengyin to speak, Hsu Yi jumped straight down.    


One should know that this place was dozens of meters high from the river surface, and the river water was very rapid. Even if Hsu Yi was a Profound Level Martial Cultivator, after all, the Profound Level Martial Cultivator was not a god. If one fell from tens of meters high, they would die.    


Seeing Hsu Yi fall straight into the river, Wu Mengyin was completely dumbfounded. Her hands tightly covered her mouth, not letting herself cry out.    


When she saw Hsu Yi's figure disappear from the surface of the river, Wu Mengyin's mind went blank.    


She did not expect Hsu Yi to jump down without any warning. After a long time, she did not see Hsu Yi come out again. Wu Mengyin knew that jumping from such a high place would cause her brain to go blank. He jumped down...    


Just as she was about to jump down with him, she saw Hsu Yi's head suddenly pop out. He shouted in the river, "Sister, that old monk is really accurate."    


After hearing Hsu Yi's words, Wu Mengyin's tears turned into a smile. She looked at Hsu Yi, who was swimming towards the bottom of the river, with a complicated expression on her face.    


For the first time, she had a complicated feeling about a man. After waiting for a long time, she saw Hsu Yi taking a detour from the bottom of the river.    


Wu Mengyin walked over and stood in front of Hsu Yi. She said coldly, "Do you know that doing this will cost you your life?"    


"I know." Hsu Yi nodded honestly and said with a wronged face, "Sister, think about it. Other old monks have worked hard to save your life. If you don't calculate correctly, wouldn't it just ruin his job? How can you do such a cruel thing? "    


" So, in order not to make that old monk lose his job, I can only hope for me. Now, look, isn't the old monk's prediction accurate?"    


After hearing Hsu Yi's words, Wu Mengyin didn't know whether to laugh or cry. When she saw Hsu Yi's drenched body, she hurriedly said, "Alright, let's go back! Change your clothes and don't catch a cold. "    


Wu Mengyin sent Hsu Yi back to the Heavenly Court's headquarters. After receiving a call, she hurriedly left the Heavenly Court's headquarters.    


Seeing Hsu Yi coming back drenched, the most gossipy Chen Yusoong walked over. He looked at Hsu Yi and said with a playful smile, "Heavenly Emperor, you went to fetch water?"    


"Get lost."    


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