Live-In Son-in-Law

C142 What Kind of Woman Do You Think I Am?

C142 What Kind of Woman Do You Think I Am?

Without a doubt, Jiang Wei had only just realized this. The expression on her face was extremely strange, and one could even say that she was somewhat shocked.    


I nodded. "That boyfriend of yours is a gay."    


"When I went to save you yesterday, the first thing I found was not the room you were in, but the other side. When we went in, that guy was rolling in bed sheets with his partner. That scene almost made me sick to death." I said snappily.    


This news had dealt a very serious blow to Jiang Wei.    


Jiang Wei's body swayed slightly as if she couldn't bear the pressure. Her face was exceptionally pale, devoid of any trace of blood.    


His boyfriend was actually a gay?    


Although she felt heartbroken and even despaired for that man, hearing this news all of a sudden still gave Jiang Wei a great shock.    


"So, from the beginning to the end, that guy never liked you. That guy completely treated you as a shield, the type that he would kick away after using you."    


"Marry you? "It's simply impossible. If that guy really managed to start his business, the first thing he would do is kick you away and live with his boyfriend."    


"Of course, I might marry you, but at best, I'll only use you to cover up my gay identity."    


Although what I said was really cruel to Jiang Wei, it was the truth.    


Instead of making Jiang Wei feel guilty for her foster parents' sons, she might as well make Jiang Wei forget about that man as soon as possible.    


My hands grabbed Jiang Wei's shoulders, and with an unprecedented seriousness, I said in a deep voice, "You must remember, you are a very beautiful woman. In this world, no normal man can be indifferent to you, only two kinds of people are unmoved. One is a true saint, and the other is a gay."    


"And in this world, there are not many Saints, but a bunch of gay people."    


"So, you don't need to feel any guilt toward that person. You didn't do anything to let him down. You have already paid a lot for that scum."    


"Before this, you have always lived for that scum. However, after this, you can live for yourself."    


Jiang Wei's face was still pale and her body swayed slightly.    


I didn't know how much of an effect my words had had on Jiang Wei. I didn't know if it could make the grudge in her heart disappear, but I did see the smile on Jiang Wei's face and the tears in her eyes.    


Lifting her slender fingers and wiping away the tears at the corner of her eyes, Jiang Wei gave me a smile that was like a blossoming flower.    


"I know."    


Looking at Jiang Wei's expression, I heaved a sigh of relief.    


Although the relationship between Jiang Wei and I had become complicated due to the influence of various factors, I could still feel some guilt in Jiang Wei's heart towards that scumbag. No, to be exact, she felt some guilt towards her parents, who brought her up.    


What I want now is to completely shatter this guilt, so that Jiang Wei can say her goodbyes to her. I hope that my words will be able to untie the knot in Jiang Wei's heart.    


Jiang Wei heaved a sigh of relief. With her hands behind her back, she quickly walked in front of me and turned around to look at me.    


"I've already told you everything about me. It's time for you to tell me about you. How have you and your wife been recently?    


Why did the topic return to this matter?    


Embarrassed, I replied, "This …"    


"Tsk, bad guy."    


Jiang Wei harrumphed. "Although my first impression of you is not very good, being a sex maniac and also very violent, but in reality, you're still a pretty good guy. This isn't a card issue, I'm serious."    


"As long as it's a woman who knows you well, she shouldn't hate you, right? So your wife will fall in love with you sooner or later! Although the school forbids early love, but it doesn't say that marriage isn't allowed. " Jiang Wei giggled.    


I sighed and replied, "It's up to fate."    


"Oh yeah, take this bag." Speaking of hell, I remember now.    


Last night, Brother Feng threw me a handbag. When I came out of Jiang Wei's house, I picked it up. It should be quite heavy with a lot of money inside.    


I opened it and took a look. There were still around seventy to eighty thousand yuan inside, so I gave this bag to Jiang Wei.    


"What is this?" Jiang Wei felt a little strange. When she opened her bag and saw the money inside, her expression immediately changed.    


"I got this from that damn fatty yesterday. There's around a hundred thousand in total, so Brother Feng took twenty thousand. The rest is all here. Take it." "No," I said.    


Jiang Wei should be in need of money right now. This money was very important to her.    


It's just that I didn't expect that when Jiang Wei saw the money, her face didn't have the slightest hint of happiness. Instead, it gradually turned gloomy.    


"Who do you think I am?" Jiang Wei bit her lips and asked me.    


"Do you think I did it for money?" Jiang Wei asked word by word. There was even a hint of disappointment and anger in her eyes.    


My heart jolted and I immediately understood. To a woman, giving money at this moment should be a very serious insult.    


I hastily waved my hand and said, "Don't misunderstand. I didn't mean it that way. It's useless for me to take the money. Although I owe a lot of money, I still don't need it right now."    


"You owe the Infernal Realm a lot of money, right? Take this money and pay back the debt from the Infernal Realm, then stop working in the Infernal Realm. That place would still be dangerous after all."    


"As for the rest of the money I owe, I'll pay it back in due time." "No," I said.    


"In any case, if you don't want the money, then I'll burn it. I don't care." "No," I said.    


Hearing my words, Jiang Wei's complexion slightly improved.    


After all, Jiang Wei really lacked money right now. After hesitating for a long time, she finally accepted the bag of holding.    


I let out a sigh of relief.    


"Alright, it's settled then. You go to the school first, I'll go later. If the students in the school see the two of us going to school together, it won't be very good for your reputation." "No," I said.    


Jiang Wei nodded, silently took her purse and prepared to leave.    


Just when Jiang Wei was about to turn around and leave, she suddenly stopped for a moment. She abruptly turned around and kissed my face before disappearing in front of me.    


As he caressed his face, a strange expression appeared on it.    


By the time I got to school, it was almost time for class.    


However, what made me feel strange was that there was a group of people gathered at the entrance of the school. What were they doing here if they weren't going to class?    


Could it be that his father had come to the school to cause trouble again?    


My expression changed!    


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