I Got 999 Level With One Cut

C240 It's Almost 500000 Words Ah

C240 It's Almost 500000 Words Ah

"No way... I've never been to Moscow before, what if I'm unlucky enough to open the exit inside the wall... "    


"Then let them give you a crystal ball to guide you!" Loli Merlin's eyes lit up. "And look, Rikku, I really think this is the most suitable way for you to travel. You are already a Level 9 Titled Devil Instructor, and you are also a Protector Mage from the Aldran. But you still don't have your own airship. You can't take an ordinary passenger airship either... You might not care, but you will be laughed at. You can either take the Air Force warship out, but it's a combat warship. You can't keep using it."    


Speaking of the airship, Riko suddenly remembered that the government was building an airship for herself.    


When the war started last year, everyone thought that Aldran, which had a huge difference in military strength, would not be able to hold on for long before it was completely occupied. In order to consider the future, they had to retreat and defend the various Plane Colony. They would use that place as their base to plan their counterattack.    


Therefore, after the war, the Aldran Air Force gave four orders to the three shipyards in the Furious Flame Territory for the four new "Lake Eden" class warships, preparing to be the main aerial force for their counterattack in the future.    


In the end, the war only lasted for a month before it ended.    


When the peace treaty was signed, the Air Force officially canceled the order. However, the fastest of the four ships had already placed the dragon bone and the chassis, and was currently in the process of construction of the hull. The Anti-Gravity formation array at the bottom of the ship had also been drawn. It would be a waste to give up on it and sell it as scrap metal. Hiring someone to draw a magic array was not cheap... Especially the large-scale formation array combination used on large battleships.    


Usually, this kind of situation would change the ship into a large cruise ship, but this time, the one to pick it up was the magic department. They changed the blueprint, canceled the cannon system, and moved a large number of life and research facilities onto the ship. They were prepared to give it to Riko.    


This thing was probably still under construction, and without the magic cannon, the construction speed would be faster, but it was impossible to make it complete before the Moscow mage assembly.    




"Hello, I am Bishop Martin of Light from Rome. Nice to meet you, child blessed by the Holy Light."    


While Riko and Loli Merlin were studying Heiss Gawa-Merlin Bridge, Undead Lady saw the Bishop of Light from Rome in a church of light on the other side of Lotterdall City.    


The latter looked at Undead Lady with a loving smile, as if she did not see the wrong nun uniform and dead fish eyes.    


" Oh." Undead Lady said.    


The loving smile on Bishop Martin's face did not diminish in the slightest, "Child blessed by the Holy Light, I heard that you still do not have a name?"    




Undead Lady indeed did not give herself a name, and when she came to the Temple of Light to register, she did not write her name either. So, including the priests, the nun, and Bishop Martin who came from afar, they could only call her "a child blessed by the Holy Light."    


"Then, please let the Holy Light enlighten me, let me give her a name..."    


Bishop Martin raised his head and looked at the ceiling of the church. He closed his eyes and mumbled something for a long time before finally looking back at Undead Lady.    


"The Great Holy Light tells me that your name is... Elin. It means sweet water, a very good name" He looked at the girl in front of him with a hopeful expression," Can I call you that? "    




Undead Lady turned the pearl in the blink of an eye. A ray of light with a holy aura fell from the sky and formed a ball of light in the air. Sometimes it formed an S and sometimes it formed a B.    


As the time for the mage assembly drew closer, the connection between the mages, who usually did not say a word for a few years, gradually became more frequent.    


Most of the content was basically "Do you know that I have a super awesome discovery?" "What is it?" This kind of behavior of "I'll tell you at the Magic Conference."    


Riko's only result in the past half a year was based on General Relative Theory and Gravity Theory Introduction, Heiss Gawa-Melinda Bridge. However, Elsa said that she did not need to produce any results. As long as she chatted with everyone and casually gave them some pointers, it would be more or less done.    


She had planned a few experiments herself, including what she had been striving for a long time ago. Based on the expansion of Relative Theory at the speed of light, this experiment was very difficult to do. She wanted to make the experiment results jump out of the scope of pure theory. In practical application, it proved that she needed to at least accelerate something to a speed close to the speed of light... It was not impossible, but it was very troublesome.    


There was also another troublesome thing - she wanted to see what the sky looked like.    


It wasn't the lowest flying speed of a few hundred meters, the highest flying height of four or five thousand meters, but the distant sky - the direction of the stars.    


In the history of this world, there were very few magician that explored the sky. Surprisingly, people were not very concerned about what was happening on the stars.    


The existence of the multivariate Plane also indicated that this world was very different from the Earth that Riko had stayed on.    


So she wanted to know where those starlight came from, whether those distant celestial bodies really existed, the large space between the stars and the stars, and whether it was the same dead vacuum as the Earth.    


This experiment was also not easy to do - she might have to fly out of the atmosphere personally. Riko did not know whether she should make a rocket or fly up just like that. She also did not know if the Wind Element could still work in a place where even the air became thin. But she still remembered this experiment in her heart.    


The silver-haired girl planned to delay these two matters until the end of the Moscow Conference.    


Daily life always lacked something that could be described.    


Other than the weather continuing to warm up, there seemed to be nothing worth mentioning about the days and events.    


It was similar to Riko's life before the outbreak of last year's war, although she no longer lived in the small wooden house that Magic Academy had given to the professor. However, she still lived in seclusion and did not go out except for going to school.    


This made her own wand, which Loli Merlin regarded as "ugly to the point of being very unique," almost never be used.    


What she had to do every day was to chat, drink tea, teach, and go home to give Estelle and Dorothy a small meal. She would give the former some basic magic theories and give the latter some pointers on the pharmaceuticals.    


The construction of the Mage Tower would occasionally take a look. The structure of the pagoda was gradually taking shape. Not far away, a building could be seen rising from the ground. However, there was still a long way to go before the completion of the construction.    


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