I Got 999 Level With One Cut

C185 A Mysterious Power

C185 A Mysterious Power

Riko reported the whole story to Winkelmann and even showed him the thesis in the magazine.    


Winkelmann heard that Riko developed weapons of mass destruction. He did not know what he could do with this power.    


Because Riko had not obtained the Titled Devil Instructor, her military system was not compatible with the military system. In official battles, she could not use a red humanoid figure that symbolized a Titled Devil Instructor. So she could only use the large army token that symbolized the legion corps. This was also the reason why she obtained the name of Rico Group from the back. After Winkelmann gave this suggestion to the command center in a joking manner last time, Brucedahl actually adopted this suggestion. On the map, a legion corps was added to the location of the Fort Lerge. This thing was even used by the publicity department to appease the panicked people in the Brucedahl. They claimed that the fourth legion was stationed in the Fort Lerge in the capital.    


Because Riko could not have a commander commanding her to fight, and she could not have a taxi listening to her orders. Therefore, in the official document, the General Staff of Brucedahl gave the command of Rico Group to Lieutenant General Henry Winkman. In fact, Riko was the only one in the group, and Winkelmann couldn't beat her. Even if Riko did not obey his orders, he could not do anything to her.    


Furthermore, Winkelmann felt that the commanding authority given to her by Brucedahl was only an administrative decision, but it did not mean that she had the right to order Riko to send out weapons of mass destruction to Dusseldolph.    


So he felt that this matter was really out of his scope of responsibility, so he explained the entire matter to Commander General Bolden in the Crystalball Communication. Then Bolden said that he could not make a decision on this matter, and then he told Almande Janssen about it.    


After Janssen heard about this matter, he found two Devil Instructor. He asked him if such a large-scale destructive magic could exist. The Devil Instructor said that it was impossible for such a spell to exist. Then Alsa Boer ran in and told him about Riko. Janssen asked them who was stronger between Riko and Titled Devil Instructor, and the Devil Instructor said that Titled Devil Instructor was stronger. Therefore, Janssen decided to believe in Elsa.    


While he was meeting with the queen, he asked someone to communicate with Britain. He tried to find the eyewitnesses of the explosion. It was a huge mushroom cloud that was several kilometers tall. It was a huge fireball that was even more dazzling than the sun. Such a big movement... Even if the explosion happened on the sea, perhaps some people had witnessed the whole process.    


He actually found a witness.    


A witness. Half an hour after the explosion, the Britain airship that was on its way back approached the sea. According to the captain's report, they saw a mushroom shaped gray cloud blocking the way back. They originally planned to approach it and observe it more closely, but the mages on the ship said that there was a dangerous mysterious force in the air. The closer they got to the cloud, the stronger the force. So the captain realized this problem and decided to write it in the report, and ordered the airship to go around the sea.    


The captain's description coincided with Riko's description in all aspects.    


A few hours later, the two Great Devil Instructor warriors set off for the location where they found the mushroom cloud. When they arrived, the cloud had already disappeared, but the "strange and dangerous mysterious force" was still there. The two Great Devil Instructor warriors were surprised to find that the ocean creatures in the water were nowhere to be found. The entire area was strangely silent.    


Before they could figure out what was going on, they heard the Aldran on the other side declare that they were responsible for this matter.    


Now, no matter how hard it was to believe this, Almande Janssen had to admit that it was very likely to be true.    


After all, he could not figure out what Riko's motive for doing this was if she really wanted to fake it.    


Therefore, when he was having a meeting with Queen Vilhelmina and some of the cabinet members, Janssen brought up this matter.    


After a discussion, the Cabinet made a decision.    


First, let Riko repeat the magic experiment that she had conducted not long ago on the sea or in the uninhabited area, and systematically verify the authenticity and destructive power of this spell. The situation at the front line had already stabilized, and the chaos caused by insufficient preparation during the war had been greatly alleviated. She would be fine even if she left Fort Lerge for a day or two. After all, there was still a Level 5 Titled Devil Instructor Turing guarding there.    


Not long ago, Britain agreed to let the Gaul put forward a proposal for the three kings of the alliance's military to meet on the sea.    


After the war, the rulers of the three countries had never held a formal meeting. There were a lot of issues that needed to be discussed on the agenda. For example, the division of the front line, command and sharing of information.    


If Riko's magic was really as described, it could destroy a city in one hit. It was very likely that they would use it as a deterrent to force Westfalen and Moscow Rus to surrender. No king would take the risk of their own city turning into ashes in the sea of fire and bet everything on it.    


If the silver-haired girl could display such a terrifying magic in front of the kings and important ministers of the three countries, she would definitely be able to win more bargaining chips for Aldran in the post-war negotiations.    


With the peace treaty to stop this war as an opportunity, the structure of Europe and even the entire world might undergo a reshuffle.    


Aldran was stuck between several large countries. Just because of Riko Hasegawa's existence, it could grow into a new power.    


Riko did not know about these political decisions.    


She only knew that Winkelmann suddenly looked for her very seriously. Inform her to head to London next week. She would pass through the Plane Passageway that was about to be reopened there and head for the Raging Flame Plane. She needed to plant another big mushroom there.    


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