I Got 999 Level With One Cut

C221 It Was Time for the Transitional Chapter to Appear

C221 It Was Time for the Transitional Chapter to Appear

" Oh! Rome! Titled Mage Palace! Dark Arena! There's also the statue of the Elf Queen, Naimi!"    


Not long after the airship passed Genoa, it was sailing on the calm Mediterranean Sea. Before Lorin could even see the shadow of Rome, she excitedly rushed onto the deck and looked at the land in the distance.    




Virna held her forehead and did not know what to say, but she felt that it was shameful to stay with such a person...    


Rome, known as the world's Magic Capital, was one of the oldest cities in the world. The establishment of this city could even be traced back to the period before the elves descended to the Elysium. It was the era of the magic civilization of mankind. People who had just learned how to use the four elements of earth, water, fire, and wind were still searching for the most basic law contained in magic in the seemingly endless darkness.    


Then, the Elves came.    


More than 17,000 years ago, in the northeast part of the Sardinia Kingdom today. The first batch of elves set foot on the continent of Europe. They came from another Plane in the distant starry sky on an ark. Their amazing elemental talent gave these elegant life forms power that humans could never hope to reach. The gorgeous elemental fire quickly swept across the entire northern part of Aprinine Peninsula. And then... On the first day that the World Tree's seed germinated and grew in the center of Rome, the Elf Republic was established.    


At that time, the ruler of Rome was not called the Elven Emperor, but was called the ruling of the Republic.    


The Elves lived peacefully in the small territory of the Republic. Although they could also hear that the races outside the Peninsula were called humans, they had never taken action to conquer them.    


Until the seventh Republic was in power, the birth of Nishia Ollaru Klautz.    


This elf was a true magic genius. Reaching the Devil Instructor level at the age of ten, breaking through to the Rank 8 at the age of twenty. At the age of thirty-five, when he had an overwhelming advantage in the election and became the ruler of the Elven Republic, he had already become an unprecedented and powerful individual in the history of Elves.    


According to the estimation of human levels, Nisia, who had reached the Ninth Rank Level 9, effortlessly swept away all the forces of the Human Alliance in the Aprinine Peninsula. She advanced east, defeated Archimedes, and swallowed all the countries in the Aegean Sea.    


With the help of two Eighth Grade Titled Devil Instructor, Prince Weiss Barsia and Prince Gragu, he conquered and plundered without restraint. When Nisia passed away, the Elven Empire had become an empire with all the land between the ocean and the ocean. Rome welcomed unprecedented prosperity. For the first time, it had become the true center of the world. Of course, that was for the Elves.    


For humans and other lower races that were ruled, life was not that easy.    


In the Elven Empire, the law stated that humans were not allowed to learn magic. If one wanted to search for the power of the elements, they could only go east. Transmigration. Bosprus Strait, Anatolia and Gaugass, across Persia, the kingdoms of the Western Regions, and the Skyhill Mountains. All the way to the capital of the Eastern civilization, Chang'an. Only in that place could one study magic fearlessly under the light.    


This long and dangerous road was called the Path of Truth by the mages at that time.    


Elven Empire had ruled Europe for ten thousand years.    


After this mythical country was finally ended by Mage God, Isaac, and his group of similarly powerful companions, the elves finally entered Void. However, in the ten thousand years they had ruled Rome, they had left countless enviable legacies for the city.    


Many buildings from the elven era could still be used today. The elemental activity here was higher than any city on Earth, and it was where the headquarters of Magic Guild and Pharmacist Guild were located.    


And because of these few reasons, Rome became the most reliable place to evaluate high-level Titled Devil Instructor.    


Also, the stone wall with the name carved by every Titled Devil Instructor was also here. It would be better to solve all the problems in one go.    


The airship moved forward unhurriedly, and before Lorin's enthusiasm faded, they arrived at the airship port at the east coast of Rome.    


... "There are so many ships!"    


This was Virna's first reaction.    


More than half of the port's landing platform was already filled with airships. There were also several ships queuing to land.    


The ship did not have any weapons on it, so it looked like it was for civilian use.    


On the mast of the airship hung colorful flags from various countries, like a 10,000 Nation Exposition...    


In the air, the two light airships of the Sardinia Air Force were floating. They pulled up a huge banner with colorful words written in different languages. However, upon closer inspection, they actually expressed the same meaning.    


"Welcome to Rome!"    


"What's going on? Is there any big shot coming here today?"    


Lorin looked at the banner with a silly and cute expression and turned her head to ask Virna.    


"Yes." The latter said in a serious manner.    


"How do you know?"    


"You know it too. Why can't I know?"    


"How would I know?"    


" Isn't Ms Rikku the same? "    




Lorin immediately revealed a look of sudden realization and nodded very slowly, dragging out the word 'oh' for a very long time.    


"Then what is the matter with these airships in front?"    


"Do you see the airship with the Moscow Rus flag?"    


"I saw it. What's wrong?"    


"I saw it on the Grey Tower Weekly. It belonged to The Hand of Elements, Tymoshenko. And the one that was painted black. It belonged to Sir Ensco from Westfalen. Besides that, there should be a lot of Titled Devil Instructor warriors here as well... "    


" Is it really that scary? That's perfect!" Lorin proudly clenched her fists in front of her chest. "When the great descendant of Wisdom Warlock, who is me, breaks through to the Titled Devil Instructor, none of these people can be excluded! If anyone doesn't come, I will cut off all ties with them!"    


... ""    


Almost at this moment, a deep sound of a flute came from behind.    


Virna pressed Lorin's head and turned around, just in time to see the Aldran Air Force "Lake Aidan" that was speeding towards this direction and was floating in the air like a city.    


Riko, who was standing at the bow of the ship, seemed to have seen the two of them. She waved in that direction and the flag on the ship's mast fluttered in the wind.    


For some unknown reason, the four or five airships in front of them, which were about to land, started to drift to the side at the same time, making a path for the huge Lake Eden.    


"Wow, so handsome. As the descendant of the great Wisdom Warlock, I will do the same thing." Before Lorin finished speaking, she felt a knife on her head.... " Hey, why are you hitting me?"    


"I want to hammer."    


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