Live-In Son-in-Law

C5 Sooner or Later I'il Take You down

C5 Sooner or Later I'il Take You down

My head went blank. I never thought that An Ying and the rest would actually come back at this time. As long as An Yunxuan tells me about what happened and they start shouting, then I would be in trouble.    


There was still no trace of the smell of smoke in the room. An Yunxuan was lying on the bed, completely naked. There were still some traces of tears on her face. Seeing this scene, An Ying was also stunned.    


At this moment, An Yunxuan suddenly spoke up.    


My heart went cold. This woman definitely wanted to denounce me. Right now, I could only forcefully push An Ying away and run away.    


However, I didn't expect that what An Yunxuan said would be different from what I was thinking.    


"Mom, get out."    


Only then did An Ying come back to her senses, and with an expression as if she had been through many things in the past, she said, "Sure. You guys don't even know how to lock doors."    


I looked at An Yunxuan in astonishment, my heart filled with confusion.    


She didn't report me?    


Just as I was astonished, An Ying suddenly whispered into my ear, "Wang Cheng, I already told you not to put too much pressure on yourself. Even smoking can't solve the problem."    


After saying that, she looked towards An Yunxuan, "Yunxuan, you too, there's no use being anxious right now. Look, you're already crying. It's better for you to bring Wang Cheng to see a doctor."    


I was suddenly enlightened. It seemed that An Ying's understanding of this scene was that it was because I couldn't do it that I was able to smoke. That was why An Yunxuan cried.    


Even though he was rejoicing in his heart, he still felt a little upset. It seemed that the matter regarding me was confirmed today.    


On the other side, An Yunxuan was already extremely shy. "Mom!"    


"Alright, I'll be going now. Don't get too tired." An Ying said. At this time, An Yuncai's voice also came from the outside.    


"Mom, what's wrong?"    


An Ying answered, "Your brother-in-law is busy with something. Don't come over and cause trouble." With these words, An Ying finally left and closed the door.    


My emotions became complicated at the moment as I turned around to look at An Yunxuan guiltily. "Why are you …"    


An Yunxuan frowned, "I apologize to your father. I was in the wrong this time. I can let it go, but if there's a next time, I will definitely not let you off."    


I scratched my head. I didn't think this would turn out to be the case.    


An Yunxuan continued, "I was brought up by my mother, so I respect your father … I hope you won't make my mom sad. You must keep everything between us a secret. "    


I understood then, and couldn't help but ask, "What about your father?"    


A hint of hatred suddenly appeared in An Yunxuan's eyes. "He's just a piece of scum. You're not allowed to mention him in front of me in the future."    


I tactfully kept my mouth shut. After a moment of silence, An Yunxuan looked at me with a blushing face. "Turn around."    


It was only then that I noticed that she was still wearing nothing but a blanket covering her body, leaving most of her body exposed.    


I was already on fire, and the lower part of my body was swelling up. An Yunxuan's appearance was even more exciting, and it made me feel a little bloated.    


Subconsciously supporting each other, An Yunxuan also noticed my abnormality. Her face turned even redder. "You hoodlum!"    


I was already feeling very uncomfortable. "It's not like I can control myself. Besides, if you don't let me see if I can touch you in this one month, even if there's nothing wrong with me, I'll definitely hold it in."    


An Yunxuan looked at my pants that were tied up and asked suspiciously, "Really?"    


I pretended to be in pain. "Really, this fire was ignited by you. You have to be in charge of extinguishing it."    


An Yunxuan's face was about to turn red. "No way!" As he spoke, he took out a card and tossed it to me.    


"Take care of it outside."    


I know that letting An Yunxuan help me deal with it now is completely wishful thinking. However, this has also aroused my competitive spirit.    


One day, I will make you, this proud Golden Phoenix, prostrate under me.    


I took the card and was about to leave, but just as I reached the door, I heard someone call out to me from behind.    


"Brother-in-law, it's so late. Where are you going?"    


I turned around and saw An Yun wearing a cool and spicy sports outfit. Her small waist was bared and her hair was tied into a ponytail.    


At this moment, I really couldn't stand the excitement anymore, so I could only look away in panic.    


"Just to get some fresh air."    


An Yun walked over. "It just so happens that I'm going out for a night run. Let's go together."    


I don't understand, didn't she always hide from me recently? Why did she suddenly take the initiative today?    


Just as I was puzzled, An Yun suddenly whispered into my ear, "I have something to ask you."    


I nodded and followed her out the door.    


There was a river not far from the villa area. Usually, there were a lot of people running around at night. However, it was too late now as there were basically no people around.    


An Yun then pulled me to a stop and sat down on a patch of grass.    


Originally my fire did not subside, this An Yun was just wearing a sports vest, two plump complete outline, once let me not move my eyes.    


Seeing this, An Yun turned her body bashfully. "Brother-in-law, where are you looking? Didn't you just tell my sister …" Is that over? "    


Speaking of which, I felt a little helpless. "I didn't touch your sister at all."    


An Yun still had some doubts, but after seeing me bulging my pants, she finally believed them.    


"My elder sister really doesn't allow anyone to touch her. She has always hated men. You are the most successful one in this long time. At least you can sleep in the same bed as my elder sister." With that, An Yuncai's expression turned serious, "Don't force my Sis."    


I could only smile wryly. How could I dare to offend her? I was simply angered to the point that my head was spinning.    


However, when I thought about An Yunxuan's body, I felt a surge of blood, and the swelling below me became even more severe. I couldn't help but have a painful expression on my face.    


Seeing this, An Yuncai pulled at me worriedly, "Brother-in-law, are you feeling very uncomfortable?"    


"It's more than just suffering, I feel like I'm going to explode." I looked at her.    


A gentle breeze blew by, lifting a few strands of An Yun's hair. Immediately, it caught my eye.    


Speaking of which, the bodies and looks of these two sisters were very outstanding. They were on par with each other. Previously, when they had met An Yuncai, she had really made people reminisce.    


When I thought of this, my breathing immediately quickened. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I grabbed her waist and kissed and sucked on her neck.    


An Yuncai gave a startled cry and tried to push me away in panic, but it was useless. "Wang Cheng, you're my brother-in-law now. We can't do this. If my sister and my mother knew about this …"    


"There's no one else here right now. How would they know?"    


"Wang Cheng …" An Yun still wanted to say something, but she couldn't finish her sentence. The rest of her words became tempting gasps for breath.    


My palm slid across her smooth skin. An Yun's breath gradually became hot and dry. Her two legs also subconsciously began to rub together.    


He didn't expect her to be so sensitive.    


As for me, I couldn't hold myself back anymore and immediately took off her sports vest. The scenery inside immediately jumps out.    


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