I Got 999 Level With One Cut

C206 A Wave in the Middle

C206 A Wave in the Middle

Max Ensco stood in the command room, which was not very spacious on the big cruise ship Meckran Castle. He faced the map on the table. He couldn't help but think back to many years ago. He was a Titled Devil Instructor who grew up in the cruel and long 300 years of war. When the first war broke out, he was a Titled Devil Instructor. He was only a thin and skinny mage with glasses, who was studying in the Mage Academy. He and his classmates carried their books and walked through the small paths in the shade of the trees carefreely every day. He did not look forward to it or fear the next day. In the blink of an eye, he discovered that he was sitting in a narrow and cramped military transport airship. He nervously held onto the wand and waited for fate to descend.    


He remembered that his first mission was to land and occupy Copenhagen, even though the commander had repeatedly emphasized that there was no danger before the operation. However, after the end of the battle, Max realized that this operation was a suicide mission. Without air control and without knowing the enemy's military strength, he pulled a few teams of mages onto the airship and planned to bypass the Skagerrak's aerial forces and throw them to the enemy's capital. If he did not want to die, what else could he do? But the empire was fighting against four powerhouses at the same time, and such a plan actually passed.    


Max also remembered that he was very lucky. More than half of the transport ships carrying out the mission did not fly to Copenhagen before they were caught by the Southern Fleet of the Skagerrak Kingdom. A large group of mages were buried together with the transport ships before they even saw the enemy. At the same time, when he finally controlled the levitation skill to slowly descend from the sky, at the same time, he also had to pay attention to the light element detection magic that had been sweeping around in the air. He saw a powerful Titled Devil Instructor rising into the sky like a god. He killed more than half of his comrades with a wave of his hand.    


In the end, Max risked his life and spent three days to swim back to Lugan Island from Copenhagen. The coldness that penetrated deep into the bone marrow of Baltic Sea in the month increased his control over the Ice element and fire elements, and also froze the soul of the Third Rank young mage in the past.    


The transport airship at that time was small and light. It would sway whenever it encountered wind in the air. Now, the ship was big. For example, the "Meckrenberg" also had an advanced stabilization system. Even if it travelled through the storm, it would still be stable.    


Max realized that he had been thinking for too long, so he vigilantly stopped his thoughts.    


"How far is it from the Joint Fleet?" He asked the people standing next to him.    


"There are still thirty-three thousand meters left, sir. Currently, the enemy's two battleships have already launched the first round of ground attacks. We estimate that the exchange of fire will begin in twenty minutes."    




He tidied his mage robe and held the Sage Scepter leaning against the wall in his hand. The wand in his hand made Max feel a surge of power.    


"I should go. I can't let the ground troops just get beaten up. It's time to let the people of Aldran and Britain see how powerful this old man is..."    


Max walked onto the deck. The night of November was cold. He gazed into the distance at the light spots floating in the distance. It was the light from the alliance fleet 30 kilometers away.    


"Someone is coming."    


Riko suddenly turned around and let go of her hand. She looked into the distance in a direction that clearly had nothing.    


"I need to go out and deal with it..."    


Meiko nodded lightly and rubbed the silver-haired girl's head.    


"Unfortunately, I can't fly. Come on, pay attention to your safety."    




Riko ran out of the control room and opened the door. She stood on the observation deck and let the Wind Element gently drag her into the air.    


In the distance, the four super war cruiser of the Aldran, Lake Essamer, were lined up in a row. Their bridge and the porthole on the side of the ship were lit up with bright lights. Further away, there was also 'Determination' and a large group of slow and cumbersome auxiliary warships.    


The beacon skill drew a bright belt in the air that caught the attention of the entire battlefield. The silver-haired girl summoned her courage and flew forward.    


Max Ensco noticed the powerful aura that was approaching. This made him frown slightly, and he couldn't help but slow down his pace.    


Of course, he wasn't the only one who noticed Riko.    


The other five Titled Devil Instructor in the fleet had already flown up from the airship, and were rushing in this direction at their fastest speed.    


The goal of this battle was to eliminate the enemy's forces and occupy Antwervib City - if they wanted to win, they had to let the army defeat the enemy on the ground.    


If they wanted the ground troops to gain an advantage, then the airship had to obtain an advantage in the air.    


If they wanted the airship to gain control over the air, they had to make the enemy forces that could threaten the fleet withdraw from the battlefield.    


In other words, the exchange of blows between Titled Devil Instructor warriors before the official battle determined the outcome of this battle.    


His five teammates were Otto Jaen, the Ruler of Chaos Ludovici. Boer Zman, William Wayne, who had luckily escaped from Riko's hands. Two Grandmaster pharmaceuticals, "Color" Ostwald, and "Hand of the Devil," Frice Hubble.    


Max was still relatively at ease with these five colleagues.    


However, the current him understood the danger he was about to face more than anyone else.    


Max could see the bright light of the beacon skill in the night sky, and he could also feel that the magic in the air was getting stronger and stronger.    


At first, he thought that it was only equivalent to a Level 7 Titled Devil Instructor, but as that existence approached, the invisible pressure in the air became heavier and heavier.    


Up until now, that momentum had completely surpassed the level of a Ninth Rank Level 7.    


It even showed signs of suppressing Max himself.    


And it was still increasing.    


Max had already seen Riko's name in the newspaper. At first, he, like most people in Westfalen, thought that it was just a paper tiger's threat.    


But now it seemed like...    


At least, this young female mage might have some skills.    


This was enough to make Max stop his steps cautiously. He held the wand in his hand and floated in the air, preparing to make his move.    


But even if the other party might be stronger than him, it did not make him feel too nervous.    


Within a minute, the other five Titled Devil Instructor warriors would stand beside him and fight side by side. Even if Wayne, who was weaker, and Hubble, who was more skilled in large-scale attacks, were excluded, there were still three Level 4 and above Titled Devil Instructor warriors.    


Moreover, the opponent was alone. While facing the six of them, he also had to take care of the fleet's defense. At least, he wouldn't let Max steal a combat cruiser with a Devil Flame Ring.    


Even if she was a little bit stronger, that would still be impossible, right?    


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