Strongest Chef System

C248 If There Is Hatred There will be Revenge

C248 If There Is Hatred There will be Revenge

It was true that anyone could be a customer, and not necessarily the former owner. Lin Feng then said, "With your expression, doesn't it mean that I guessed right?"    


"Well, it's a mistake, but how do you know for sure?" Chu Yunmeng had already proven that the mastermind behind all of this was none other than Lv Ting. Jiang Shuying followed suit and said, "If you can confirm just like that, then why are you still wasting so much effort for us to investigate? Isn't it fine if we just directly determine it?"    


Lin Feng said: "I previously thought that he was the most suspicious one, but didn't I have no proof? Now that he said Feng Haiqiang was the one who went behind the scenes, how could he be sure? Other than his boss, who else can make him do it himself? "    


Just based on his own feelings, or even Chu Yunmeng's words, Lin Feng was not very sure. But if the two combined, he already felt that they were close.    


Of course, this was only a guess and there was no substantial evidence.    


Chu Yunmeng said: "If I'm not sure as well, what would you do?"    


Lin Feng didn't even think about it, and said: "Then we would rather kill the wrong people than let them go. We can't just let ourselves go like this, it's better to stifle danger in the cradle. It's not always this lucky."    


"I like you more and more. If I wasn't married long ago, I would have definitely fought with Shuying for it." Chu Yunmeng seemed to agree with Lin Feng's attitude. When these words came out, both Lin Feng and Jiang Shuying rolled their eyes.    


Jiang Shuying replied, "I know that you will definitely take revenge, and I support you in doing so. But what do you actually want to do?"    


"Actually, I don't think there's any grudge between us and Lv Ting. We did have a grudge between us, but I don't think that we need to take each other's lives for a small matter."    


Lin Feng sighed and said: "It's just that I'm used to it, I think I'm too arrogant, I can freely decide the life and death of us small fries, and I feel that killing me is as easy as stepping on an ant."    


Chu Yunmeng also sighed, and said: "There are indeed a lot of people who are like this. Originally, it was a simple little matter that is completely unworthy of being bothered about, but if he simply said something that could take someone's life, he wouldn't even consider it if it was necessary. After all, it's just something that she casually said, and it's not tiring at all."    


"So this is how it is. Since he wants my life, he must use his life to return it to me, right?" Lin Feng thought for a while, then said: "Forget it, I am a more kindhearted person, forget about his life, I want him to live a life worse than death."    


"I think it would be better if you took his life, if you were really kind." Chu Yunmeng rolled her eyes, obviously disagreeing with his so-called kindness.    


Hearing that, Jiang Shuying could not help but remind him: "Although I support you to take revenge, but do not make things too big, it should be enough."    


Lin Feng was startled, and said: "Strange, how is it that you all do not doubt whether or not I can actually do it? Normally, if you would need to consider whether or not you have the qualifications to seek revenge against someone like Lv Ting, do you not doubt my ability? "    


"It doesn't matter if you have the ability. I'm fine with it." Chu Yunmeng was very straightforward, she had helped to look up all the information that Lin Feng needed and now it seemed like she was prepared to help Lin Feng deal with this mess.    


Jiang Shuying frowned, and asked while looking at her with suspicion: "You plan to take action yourself?"    


No one would doubt that Chu Yunmeng had that ability. Even if they didn't suspect Lin Feng, Chu Yunmeng said: "What a joke, what Lv Ting relied on is just an identity as a underworld expert. He only has Defoe's Jewel in his hands right now, and he still needs me to take care of him myself? The things I want to do are the same as Lin Feng. "    


"They're all smart people." Lin Feng wanted to rub his chin before he realized that he couldn't move his hand at all, and so he said directly: "Speak, what conditions do you have? Oh right, Huang Mingyuan from the DreamNet Jewel is on good terms with me, please contact him for me. "    


They were all from the jewelry industry, and Huang Mingyuan was obviously very unhappy with Lv Ting. She would definitely be happy to help Lv Ting if she had to let him down, at worst, she would just offer some benefits as a thank you gift.    


Chu Yunmeng's legs were a little numb. After exchanging for a while, she laughed: "If you know the conditions, the important part isn't what we want either. It's what you can give us right now. Originally, I felt that you could cook a meal for us to eat with such a small matter, so the task was settled. However, you can't move your hands now, I heard that you even need Shuying to help you go to the toilet … "    


"Reportedly? "Who did you hear that from?" Jiang Shuying was enraged when he heard this, she immediately jumped onto Chu Yunmeng's body and grabbed onto her neck, looking like she wanted to kill her to silence her.    


After the two of them quarreled for a while, Chu Yunmeng finally escaped from Jiang Shuying's clutches and said with a smile: "In fact, no one told me, but isn't that the truth? Lin Feng can't even move his hands now, if you don't help him pee in his pants?"    


"You're still talking!" Jiang Shuying was flustered and exasperated.    


"I seem to be a bit desperate right now." Lin Feng weakly expressed, but Jiang Shuying turned his head and roared, "Hold it in! "Why don't you just pee in your pants."    


At a time like this, Jiang Shuying would rather die than go to the toilet and help Lin Feng pee her pants. When Chu Yunmeng saw the red face of Lin Feng, who looked like he could fry eggs, he laughed so hard that he couldn't stop.    


It was just that she was wearing a miniskirt, and such a movement was simply too easy to execute. She did not realize that Lin Feng had seen all of it, and continued to laugh: "I'm going to die laughing, it's no good, Jiang Shuying, I never thought that you would also have such a day. "Enough, my stomach hurts from the laughter …"    


"This is a wife, this is a wife …" Lin Feng, on the other hand, kept reminding himself not to think wrongly, and muttered to himself as if he was reciting a scripture.    


Jiang Shuying had no other choice but to sit at the side and humph: "You might as well die from laughter."    


After quite a while, Chu Yunmeng finally crawled up with great difficulty and tidied up her clothes. This time, she seemed to have noticed Lin Feng's gaze, but wasn't angry at him. Instead, she shot him a coquettish glance and said: "Shuying, this isn't some shameful matter.    


"You can say whatever you want. Even if you don't want to talk about proper business, it's not a problem for you to keep on worrying about it." Jiang Shuying said in an unconcerned tone, indicating that she did not care at all. Chu Yunmeng then said: "Forget it, let's talk about proper business, otherwise I would really die from laughter."    


Jiang Shuying snorted but did not speak, then said: "Although I am not able to cook right now, but there are still some things that can be provided, such as the red wine you want, the tea leaves, even fruits and vegetables, I can provide everything I have, as long as Lv Ting's days are not good, everything can be negotiated." Lin Feng has already decided, since you are making things difficult for me, I will make it impossible for you.    


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