Asura War Supreme



"Fine, fine."    


After saying that, the purple-clothed Little Beauty buried her head deep within the sand. There was a burning red glow on her cheeks, and she was like a frightened camel, burying her head deep in the sand.    


Seeing the young girl's shy expression, Lin Jingyu was slightly startled. He had originally said that casually, but he didn't think that she would actually agree to it.    


Shaking his head and sighing, he was truly worried for his partner's intelligence in his previous life. However, since he had already confirmed the identity of the other party, Lin Jingyu did not feel any burden anymore.    


Slightly pursing his lips, Lin Jingyu did not hesitate and directly turned his face towards the girl's pretty face.    


Phew ~ There was the heavy breathing of a man and a woman in the air. Lin Jingyu gently lifted a strand of hair from the girl's forehead and then passed his palm through the girl's back and rested it on her shoulder.    


Ye Zichen gulped and slowly pressed his finger on her lips.    


He was originally going to succeed, but who would have thought that at the moment when the four lips were about to touch each other, the purple-clothed Little Beauty's body suddenly tensed up, because she suddenly saw a look in Lin Jingyu's eyes that said that his evil scheme had succeeded.    


"You scoundrel, you actually lied to me." With a struggle, the purple-clothed Little Beauty left Lin Jingyu's embrace and pushed the latter down to the ground in the blink of an eye.    


"Aiyo." Lin Jingyu covered his butt, and stood up with a few miserable sounds.    


"It seems like what mother said wasn't wrong. The sweet words of a man really can't be easily trusted."    


"Especially you, the scoundrel."    


"You actually lied to me ?" It also worried me ? "Hmph, you pervert!"    


Lin Jingyu was startled and immediately felt black lines over his head. It seemed like he could no longer hide his title of 'Scoundrel', and at the same time, felt a little guilty. He did not expect that his evil scheme would still be seen through when he was only missing the last step.    


He reached out to scratch the back of his head, but his face did not turn red nor did his heart jump, and he said with an aggrieved expression on his face: "My sickness really isn't well yet."    


"Liar, you lied to me again. Hmph, you scoundrel, you must be lying to me again to do something with you ?"    


"I won't fall for your trick again."    


Lin Jingyu laughed sinisterly: "Do what?"    


"Do something ?" The young girl found it difficult to say anything, but her face was so red that it dripped blood. She had an embarrassed expression on her face that made people want to go up and kiss her.    


"You're bad!"    


Her clear eyes mercilessly gouged at Lin Jingyu, and the purple-clothed Little Beauty punched the latter's chest with her fist.    


However, what she didn't expect was that Lin Jingyu was actually so shameless. Seizing the opportunity, he wrapped his arm around her slender waist, and then grasped onto her smooth wrist with his other hand which was like an iron pincer, preventing her from struggling even if she wanted to.    


The girl's thick eyebrows constantly trembled, and in an instant, her two cherry lips had been tightly sealed. In the face of this sneak attack, she was somewhat unable to react, but her heart was filled with a myriad of emotions.    


This was his first kiss, and he actually said it like this!    


The purple-haired girl no longer dared to blink as she looked at the teenager in front of her. Her two starry eyebrows closed as if resigned to their fate, allowing her to do whatever she wanted.    


On the other hand, Lin Jingyu was greedily enjoying the young girl's fragrance. This kiss brought him back to his previous life.    


His mind suddenly recalled his past life with his previous life's lovers and Nangong Xianyin, "Xian Yin, in this life, I will not let you take another step away from me, not even half a step."    


Lin Jingyu seemed to have made up his mind at this moment. So what if the world was spinning and the sea dried up and the rocks were rotten? He wouldn't let go of her hand again, and he wouldn't let her suffer any more harm!    


When he thought of this, Lin Jingyu's grip on the girl tightened, and at the same time, he increased his frivolous power towards the girl.    


After an unknown period of time ? Her four parted lips were reluctant to part when the two of them were about to kiss each other to the point that they were about to die.    


Phew ~ The purple-clothed Little Beauty's chest violently heaved as she continuously panted.    


Looking at the girl's perspiring white forehead and her strands of hair that had been drenched by the mist, Lin Jingyu felt slightly embarrassed. He touched his head and laughed, "The relationship seems to have developed a little too quickly ?"    


These heartless words reached the girl's ears, instantly attracting countless accusing looks from the girl.    


"Don't worry, I will be responsible for you."    


Lin Jingyu's expression was a little unnatural. After all, this was the first time the two of them had met, and they did not even know each other's names.    


Of course, Lin Jingyu was not someone who would leave just because he ate, so he said this with a serious expression.    


"Who asked you to take responsibility?" The purple-clothed Little Beauty curled her lips, showing a nonchalant expression.    


"If that's the case, then when I'm lonely in the future, I can only go find another Little Beauty." Lin Jingyu laughed, showing an expression of 'I'm sure'.    


As expected, the moment he heard those words, the purple-clothed Little Beauty instantly panicked. He fiercely glared at the youth and anxiously said: "You dare?"    


Their conversation became flirtatious again. If there was an outsider present, they would definitely think that this was a newlyweds.    


Being flirted with the Little Beauty caused Lin Jingyu's mood to immediately improve, and he experienced a different kind of pleasure. In his previous life, he went to all sorts of places to fight, and he had long gotten tired of the endless war and killing.    


And now, in this kind of environment, being able to accompany his lover from his previous life and also enjoying such a rare and precious tranquility, made Lin Jingyu feel very comfortable.    


If he could stay in this cave forever and depend on her, it would probably be a good choice, Lin Jingyu thought.    


However, in the end, Lin Jingyu still shook his head. His grudge with Jiu You and Purgatory was unavoidable! If he wanted to become stronger, he would have to leave this place!    


Lin Jingyu clicked his tongue, and without thinking about anything else, he immediately took out the jade bottle from his bosom and swallowed the Octagonal Loquat Dew orally. He expelled all the poison from his body.    


"Ah, what's wrong with you? Why do you have so many dark things on you?" Seeing that Lin Jingyu's body was constantly overflowing with black goo, the purple-clothed Little Beauty was slightly startled and asked uncontrollably.    


"Don't worry, these are all toxins that have been expelled from my body. There's no harm done by them." Lin Jingyu said, and comforted the young lady.    


"Yes." The latter also nodded her head. Extremely obediently, she extended her hand and handed over a pink silk handkerchief, "Wipe it."    


Receiving the handkerchief, Lin Jingyu's face revealed a brilliant smile. Presumably, the young girl had already completely accepted him.    


Otherwise, why would he give such a close-fitting item to me?    


The silk handkerchief even had the unique scent of a woman, and very quickly, Lin Jingyu finished detoxifying the poison on his body, and returned to his previously handsome and refined face.    


"Let's go out. Our injuries are all healed now." The girl spoke as she walked out of the cave. Her steps were light and rustling.    


Just after walking a few steps, he was stopped by Lin Jingyu. "It's best if you don't go out now, I suspect that the Ghost Three-head Python is outside, waiting for us to fall into their trap."    


Just now, Lin Jingyu had felt that the Ghost Three-head Python's aura was not far away and was definitely not moving.    


Furthermore, Lin Jingyu knew that the Ghost Three-head Python had a high intelligence.    


The young girl was momentarily startled and hurriedly stopped in her tracks. "Then, what should we do now?"    


Lin Jingyu looked deeply at the purple-clothed Little Beauty, then lowered his voice and said, "Wait!"    


"Wait for what?" The purple-clothed Little Beauty was puzzled.    


"Wait until your martial spirit has completed its second awakening ?"    


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