Live-In Son-in-Law

C89 I Want to be with You

C89 I Want to be with You

I knew it was Lin Xi behind me. I wanted to turn around, but Lin Xi grabbed my arm hard and didn't let me turn around.    


He leaned his head on my back and whispered, "Don't move. That's good. I just want to find a place to stay for a while. Please."    


Lin Xi's almost pleading voice made me stop what I was prepared to do, and my hands dropped to the floor.    


Lin Xi seemed to be sobbing softly. I could feel that the clothes on her back were already wet.    


Lin Xi didn't want me to see her crying like that right now. That kind of manner might make Lin Xi feel embarrassed.    


"I won't bother you."    


"Like I said, it was just a one-night stand. I pretended that nothing happened after that, but I realized that I was a very greedy woman. I don't want that to be all."    


"However, I still won't pester you. I just wanted to …" If, one day, you think it's appropriate and you think you can accept me, can you tell me? I'll be your girlfriend. I want to be with you. " Lin Xi's soft voice sounded from behind him.    


If I didn't carry these things with me, then having a girl like Lin Xi like me would be the greatest blessing in my life. But this blessing was a little too much for me to bear, bearing too much weight on my body, almost making me unable to straighten up.    


I didn't know how to answer. I just felt like a scum.    


Previously, he had immersed himself in his lust without any hesitation. However, after his lust had passed, the pain and suffering in his heart had become even more intense than before.    


"I …" I want to talk.    


However, just as I let out a single syllable, I felt the grip on my body become even stronger.    


"You don't need to answer. I'm not asking for your answer. This is good enough." Lin Xi might have guessed what kind of answer I would give, so she had already sealed my answer before I could reply.    


"I won't bother you until you can give me an accurate answer, but if... I mean, if you ever want it, you can come and find me, and I'll satisfy you. " Lin Xi said softly.    


With that sentence, Lin Xi almost completely saw herself as my tool.    


These words made my heart hurt.    


He suddenly turned around and grabbed Lin Xi's shoulder, staring at her as he said, "Although I can't promise you anything, I can promise you one thing, as long as I'm still alive, I won't let you suffer any more harm, and I won't let anyone bully you again."    


This is the only guarantee I can give to Lin Xi.    


In this school, there is one more person I need to protect.    


After saying that, I slowly left Lin Xi's room under her tearful gaze.    


Under the night breeze, his face was somewhat cold.    


I don't even know when I got home. This is a family I'm afraid of.    


It was almost ten when I got back.    


It seemed like An Yun hadn't come back yet, and her job as a model wasn't that easy either.    


Angelo was at home, but this little girl was curled up on the sofa sleeping. She was wearing a thin nightgown and wasn't afraid of catching a cold.    


Smiling bitterly, I picked An Guo up and headed upstairs. The little girl's body was so light that I could barely feel her weight.    


Angelo's room was a pink one, and this was the first time I had entered it.    


He felt a little curious and a little unfamiliar. The color was light pink, and it brought with it a different kind of warmth. On the princess bed, there was even a large bear puppet.    


He placed An Guo on the bed and was about to leave when this girl suddenly turned around with a 'oh' and grabbed my arm, using my arm as a pillow.    


This girl was indeed An Yunxuan's daughter. Their reactions were surprisingly similar.    


He tried to struggle free, but it turned out that this girl, An Guo, was holding him even tighter.    


There was nothing I could do about it. I took the bear doll and stuffed it into An Guo's bosom. Finally, I took the opportunity to pull my arm out.    


After he had drawn it out, he was actually a little reluctant.    




He cursed himself in his heart.    


When he returned to his room, An Yunxuan had yet to return.    


After taking a bath and lying on the ground, he couldn't fall asleep no matter what. It was almost 10 o'clock now, so why hadn't An Yunxuan returned? When he thought of the scene he saw in the afternoon, his heart became exceptionally anxious.    


I was clearly not much better off, but at this moment, the strong possessiveness in my heart still made me unable to control myself.    


Men are always greedy creatures.    


After an unknown period of time, the door creaked open.    


An Yunxuan returned. Accompanied by the sound of high heels, a figure appeared in the room.    


Almost instinctively, I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. I didn't know why I made such a reaction, maybe I wasn't prepared for it in my heart, and didn't know what kind of attitude I should have towards An Yunxuan.    


An Yunxuan didn't turn on the lights. She relied on the light from her phone to walk over.    


Probably afraid of waking me up, so I tiptoed.    


I felt that An Yunxuan had walked to my side and lowered her head to look at me. She rubbed her forehead in distress. "Really, now that I'm this old, I wonder if I'll be able to properly cover myself. If I get sick, what should I do?"    


Muttering softly, I felt a little more fragrance coming out from my nose. An Yunxuan seemed to squat down beside me and grabbed the messy blanket on my body, covering it well.    


Then he silently walked to the bathroom door, left his bag and cell phone outside and went to take a shower.    


Only after hearing the sound of water in the bathroom did I open my eyes. Looking at the figure in the bathroom, I tightly bit my lips. I didn't know what kind of feeling was in my heart.    


What did this woman want?    


He was the first person who cared so much about me.    


There are already other men outside, why are you still being so nice to me?    


The blanket on my body gave me a warm feeling. That warmth made the anxiety in my heart to become even more chaotic. I realized that I didn't understand this woman at all. I didn't understand what kind of woman she was at all.    


At this moment, An Yunxuan's phone suddenly rang. It was WeChat.    


Maybe it was because she saw that I was asleep, so she put her phone outside, right next to me.    


As if by a stroke of luck, I reached out and grabbed the phone.    


"Tomorrow at noon, the office will not disappear without a trace …"    


Tomorrow at noon, the office will be empty.    


I didn't open the message, and I also saw the contents inside. There was even a smiling expression behind it, as though it was exceptionally intimate.    


When I saw that line of text, I felt like my brain was going to explode.    


His heart felt as if it had been directly dug up by something sharp. It was empty; it was a type of unbearable pressure and pain.    


My breathing instantly became particularly hurried, and my throat continuously wiggled.    


His hands were trembling.    


Ordinary people probably wouldn't send such messages.    


That sort of intimate leeway, that word that could not be left out.    


All of this made the flame in my mind burn even more intensely.    


My fingers were exerting so much force, I could almost crush that phone with my fingers.    


Even though I had already seen that scene at noon, when I saw this message, I still couldn't control the rage in my heart.    


The flames that had calmed down a little earlier due to An Yunxuan's actions had started to burn even more intensely.    


The possessiveness of a man was the strongest impulse for a man.    


I had clearly said that I wouldn't interfere in each other's private life, that I had other women outside, but at this moment, the manic feeling in my heart was still unbearable. I even had the urge to directly open the bathroom door and rush in to ask that woman who she was.    


At this moment, the sound of water in the bathroom stopped. An Yunxuan seemed to have finished washing and was ready to come out.    


Subconsciously, I put my phone back where it was. I originally wanted to see who that guy was, but I didn't have the chance.    


After a while, An Yunxuan walked out from inside.    


Perhaps it was because I had already fallen asleep, but An Yunxuan didn't have to worry too much about it. The pajamas on her body looked exceptionally sexy, almost translucent. One could clearly see the tender skin on the inside of An Yunxuan's pajamas. He took his bag and phone and returned to his bed. I could see the light coming from that direction, as well as An Yunxuan's charming voice.    


I didn't close my eyes at all that night.    


All kinds of irritable things happened within my heart, causing me to be unable to calm down at all. My mind was filled with all kinds of guesses.    


I don't know what I'm going to do.    


Just what did this woman, An Yunxuan, want to do?    


Are there really other men outside of An Yunxuan? If that's the case, why would An Yunxuan be so good to me?    


If that wasn't the case, then who was the person who sent the message to An Yunxuan?    


Damn it, why do I care so much?    


We had clearly said that they had nothing to do with each other, but why did I feel so bad inside? Even if An Yunxuan went out to mess around and spend time drinking, what does that have to do with me?    


Could it be that just because I live in the same room with An Yunxuan every day and use her stockings to solve my own problems, I already see An Yunxuan as my woman in my heart?    


Was my possessiveness really that strong?    


I slept badly that night, no doubt, and I didn't close my eyes until almost morning.    


It was a pity that I didn't have the chance to rest for too long. Very soon, my nose started to itch, as if there was something nagging at me.    


Finally, she couldn't take it any longer and opened her eyes. Who else could it be other than An Yunxuan who was provoking me? This woman was pinching a strand of her long hair as she played with it in front of my nose.    


It seemed strange to me how my face kept twitching.    


Seeing that I had finally opened my eyes, An Yunxuan retracted her gaze. "Wake up, it's already 9 o'clock. How long are you planning to sleep for?"    


I acknowledged and quickly got up.    


But as soon as I got up, I went back in.    


I had no choice but to blame myself.    


I was originally a man. In the morning, when the impulse towards men was at its strongest and I only had a pair of shorts left on me, my appearance was absolutely unsightly. In addition to the sexy pajamas that An Yunxuan wore, I simply couldn't control myself in this situation.    


Although I moved quickly, An Yunxuan still noticed it.    


An Yunxuan's face turned bright red as she lightly spat out an insult, "Pah! It's so early in the morning and my mind is filled with those dirty thoughts. Disgusting."    


I gave a dry laugh and didn't know how to reply. "Well, when did you get back last night?"    


"I was busy yesterday, so when I came back, it was already very late. Seeing that you fell asleep, I didn't wake you up." An Yunxuan stood up and walked towards the bathroom as she replied.    


From start to finish, An Yunxuan didn't even look at me, as if she didn't want me to see her like this.    


That atmosphere was a little strange.    


In the beginning, she might not have prepared to make a sound, but in the end, she was unable to control herself. An Yunxuan whispered to me, "Yesterday, you went with Yuncai to the amusement park. Did you have fun?"    


"It's okay, but we didn't go to the amusement park. We went to the zoo." I quietly said.    


"Zoo?" An Yunxuan's expression slightly changed.    


"What's wrong?"    


"No …." "It's nothing!" An Yunxuan hurriedly shook her head, "About that, did Yunchu say anything to you?"    


"No, it was normal along the way. I just asked if there was any conflict between the two of us recently. Is there a problem? Could it be that the fake thing between us was discovered by Yun Chu?" I asked.    


I said that on purpose, I wanted to see what An Yunxuan's reaction would be.    


Without a doubt, my words caused An Yunxuan to feel a little scared, but at the same time, she also heaved a sigh of relief.    


"That won't happen, the situation between us won't be discovered by Yun Chu. You just have to continue doing what you did before." An Yunxuan shook her head and said.    


"Is that so …" I don't deny it.    


An Yunxuan finished washing her face and rinsed her mouth. Then, she walked to the dressing table, carefully dressed up. It was rare for her to dress up like this.    


This was a very beautiful woman. Even if she didn't intentionally dress up like this, she was already very beautiful. After putting on some makeup, she looked even more beautiful, causing one's heart to palpitate.    


However, this kind of beauty isn't directed at me.    


A strong sense of jealousy rose in his heart.    


"Any work today?" I couldn't help but ask. I don't even know how I controlled my tone to prevent myself from going completely berserk.    


An Yunxuan didn't notice the change in my tone, she only wiped the foundation while replying, "Yes, I will also be very busy today."    


After packing her things, An Yunxuan stood up, picked up her bag and headed for the door.    


"I'll be back very late tonight. Don't wait for me."    


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