The Strongest Immortal Cultivator In City

C19 The Difference Between You and Superman

C19 The Difference Between You and Superman

Although Ergou's side had a lot of people, compared to the One-Eyed Dragon's side, it seemed a little pitiful. The other side had clearly come prepared. Whether it was in terms of numbers or equipment, they were far superior to Ergou and the others.    


Peach and Yang Jingtian did not run. Ergou and the others could only stop when they got close to them. They really could not do anything to abandon the two of them and escape.    


Before Ergou and Peach could talk, One-eyed Dragon and the others had already surrounded them.    


Not even a drop of water could leak through. Unless Yang Jingtian and the others grew wings and flew away, they wouldn't be able to escape from the encirclement of One-eye Dragon and the others.    


One-eye Dragon did not only have one eye. It was that the coiling dragon on his chest only had one eye. He was not tall, but his body was very strong. He did not look like Ergou and the others. He had a fierce look on his face and looked very fierce.    


"Ergou, why are you running?"    


"One-eye Dragon, what do you want?"    


"What do you want? Humph, don't you know what I want?" The one-eyed dragon sneered.    


A while ago, One-eyed Dragon and his two brothers were staggering at the mealtime. When they went out to stroll on the street, they saw a lone peach.    


The two of them suddenly wanted to tease each other, but unfortunately, they happened to meet Ergou and the others. Ergou and the others gave One-eye Dragon and the other two a good beating.    


At that time, Ergou and the others didn't pay much attention to it, but someone reminded them later on. That person was the real big bully One-eye Dragon in the nearby area. Only then did Ergou and the others know that it was a big deal. Therefore, apart from following Yang Jingtian to receive the award, Ergou and the others had not left the shantytown recently.    


They never thought that they would be so careful, but One-eye Dragon still came to find them.    


"One person doing things and one person taking responsibility. I was the one who hit you, If you want revenge, then come at me! It has nothing to do with my brothers. " Ergou took a step forward and decided to shoulder the responsibility alone. He didn't want to implicate others.    


This was also a solution that couldn't be helped. It was better to suffer alone than to be beaten up by everyone, right? It had to be said that Ergou was quite manly at this moment.    


"Let me tell you all, none of the people present can leave today. " The one-eyed dragon said coldly. After glancing around, his gaze finally fell on the peach. "Girl, this matter started because of you, don't say that I, One-eye Dragon, am bullying people. I'll give you an option, if you're willing to accompany me for two rounds.    


Heavens, I'll write off everything from before, I definitely won't make things difficult for them, how about it?"    


Up until now, One-eye Dragon was still thinking about the peach. But people with discerning eyes could see that even if the peach really went to accompany him, If he didn't make things difficult for Ergou and the others today, he would definitely do it in two days.    


"Accompany your mother!" Da Niu worked hard and wanted to rush forward to beat the one-eyed man.    


"What are you doing? Don't move. "    


"F * ck, whoever moves will be f * cking beaten to death. All of you, be obedient!" The people brought by One-eye Dragon immediately became fierce and stunned Ergou and the others once again.    


There was no other way, the gap between the two sides was too great. This was not the time to show off. Whoever went up would have bad luck. What they needed the most now was to calm down.    


"Brother Long, right?" Yang Jingtian stood where he was and said.    


"It's me. " One-eye Dragon replied proudly.    


"We're all from the underworld. So many of you are bullying us. It wouldn't be nice if this got out. I don't think Brother Long wants to have a bad reputation, right? "    


One-eye Dragon nodded and said," That's true. How about this! Then I'll give you two options. You can either solo a group of us, or we'll gang up on you. No matter which one you choose, I'll let them go, okay?"    


" Haha! " The people brought by the one-eyed man laughed loudly. This was indeed an interesting choice.    


Now that they had the advantage, why should they give up such an advantage? It was too ridiculous. The other party was actually able to say such funny words.    


"You're so pure and cute. Speak! Which one do you choose?" The one-eyed dragon asked happily.    


Yang Jingtian let go of the peach's hand and shrugged his shoulders helplessly. He then took a watermelon knife from Ergou's hand and said, "Since that's the case, I'll choose one person to fight you all alone!"    


"Haha, he said that he will fight all of us alone. This is too funny!"    


The One-Eyed Dragon and the others felt that Yang Jingtian was a fool. There were so many of them, let alone Yang Jingtian alone. Even if they attacked together, They were still no match for him!    


This was simply a huge joke!    


However, they stopped laughing halfway.    


Yang Jingtian held the watermelon knife and approached the one-eyed man. The watermelon knife in his hand was waving rapidly above the man's head. In less than ten seconds. The one-eyed man's thick hair was gone.    


The knife raised and the hair fell. The knife technique was neat and clean.    


The one-eyed man's head was shining as if he had been shaved with a razor. Even a hairdresser had to be careful in order to achieve this! Yang Jingtian actually used a watermelon knife to do it.    


Yang Jingtian raised the watermelon knife to his mouth and gently blew on it, blowing off the remaining hair on the blade. He asked Cyclops indifferently. "Are you satisfied with your new hairstyle?"    


"Satisfied your mom. . . Ah!"    


Before Cyclops could finish his words, Yang Jingtian's cucumber knife had already slapped his mouth, smashing back the remaining profanities that he had yet to say.    


One should know that it was Cyclops who had the upper hand now, and Yang Jingtian actually attacked first. The people that Cyclops had brought with him had never thought that such a possibility would happen.    


Yang Jingtian rushed into the crowd, but he did not attack forcefully. Instead, he quickly moved through the crowd. The watermelon knife in his hand flew up and down, looking very beautiful. However, no one was in the mood to admire him at this moment.    


The others didn't move. Only Yang Jingtian made a move. Naturally, he became the focus of the one-eyed man and the others.    


However, when they really fought, they realized that Yang Jingtian's speed was too fast. Although his opponent was running back and forth in the crowd, they couldn't keep up with his rhythm. They were played like fools.    


Roughly three minutes later, Yang Jingtian returned to Peach's side with his watermelon knife.    


At this time, no one attacked Yang Jingtian anymore. Everyone held their pants with both hands and looked at Yang Jingtian with tearless eyes.    


This guy was too much of a cheat. He actually used a knife to cut off their belts, causing their pants to fall off. Helpless, he can only use both hands to hold his pants, unable to continue attacking.    


"Let's forget about it this time. If I see you guys again, don't say that I'll cut something off from your bodies. " Yang Jingtian said faintly.    


"With a clang, Yang Jingtian threw the watermelon knife on the ground. One-eye Dragon and the others were shocked.    


"Okay, brother, I admit defeat! See you again! " The one-eyed dragon knew that they had met with a tough opponent. The abilities that Yang Jingtian had displayed had already exceeded his imagination. If the opponent had wanted to hurt them just now, they would have been wounded all over the place.    


One-eye Dragon had wanted to at least have some poise when he left. He could not lose too much face even if he lost.    


He learned the way the people in the Jianghu cupped their fists, but in the end, he didn't have the habit of wearing underwear, and his pants fell off.    


From then on, such a legend was spread in the shantytown.    


The One-Eyed Dragon fought as fiercely as Superman, but the difference between him and Superman was. . . He did not have any underpants!    


- The content came from [Miegoo Reading]    


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