I Got 999 Level With One Cut

C183 A Mushroom Growing Girl

C183 A Mushroom Growing Girl

Loli Merlin, who was standing five kilometers away, could not hear what Riko was chanting.    


Even if the sound of chanting was infused with magic power, it could not be transmitted that far.    


So in her senses, the world in front of her was still peaceful and quiet. She could only hear the sound of waves rolling and the rare cries of seagulls.    


The weather today was not particularly good. The sky was not as deep and clear as the best days, but rather had a hint of gray.    


The sunlight wasn't that dazzling either.    


No one knew what was hidden under the green seawater.    


The oceanic magic beast in the Atlantic Ocean was extremely ferocious. Even Titled Devil Instructor warriors wouldn't normally dive into the water. The fishermen would only move within a few kilometers of the shore. Most of the ocean magic beast knew that not far away was the land that belonged to humans. Therefore, they usually would not come to this region of water. However, there were still many casualties caused by the ocean magic beast every year among the people fishing in the Atlantic Ocean.    


Almost 99% of the Atlantic Ocean had never been stepped on by humans, and the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean were even further away from Europe. No one knew what terrifying things were sleeping in the water there. In order not to be threatened by the magic beast, the airship became the main means of transportation between land and land.    


The only region of water that was not threatened by the magic beast was the Mediterranean Sea.    


At the peak of Elven Empire, its territory once covered the entire Europe and North Africa. It turned the Mediterranean Sea into its inner sea. However, while the Empire's glory spread in all directions, the elves were also troubled by the ocean magic beast's attack on the shore.    


Thus, an ambitious Elven Emperor suggested a plan - to destroy all the magic beast in the Mediterranean Sea.    


Therefore, he built a huge miracle project between the Channel of Constantinople and the Channel of Gibraltar, which was the only two channels connected to the outer water of the Mediterranean Sea. The dam could block the large ocean magic beast while allowing the seawater to flow through it. After that, he formed an unprecedentedly large elven army. He swept through the entire Mediterranean Sea.    


As a result, the Mediterranean became the only place in the world where ships could travel.    


Loli Merlin thought about this. She floated in the same place and waited.    


She covered many defensive spells in front of her, just like the time when she tested the gravity skill.    


However, this time Black Haired Great Devil Instructor had a premonition.    


What she was about to see would make the whole world tremble.    


At the same time, she felt a little excited and nervous.    


Two minutes passed peacefully.    


Then, in an ordinary instant, she saw something in front of her.    


It was light.    


When Riko invented the three new chanting symbols, she only used more than two minutes to complete the whole incantation.    


The moment the last character fell, the structure of the elemental arrangement was completed. A sphere that was a total of sixty kilograms, completely made up of 'Heavy Iron' made up of concentrated Metal element, appeared in the air.    


However, it only appeared for an instant.    


The Heavy Iron, whose quality exceeded the limit, began to self-destruct the moment it was created.    


A portion of the ninety-two pieces of Metal element first collapsed. Every single elemental individual flew in all directions. As they released their initial energy, they triggered a larger reaction.    


The already unstable elemental arrangement structure began to collapse at an astonishing speed.    


Until all the elements were triggered, the entire chain reaction also reached the final step.    


In less than a second, the magic elemental arrangement structure was completely torn apart, and a huge amount of energy was released from the chain reaction.    


At the moment of the chain reaction, the extremely bright light was enough to make any ordinary person who saw it temporarily blind. Its core temperature could temporarily reach tens of millions of degrees Celsius, which was equivalent to the center of the sun.    


Loli Merlin felt a sharp pain in her eyes.    


She watched helplessly as the fireball rapidly expanded.    


In the next second, the shockwave from the explosion had covered the distance of five kilometers. In almost an instant, Loli Merlin felt that her defensive spell was under tremendous pressure. She poured all her energy into the defensive spell.    


At the same time, she inadvertently raised her head and saw a scene that she would never forget.    


The burning gray smoke formed a huge mushroom. This mushroom shaped cloud was several thousand meters tall.    


The explosion's power even cleared the clouds in the sky. That cloud layer looked like a big hole.    


Not long after, Loli Merlin heard the sound of an explosion from afar.    


She stared at the slowly moving mushroom cloud for a long time and her face revealed a shocked expression.    


Not long after, Riko flew out from the mushroom cloud.    


Even Loli Merlin's mage robe was slightly burnt, but Riko, who was standing in the center of the explosion, appeared unharmed.    


But Riko did not expect that she could create such a powerful destructive force.    


She flew to Loli Merlin's side, not knowing what to do. She said blankly, "I did not expect to cause such a situation."    


Loli Merlin helplessly smiled.    


"I also did not expect that it would be so powerful."    


"Should such magic really exist?" Riko said worriedly.    


"Indeed, it is like the power of God."    


Loli Merlin looked at her and then looked at the mushroom cloud. She said, "On the contrary, I feel very fortunate."    




" Because the one who controls this power is you. I believe that in your hands, this power will bring us peace, not destruction."    


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