Live-In Son-in-Law

C8 Rescue Ang

C8 Rescue Ang

Ang's reaction made me feel speechless. Do I look like a bad uncle with bad intentions?    


Without waiting for me to say anything, An Guo immediately retreated five meters away. "If you dare to inform me, I'll tell my mother that you've done something to me. At that time, you'll definitely die miserably."    


I was a little angry, but I couldn't ignore this kind of threat. I could only gnash my teeth and look at her. "You're ruthless."    


On the surface, I admit it, but this girl, I must find a chance to teach her a lesson.    


Everyone ate together at night, and all of An Guo's unruly ways were restrained. Furthermore, it seemed that An Ying didn't really like An Guo, so she treated her quite sternly.    


I felt more or less comfortable seeing her like this.    


Just like that, half a month passed. I received An Guo every day. This girl's attitude towards me became even worse.    


That afternoon I went to pick her up again, but after waiting at the school gate for half an hour, she still didn't come out.    


When I called him, it was already dark. I might as well leave.    


However, at this time, someone suddenly walked over and knocked on the window.    


This person was wearing a Japanese uniform and was also a student at Banyan tree high school. He looked especially cute, but there was also a hint of charm in his cuteness. He would definitely be another beautiful fairy in the future.    


"You're An Guo's family, right? I'm An Guo's classmate, my name is Lin Xi." She looked at me, her face anxious. "Ange was taken away by Xu Long and the rest before school was out."    


"I happened to overhear them say something about drugs being administered to her. An Guo might be in trouble, go save her quickly."    


Seeing that her expression wasn't a joke, Xu Long's group really wasn't any good person.    


Although I'm not on good terms with An Guo, she is, after all, An Yunxuan's daughter, so I can't just ignore her.    


"Where did they go?"    


"Town KTV."    


Knowing the location, I immediately rushed over.    


On the other side, An Guo had already drunk quite a bit in the downtown KTV box. It was obvious that she was drunk.    


Xu Long and his other underling were at the entrance. They looked at An Guo with malicious intent, and their eyes contained a few traces of arrogance.    


"That bitch, she wouldn't let me touch her even if I was beaten to death. She insisted on forcing me to use some tricks." As he spoke, Xu Long took out a small bag of items and poured it into a cup of water.    


The lackey beside him looked worried, "Brother Long, what if that driver, Wang Cheng, finds us later? We won't be able to beat him."    


Xu Long glared at him, "What's there to be afraid of? He doesn't even know where we are. "Besides, Brother Ming will be here soon. Can Wang Cheng even beat him?"    


The lackey was immediately shocked: "That third year Brother Ming? "I heard that he has dealings with the underworld. He is one of the overlords of the school. Brother Long, you actually managed to invite him over."    


Xu Long laughed coldly, "You don't know about this. The last time he met An Guo, it was very to his taste. If I let him have some comfort, he will definitely cover for me in the future."    


The lackey was even more surprised. "Ange is your girlfriend."    


Xu Long suddenly showed a look of disdain: "Women are like clothes, what's wrong with that."    


After speaking, Xu Long looked at the time, "It's about time. There's still some time until the medicinal effects take effect. I'll feed it to her first."    


He took the cup of water and sat beside An Guo. Xu Long pretended to be considerate as he said, "An Guo, are you not feeling well? Have a drink of water. "    


An Guo was already drunk. She didn't think much about it and just finished it in one gulp. A confused feeling immediately welled up within her.    


Xu Long looked at An Guo finish drinking. He revealed a smile of satisfaction, and his gaze even moved to An Guo's collar.    


She wore a short shirt with the first button undone. Although she was still young, it was obvious that there was a certain extent hidden within the shirt.    


Below her was a hot short skirt. Her straight legs were white and thin, making it impossible for anyone to not want to touch her.    


Xu Long watched as he slowly wrapped his arms around An Guo's waist.    


If it was a normal day, An Guo would have definitely broken free. But now, it was as if she didn't notice him and didn't have the slightest reaction.    


"This girl is really pretty. When Mingge is done feeling good, I want to feel good too." Xu Long thought to himself as his eyes burned hotter and hotter.    


It would be better to strip her naked and have a feast for the eyes.    


Xu Long extended his evil hand and pressed it against An Guo's leg, gently stroking it, slowly moving it up, as if he wanted to undo the button and take off the pants that was in the way.    


"Brother Long, you can't hold it in anymore?" Upon seeing this, the lackeys at the side immediately surrounded him.    


Xu Long chuckled, "It is indeed a little. After Brother Ming is done, everyone will come and have a taste."    


"This woman is usually very aloof and doesn't let me touch her. Let's just meet each time."    


Hearing this, the crowd couldn't help but reveal disgusting smiles. After all, there wasn't much chance for them to get involved with a beauty of An Guo's level.    


"Brother Long is the best."    


"That's right, Brother Long is wise."    


They flattered.    


Xu Long looked at An Ge. An Guo's face was already starting to turn red, which meant that the medicinal effect was about to take effect. This added a bit of charm to it.    


Xu Long swallowed his saliva, and then directly untied An Guo's shirt, revealing her cute undergarments.    


Beneath the undergarment, there was a slightly childish scene.    


As for Xu Long, he obviously wanted to go a step further.    


Just then, the private room door suddenly opened and I rushed over.    


"You guys are pretty brave." I saw Ang's face at a glance and felt a surge of anger.    


Seeing that it was me, fear flashed across Xu Long's eyes, but it quickly turned into ruthlessness.    


"It's you. I haven't settled the score with you for what happened last time. It just so happens that you're spouting ill will today."    


As Xu Long said this, he and his subordinates all looked at me with ill intentions.    


I swept my eyes over it. Including Xu Long, there were a total of six of them. They seemed to all be students. There shouldn't be any problems.    


"Hit him!"    


Xu Long roared loudly, and a few of his lackeys immediately rushed towards me.    


I quickly grabbed the bottle of wine on the table and smashed it into a person's head. The glass immediately splattered everywhere and that person also cried out miserably before falling to the ground.    


Next, I took the broken bottle and stabbed the second person in the stomach. My hands felt warm and I could see blood.    


These people were all arrogant in the school. How could they have seen such a scene? The moment they saw the blood, they all panicked.    


"Wang Cheng, calm down. This is someone who needs to die." Xu Long was immediately terrified, and the rest of his lackeys slowly retreated in fear.    


With a cold face, I walked towards him step by step. My aura was extremely frightening, and no one dared to stop me.    


When I walked up to Ang and saw that her clothes had been untied, my face turned even colder.    


"You took off the clothes?" I asked, looking at Xu Long.    


Xu Long stuttered and didn't dare to reply. I raised my hand and slapped him, causing him to spin on the spot and sit on the ground.    


Then I picked up Ang and headed outside.    


But why was An Guo's body so hot? Could it be that she had already been drugged?    


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