I Got 999 Level With One Cut

C176 Weapon Class Uranium 235

C176 Weapon Class Uranium 235

According to Riko's current level, she could easily write a brand new powerful fire forbidden spell in half a day. If this spell appeared in a mage's knowledge sharing gathering, it would be enough to make Titled Devil Instructor bankrupt. But what Riko wanted was not money.    


Although the spell she easily wrote could be considered powerful, it was not powerful enough to make people fear it.    


If Riko did not want to hurt people and stop the war, she felt that the new spell that she created must be powerful enough to make everyone tremble in fear.    


The damage that it caused must be unacceptable.    


A fireball could probably blow up a horse carriage, and a flame burst skill could blow up a three-story house. A single Ring of Demonic Flame could raze an entire block to the ground. And the most powerful fire type forbidden spell could wipe out a small city with tens of thousands of people from the map.    


But the magic Riko wanted could destroy a city like Lotterdall, Frankfurt, or Dusseldolph with hundreds of thousands of people.    


Such an unprecedented spell had never appeared in history, and it was difficult for it to be contained in the regular structure of the spell.    


In a region, the magic elements in the air were limited. A powerful mage like Riko could extract the last trace of elements in the air. She could make them display shocking power. But she could not create elements out of thin air.    


Riko made a simple estimation and the final conclusion she came to was that she could not create elements out of thin air. If she followed the conventional way of casting spells, if she wanted to pile up as many fire elements as possible, then she either stood next to a natural volcanic crater and cast a spell, or she needed to suck out all the fire elements in the circle with her as the center and a diameter of more than 200 kilometers.    


Moreover, she had done the calculations based on the data she already had. Riko estimated that if she wanted to release this kind of magic, even if she optimized the spell to the best possible level, she would still need three to five minutes to complete the incantation.    


Because no one had really used fire elements to do this before. So in reality, she also did not know what kind of problems she would face if she did this.    


Just as she was thinking about how to construct this spell, Loli Merlin held a piece of paper and knocked on the door.    


"Rikku, take a look at this."    


Riko turned her head and saw Loli Merlin holding a Magic Power magazine in her hand. On the page of the magazine was densely packed small words. She blinked, "What is this?"    


"An interesting thesis written by two mages who studied Metal element. I think it might be useful to you."    


The author of this thesis was actually two people from Westfalen.    


One was called Otto Jaen. Riko thought for a long time before she remembered that this person seemed to be a Level 4 or Level 5 Titled Devil Instructor. He kept a low profile. The other was called Lizzy Maitner. Riko had never heard of this person before.    


This thesis was published at the back of Magic Power Magazine. Obviously, at this moment, it did not receive much attention and affirmation. This was most likely because the things they proposed were sensational. Moreover, it was a pure theory that could not be verified. In addition, they were researching in the relatively unpopular field of Metal element.    


Generally speaking, the degree of familiarity with an element was proportionate to the time it was discovered. Almost all mages were very familiar with the basic elements of earth, water, fire, and wind. This was because they were elements that were used on a large scale by human mages twenty thousand years ago in Aegean Islands. After an extremely long period of time, the human magic civilization had a rich understanding of them.    


Thousands of years later, the elves discovered the four elements of time, space, light and darkness. They added them into the magic system. When the Elves ruled Europe, they conducted a great deal of research on them. At this time, these elements started to become less mysterious. The last four elements were electricity, ice, life, and metal. They were all discovered by the human mages after the elves left.    


Two thousand years ago, the Royal Magic Research Institute in Britain gathered dozens of the most outstanding mages in the world to research for ten years. They finally announced that metal as the twelfth element had been added to the modern magic system. At this point, the human magic and incantation system had been completely repaired. There were twenty-six letters in the incantation system, each corresponding element. The last remaining M and N corresponded to the Arcane, forming a perfect balance and harmony.    


However, two thousand years had passed, and people still had very little understanding of this new discovery.    


Riko could use about a hundred thousand magic, but she could only use two to three hundred gold magic.    


So when she saw that the entire research was about metal elements, she was slightly stunned.    


But she still did her best to look as seriously as possible.    


This matter originated from an unintentional attempt by the two of them. They wanted to know how much density they could create the heaviest material. Thus, according to Boer's elemental model, they began to continuously arrange the Metal element together.    


The more Metal element they added, the greater the quality of the matter. They originally thought that they would be able to do it endlessly until Otto Jaen gathered a total of 92 units of Metal element together. He created a mysterious white substance that was 19 times denser than water.    


Because this was the heaviest material they could obtain, Jaen named it Heavy Iron.    


Then, when they reached this step, they discovered that no matter how they tried to stuff the 93rd Metal element in, the final result was failure.    


When the ninety-third Metal element collided with this mysterious white matter at a high speed, the white matter did not absorb the ninety-third Metal element. Instead, it dispersed into many pieces and emitted a certain amount of heat. Most of the content of the thesis was describing how they repeated this experiment and how they failed again and again.    


However, they still proposed an idea.    


If they could create a lot of magic metals that contained a large amount of Metal element, they would use a small portion of the Metal element to bombard it at high speed. Then, the matter that was hit would explode into many pieces. At the same time that it released its energy, the other substances in the vicinity would cause an extremely terrifying chain reaction. The two mages in the thesis mentioned that the efficiency of this reaction releasing energy might be hundreds or thousands of times higher than the explosion of the fire element.    


"It's a pity..." Otto Jaen wrote at the end of the thesis regretfully, "Even as a Level 4 Titled Devil Instructor, I don't have the ability to create and maintain enough Heavy Iron to release this kind of super magic that might exist. I can't even imagine what its spell would be like. Unless Isaac is reborn, no one can verify whether my idea is correct or not. "    


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