Live-In Son-in-Law

C171 I Miss You!

C171 I Miss You!



Hearing this sentence, I was shocked. There was no need to mention the strange expression on my face. I looked at Huang Qianling strangely; I didn't expect her to say such a thing.    


What did Huang Qianling just say? She said that her father was the head BOSS of the Education Bureau?    


Are you for real?    


I originally thought that Huang Qianling was joking, trying to scare the two in front of her. But looking at Huang Qianling's serious expression, it seems that she wasn't joking at all. Could it be that Huang Qianling really had such a background?    


Then, I suddenly remembered what An Yunxuan had told me before.    


The time I almost got fired.    


An Yunxuan asked me how did I get to know the Director of the Education Bureau, to actually call An Yunxuan.    


At that time, I was very curious, I clearly didn't know him, but I've never seen him with such a big shot before. How could I possibly tell An Yunxuan about my matter?    


Could it be that Huang Qianling was also helping me from behind?    


As for Song Qiang and Huang Liang, they were also shocked by An Yunxuan's words.    


The Board of Education. Although it was not a public security bureau or a government office, it was still a very important place, especially for the teachers in the school. The pressure on the Board of Education was more serious than any other place.    


They suspected that Huang Qianling was trying to scare him.    


But... He didn't dare to.    


What if it was true?    


If that's true, it would be offending the daughter of the head of the Education Bureau.    


The two of them were people without importance in their own families. It was only because they were related by blood that they were thrown into this school to be teachers.    


He could be the school's leader in the future.    


For those who didn't know how to learn and lacked the ability, this was considered the pinnacle of their life. If something like this really happened, they would definitely be chased away by the school.    


That would be the same as losing their jobs. They definitely wouldn't dare to take such a risk to seek death.    


He wasn't afraid of ten thousand, he was only afraid of one.    


The two of them glared at Huang Qianling and me. After hesitating for a long time, they finally gave up and spat at Huang Qianling and me, "Stinky brat, just you wait. If you dare to fight in the school again, you'll win."    


After throwing that sentence, the two of them rolled out of the room.    


As for Dazhuang, he got up from the ground and rolled away with his subordinates.    


While this guy was getting out of here, I could still see Tall Tall Tall staring at me with an extremely fierce gaze. There was no doubt that this guy hated me to death.    


However, within that intense hatred, there was also an uncontrollable rage.    


This time, I've lost so many people. After suffering such a huge loss, I can't bear it anymore. I wish I could be chopped into thousands of pieces, but now, even Gao Dazhuang doesn't dare to make a move.    


After all, he had almost been grabbed by the head and smashed to death on the ground.    


However, from Gao Dazhuang's eyes, I knew that this matter wouldn't end like this.    


When everyone had left, Huang Qianling was finally relieved. She noticed that I was looking at her strangely. Her face reddened a little as she asked, "Brother, what are you looking at?"    


"I didn't see anything. I just didn't expect you to have such a big background." I shook my head. "Tsk tsk, what a pity."    


"What's a pity?"    


"It's a pity. If I knew your background was so powerful, I wouldn't have rejected you last time. If I could find a powerful father-in-law like that, even if something bad had happened, there would still be someone supporting me." I joked.    


Huang Qianling smiled as well. "Yes, it's a pity. The opportunity is gone. You're now my brother."    


"But brother's not bad. It's good to have brother's protection. There's always someone blocking when you're being bullied." Huang Qianling said with a silly smile.    


"It's a pity that we couldn't block it. Aren't you still injured?" I was shocked and ashamed.    


To be able to injure my sister, this brother of mine is simply too incompetent.    


Huang Qianling, on the other hand, was very happy. "It's not the same. If you hadn't blocked it, I would have been even more serious."    


Huang Qianling quietly pulled two scallions out of her nose and wiped them clean before she stopped bleeding. She looked at me and said, "Brother, where are you working? I'll come and find you at the end of the week. I'll wait for you to get off work."    


"I'll call you after I get off work. I don't know when I'll get off work either." After thinking for a moment, I said.    


Hell wasn't a place a good girl should go, after all.    


Huang Qianling didn't think too much about it and agreed straightforwardly.    


When the bell rang, Huang Qianling waved at me before she left.    


This is already the final lesson. After this lesson ends, the class ends and I don't want to return to the classroom. I immediately leave the school and head towards Hell.    


When I first arrived in hell, Brother Wolf hastily walked out. When he saw me, his eyes lit up: "Bro, my baby, you've used up all of it. You should give it to me now …"    


It could be seen that Brother Wolf paid a lot of attention to the things inside his treasure.    


I rolled my eyes in annoyance and threw the car keys to Brother Wolf, "Thanks, but what are you saving in there? You actually have this kind of hobby."    


"You don't understand shit. This is called interest, do you know that?" Brother Wolf rolled his eyes and said, then he looked at me mysteriously: "You didn't peek, did you?"    


"I'm not that interested." I said snappily.    


"That's good, that's good. If you see our wealth, I'm afraid you will feel inferior." Brother Wolf chuckled and said.    


"Pah pah, I'm even older than you! What are you feeling inferior for?" I subconsciously retorted, 'Men definitely can't be cowardly in this aspect'.    


He joked for a bit and then his expression immediately became serious: "Brother, there's something I have to tell you."    


"What's wrong?" Seeing Brother Wolf's expression, I knew that this matter wasn't small.    


"Ah Shan, that guy has been released." Brother Wolf said in a gloomy voice.    




The guy who caused trouble in the Infernal Realm and got beaten to a pulp by me, and even squeezed out all of his possessions?    


My expression also changed. "No way! So fast?"    


Fighting with each other, teasing the girl, and even pulling out a knife to stab her, no matter how you looked at it, this kind of crime couldn't be revealed that quickly, right?    


"These days, having money makes things easier." Brother Wolf sneered and said, "Be careful. I saw some weird guys at our door all day. They must be Ashan's people. I was worried that they might harm you."    


Ashan had killed people before.    


That guy was absolutely a lunatic from the start to the end. Last time, he suffered so much and would definitely not let things rest.    


I fiercely nodded my head. "I know. I will definitely be careful."    


Jiang Wei was also working in hell as usual.    


However, Jiang Wei actually complied with my previous domineering request. She only accompanied the wine for one round. Two hours later, she came out of the private room.    


Because he had drunk too much wine, his body was slightly swaying.    


Her face was flushed and she looked very delicate.    


I had originally said that I would send Jiang Wei home every night to prevent her from encountering any danger.    


However, I can't do it today. Ah Shan and the others want to cause trouble for me. I can't let them see Jiang Wei. If they do anything bad to her, it will be very dangerous.    


Thus, I walked up to Jiang Wei and told her to go back alone today.    


Jiang Wei's expression changed as she asked me what I wanted.    


I didn't want to worry Jiang Wei, so I put on a front and said that I didn't have enough manpower today, so I might need to work a little longer.    


Jiang Wei didn't suspect anything and just raised her head to look at me. Then, a small hand grabbed onto my palm and pulled me into a room.    


This seemed to be the lounge for little girls who were drinking. There were a few beds and a sofa, which were rather clean. However, there was an unavoidable smell of alcohol in the air.    


Jiang Wei immediately closed the door and locked it from the inside as soon as she entered.    


Leaning on my chest, she stands on her tiptoes and kisses my mouth with her bright lips. After a long kiss, Jiang Wei finally looks at me with her moist eyes.    


"Little Cheng, I... "I missed you …"    


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