Live-In Son-in-Law

C29 Drug Use

C29 Drug Use

Seeing her expression, he was sure that she was a seductress. Xia Wenqian's method was really simple and crude.    


But first, let's not talk about whether this medicine will work. If I dare to drug An Yunxuan, she will definitely want me dead afterwards.    


"No, definitely not. How could I drug her?" I quickly waved my hands in refusal.    


Xia Wenqian glared at me. "Who told you to drug your wife?"    


"Then what do you mean?"    


"Drink this medicine yourself!"    




Xia Wenqian came over and explained to me patiently, "I thought you could do it when you're facing your wife. If you use this pill, maybe it'll be fine?"    


I looked at her suspiciously. "Maybe? Are you reliable? "    


Xia Wenqian shrugged, "It should be. Your current situation is mainly due to psychological pressure. Based on our current method, it's hard to say when we'll be able to cure it."    


"But if you use the medicine, you might be able to break through this mental barrier when you react physically."    


I hesitated.    


Actually, I don't have any problems. If I drink some medicine then I won't be able to solve it, then wouldn't I suffocate to death?    


Thinking about this, I couldn't help but shiver. "No way."    


Xia Wenqian seemed a little angry. "If you don't take it, I can only tell Lady An Ying that the patient isn't very cooperative."    


I didn't expect that this woman would dare to threaten me!    


"You are ruthless." I put it away.    


Seeing this, Xia Wenqian finally smiled in satisfaction.    


She then said seriously, "Let me remind you, this medicine is very strong. Once you drink it, you must find someone to release it. Otherwise, it will cause too much heart rate and lead to life-threatening damage."    


I opened my eyes wide. "Where did you get such a vicious medicine?"    


Xia Wenqian ignored him and continued, "This bottle is for two people. When the time comes, I suggest you give your wife some too."    


I was speechless.    


I definitely won't use this medicine, so I'm too lazy to care how effective it is.    


It was almost noon. There were patients behind Xia Wenqian, so she didn't come out to eat with me.    


And I don't care, just find a place to take care of it.    


After dinner, I bought some fruit and went to the hospital.    


Inside the ward, Sun Lin was lying there quietly, his body covered with bandages.    


The last time, he was severely injured. It would probably take him at least a month or two to recover.    


Sun Lin's family background is also quite miserable, the family only has a gambling addict father, had no choice but to walk this road, and I know him. Otherwise, why would he choose to be a bad person if he could be a good person?    


When he saw me, Sun Lin immediately laughed, "Why are you here?"    


"To see you." I said.    


Putting down the fruit, he coincidentally met the nurse who came over. "Bed 5 will go and settle the bill."    


I took the bill, glanced at it, and asked, "Where's your dad?"    


Sun Lin's expression was somewhat gloomy. "I wonder which casino he went to?"    


His father's gamble had really reached the point where he was like a mad demon. If he had any money, he would have invested it all. There was no way for him to rely on it at all.    


Sun Lin was hospitalized this time, but I didn't see his father come here many times. I was the one who paid for the hospital and the nurse.    


Fortunately, I still had some money left after the last loan repayment.    


"You should take a rest first, I'll go pay the bill."    


After paying the bill, I returned to the ward and found that there was an extra person in front of Sun Lin's bed.    


It was a middle-aged man. His clothes were tattered and he looked like a beggar.    


When he turned around, he saw that both of his eyes were bloodshot, and his dark circles were very heavy. It was unknown how long it had been since he had shaved his beard.    


I know this person. It's Sun Lin's father, Sun Wei.    


"If you can be hospitalized, you must still have money. Just give me some." Sun Wei was lying on his stomach in front of the sickbed as he begged.    


I felt a burst of anger. Was he even human? Not only was his son in the hospital, he even wanted to collect money from him?    


"Sun Wei, if you're here to visit, then say what you need to say. If you're here to do something else, then scram." I said, and went to help him up.    


Sun Lin's lips were tightly shut and his expression was tense. It was unknown how much pain he was feeling in his heart.    


When Sun Wei saw that it was me, he was slightly fearful. However, he quickly turned flattering and said, "It's Wang Cheng. I heard from Sun Wei that you paid him for his hospitalization?"    


"Seeing how beautiful you are now, you must be rich. For Sun Lin's sake, can you lend me some money?" I'll pay you back as soon as I win the money. "    


I'm so angry that my lungs are about to explode, how can there be such a father in this world!    


If it wasn't for the fact that Sun Lin is here and this is a hospital, I would definitely give him a good beating.    


Seeing my ashen face, Sun Wei finally felt fear and turned to Sun Lin.    


"My good son, please help me beg for mercy. Dad will definitely win next time. Dad will kneel down for you." Sun Wei knelt on the ground as he spoke.    


A hint of pain flashed across Sun Lin's face. After a few moments of hesitation, he sighed and looked at me, "Wang Cheng, can you do me another favor?"    


Even though I was angry, I had a father like him at home. I could understand his feelings.    


He touched his clothes and took out five hundred yuan worth of cash, throwing it on Sun Wei in disgust, "Take it and scram!"    


Sun Wei hurriedly picked it up and ran away in ecstasy.    


When they arrived at the door, Sun Lin shouted, "Old man, be careful if you lose your life again. I won't care about you in the future."    


Sun Wei acted as though he didn't hear anything. He didn't slow down at all and left immediately.    


In the end, Sun Lin could only sigh as tears flickered in his eyes.    


After accompanying him for the whole afternoon, I had no choice but to return in the evening.    


Given Sun Lin's situation, even if he were to be merciless, there was nothing I could do about it.    


Fortunately, when he recovered from his injuries, the situation would be much better and he could go over to Chen Wei's side.    


Just as he was about to take a taxi back, he received An Yuncai's call the moment he got on the car.    


"Wang Cheng, not good, big sister is stuck at the company."    


I was startled. "What? "What's going on?"    


"I don't know. A bunch of hoodlums suddenly rushed into the company. What should we do now?" An Yuncai said with a hint of a sobbing tone.    


I panicked and asked, "Where are you?"    


After An Yun told me the company's address, I immediately rushed over.    


As he got out of the car, he saw several people standing outside the office building. More people had already entered the hall. They had the aura of ruffians and did not seem like good people.    


I directly walked over, and when the few people outside saw this, they immediately went to stop me.    


"What are you doing? Scram."    


I was very anxious right now, how could I give them any useless words. I immediately kicked the person who spoke, sending him flying and hurriedly rushing in.    


Upon seeing this, the rest of the people immediately caught up and shouted.    


"Brother Guang, someone is causing trouble!"    


Inside the main hall, An Yunxuan and An Yunzhu, as well as a few security guards were gathered together. On the other side, those hooligans were also gathered together.    


As for the one in the middle, it was surprisingly … Xue Guang.    


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