Live-In Son-in-Law

C123 Not Today

C123 Not Today

As soon as the words left her mouth, An Yunxuan felt her face turn red and her breathing quicken.    


Heavens, what had he just said? Didn't those words sound like he was being jealous?    


Are you eating Yun Chu's vinegar?    


As for me, I was feeling a little awkward. I slept together last night, so much so that I subconsciously thought of An Yuncai as the person in this room. In reality, this is An Yunxuan's room.    


Seeing my appearance, An Yunxuan snorted and forcefully suppressed the bashfulness in her heart. She said, "Rest assured, Yuncai will come over in a while. After all, Mom and Yiyi haven't rested yet, so we can't be discovered."    


A wave of heat rose in his heart.    


After rolling her eyes at me, An Yunxuan ignored me and went to take a bath by herself.    


An Yun wouldn't come over for the time being, even if she did, she would probably have to wait until An Ying and An Guo were fast asleep.    


After all, this chaotic relationship between us cannot be discovered by anyone. If we were to be discovered by someone, it would definitely be an extremely terrible situation.    


An Yunxuan was lying on the bed. As for me, I also hesitated for a moment before I lay on the other side of the bed. There was a large gap between me and An Yunxuan.    


"Go to sleep in the middle …" An Yunxuan's voice suddenly came from the side, "Anyway … In the morning anyway, isn't it still the same? "    


My heart felt a little weird. I moved my body a little bit closer to the center, and my pajamas almost touched An Yunxuan's clothes. In my dazed state, I could still feel the warmth coming from her body.    


Inwardly, he felt a slight impulse as he quietly reached out and held An Yunxuan's slender waist.    


An Yunxuan's body slightly trembled, but she didn't refuse. She simply let my hand rest on her waist.    


After a while, I couldn't control myself and my fingers couldn't help but want to do something evil. But just as my fingers were about to swim around, An Yunxuan's fingers suddenly pressed down on my palm.    


"Don't, don't move. This is good. Whatever you want to do later, wait for Yun Chu to come before you go." An Yunxuan snorted as she spoke.    


"Tsk …" There was no other way. He could only continue to wait.    


At around 9 PM, the door suddenly opened with a creak.    


At this time, there was no one else apart from An Yuncai who would barge in without knocking.    


The room was still lit. Under the gentle light, An Yun was a bit sneaky. She quickly ran into the room and immediately closed the door and locked it from the inside.    


His appearance was practically like a little thief.    


An Yun had obviously already tidied up. She was wearing a cute little rabbit pajamas. The wide nightgown seemed to be a little too long, and the fingers inside the sleeve only revealed a short cut.    


Seeing how An Yunxuan and I were lying on the bed, I silently walked to the other side and laid down.    


Yesterday, because of the sudden realization of the truth, everyone's minds were in a state of chaos and appeared to be in a state of madness. However, after a whole day of calmness, it was only now that they realized how strange the situation was.    


No one made a sound, and the only sound left in the room was the breathing of the three of them.    


The sound of breathing seemed to be getting more and more hurried.    


In my heart, that impulse was growing stronger and stronger, making me unable to control myself. Finally, my body twisted under the blanket and I turned around to embrace An Yuncai, who was standing beside me.    


One of his hands had even reached into the bottom of his pajamas. As he went in, his fingertips caressed her tender skin and he quickly climbed up to her chest.    


Other than his pajamas, there was nothing else inside. It was a complete vacuum.    


The sense of touch I felt under my palm made me feel like I was about to go crazy. The sound of my breathing became stronger and stronger.    


As for An Yun, her small body was slightly curled up, and with my actions, she exhaled a fragrant breath.    


The silky legs, the slim waist, the towering chest, all of this kept stimulating my impulses.    


An Yuncai's eyes became a little cloudy.    


After an unknown amount of time, I felt that it was about time. I turned around and pressed An Yun under my body.    


Just as An Yuncai was preparing to fight to the death, he seemed to have finally recovered. His expression suddenly changed and he began to struggle with all his might.    


"Little Cheng, don't, don't, you can't do it today …"    


It can't be, at this point, he didn't want it anymore?    


How could that be possible? I was on fire, and I definitely wouldn't be able to stop myself at this time. I originally thought that An Yun was doing it on purpose, just to get some fun and stuff like that.    


But soon I realized that was not the case.    


It's true.    


An Yuncai's attitude was very resolute. It didn't seem like a joke.    


This situation made me feel a little weird, so I didn't continue using force. I didn't like using force. Love between a man and a woman? This was originally something we were both willing to do. If I really used force, then it would change.    


It's just that this kind of reaction from An Yun still makes me feel that it's a little strange. It was clearly fine just a moment ago, but you suddenly changed your mind?    


I looked at An Yun with a strange gaze. Under my gaze, An Yun was unable to bear it any longer. She had no choice but to explain in a small voice.    


"I-the thing that came today." An Yuncai softly said.    


Something came?    


What was that?    


For a moment, I didn't react. As I looked at An Yuncai's flushed face, my mind quivered. I finally understood the meaning of the item that An Yuncai had just spoken of.    


The expression on his face was very strange. He stretched out a hand towards An Yuncai's legs.    


An Yun's legs subconsciously tensed up. However, she immediately released her legs and allowed her hands to pass through them. When I touched them, a layer of black lines immediately appeared on her forehead.    


Through the thin silk of the undergarment, he could clearly feel that there was something guarding there.    


I was dizzy.    


Since it's here, I naturally can't do that sort of thing. I still understand this principle.    


But you should have told me earlier, if you couldn't do it, then forget it, it just got angry, you told me I can't do it, what should I do now?    


For a moment, I felt a little depressed in my heart. I obediently lay by the side as I recited the morals in my head, hoping to calm down the impulses in my heart.    


However, it's a pity that my language level isn't that high. With such a long history of moral classics, how could I possibly memorize it?    


At this moment, An Yuncai's thigh suddenly pressed down on my legs. She glanced at me with a pair of watery and soft eyes. "Let me help you …"    


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