Strongest Chef System

C258 Slow

C258 Slow

Yang Zi's face became even redder, and said: "I don't believe that you're not the same. You've served him several times already, how can he let you go?"    


"I just bathed him." Qiao Xin's face reddened, and she suddenly regretted talking about this topic. Her words made Wang Ziwen, who was originally under attack, smile, and ridiculed him: "Is it really as simple as taking a bath?"    


"I think I have the most say in these matters." Lin Feng raised his hand, and then, three voices came at the same time, "You shut up." Lin Feng immediately became listless, and did not dare to speak anymore.    


Jiang Xin and Liu Tao were overjoyed. They immediately said, "Alright, little girls are obviously not as thick-skinned as us old ladies, so stop teasing them. Go and eat, heal your wounds as soon as possible before you do anything, right?"    


Lin Feng then said: "Don't just call me an old lady, I am obviously getting younger. If you guys don't have confidence, you guys can also eat more.    


"I believe you. Look at Sister Liu Tao, her skin is getting softer and softer, even her breasts are getting stronger and stronger."    


"Are you going to aim at me now? "I'll tell you guys, I won't be shy." Liu Tao acted like nothing happened and placed the pigeon on the table.    


Wang Ziwen originally wanted to take revenge, but after thinking about it, she realized that this was indeed the case. For another question, are you going to make more food, or are you going to just eat these two pigeons? "    


"Although he has let down our old master, he can't eat that much. We haven't enjoyed the delicacies he makes for a long time, so we'll eat this today." Everyone nodded in agreement.    


Lin Feng replied: "There's no need to be polite, don't think that it's that rare. "In addition to the pigeon stew, there's also a series of recipes. You'll all be white and fat if you have the disease to recuperate or not."    


"I think Ziwen is more suitable to talk about Fatty Bai's words, if not he would be more beautiful and lacking in terms of food, right?" Qiao Xin could not help but tease again. Finally, Wang Ziwen could no longer hold back and pounced on him, clawing and scratching, and said fiercely: "You're clearly not much different from me, why are you looking down on me? Lin Feng said already, I'm fine now."    


"Since that's the case, why are you still so excited? Let go, I was wrong, alright?" Stop, I can't let Lin Feng catch you, you just came to catch me. "    


"I just want to compare how much older you are." Wang Ziwen didn't have any plans to let go.    


Xixi said, "I think we should let Lin Feng compare, because he already saw it." Hearing that, Qiao Xin struggled even harder, his face red as he tried to hide it all.    


The healing of the bone was usually divided into three stages, which were the stage of hematoma formation, the stage of primitive callus formation, and the stage of the callus transformation. Lin Feng also treated himself according to these three stages, so he had started by using Qi to clear the meridians.    


After allowing the blood to flow better, the meridians would connect the bones and strengthen the tendons. After the bone scabs were formed, they would continue to replenish the energy and nourish the blood, and eat more foods that contained slightly more calcium, such as soup for the ribs, black fish soup and the like.    


"OK, perfect condition." Lin Feng waved both of his hands in the air, causing them to sway like he was swinging his King's Eight Fists, without any sign of discomfort.    


"Be careful, don't accidentally dislocate a bone or something." She was very happy to see Lin Feng fully recovered, but she was worried that he would be in danger from overexerting himself.    


Lin Feng said: "There's no problem, there's no need to worry, let's just go and take down the steel plates." However, Lin Feng was in position right now, so when he came to the hospital to check his medical history, he was completely stunned by it, "From the results of the examination, your injuries have indeed recovered. It's not a problem to remove the steel plate, you're even healthier than most people."    


"That's a good thing. Why are your mouth so wide open?"    


The doctor said, "Because I've never seen anyone recover so quickly. According to the previous results, your bones have been broken into many pieces and even the broken bones have been taken out. Originally, this portion of the bones should be incomplete and can only be cured by human hands."    


"Doctor, it's not surprising that there are no miracles happening to me. You'd better arrange for an operation on me as soon as possible." This was indeed a miracle, but it was not something to be surprised about. Having a system like that was indeed a heaven-defying existence.    


If it was only an ordinary diet, although it would undoubtedly be beneficial to the body, it would not be so powerful. The system provided him with ingredients and herbs that were beyond his imagination, which was why he was able to achieve such a feat.    


Not to mention that Lin Feng had recovered very quickly, even Xixi and the others had also benefited from it. Currently, his physical fitness had already far surpassed that of the others, and after filming every day, even if he could only rest for three to four hours, it would still be as easy as playing.    


Other than their energy being at its peak state at all times, there was no need to talk about cosmetics. Right now, their skin was like a commercial, white and rosy, different from the norm, everyone was radiant and full of radiance. The effect was better than going to the line-up, other people had to take all sorts of medicines to maintain their complexion, and to keep them young, all they had to do was eat the delicacies Lin Feng had cooked.    


Ever since they often enjoyed the delicacies she cooked, they were all bid farewell by all the minor diseases. Not to mention the minor ailments that most women had, colds and the like had never happened before. The five of them were in their best condition in every aspect.    


Many people knew that, since the Ode To Joy District was their own palace, how could they hide this kind of thing from them? Although the people from the production team would not talk about it randomly, but in the end, there would still be all kinds of rumors going around.    


"Liu Tao and Xixi are really becoming more and more beautiful, they are like two different people. Looking at the Xixi in the TV show and the picture, the same person gives people a completely different feeling."    


"When it comes to TV shows, Lee Ying is still different. The TV show that she's shooting now is called Intern.    


"It's the same for Liu Tao. She was gone for a while, and now that she has reappeared, she is even more beautiful than before. All of them are regrowing, what is going on?"    


"It's for the PS, right? You guys still believe in the filming of the movie?"    


"Do they still need PS? If you don't believe me, you can take a look at the recent interviews, as well as the photos taken by fans on the streets. Even Yang Zi said that during the interviews, he barely used any cosmetics anymore. "    


"Our goddess has really grown up and become even more beautiful. In the past, she was still a little baby fat, but now she's simply perfect."    


"Qiao Xin, Wang Ziwen, why haven't you heard of these two beauties? It doesn't make sense to be so pretty, not red, but if it wasn't for this series of photos, I really wouldn't know the two of them. "    


"The Ode To Joy has finally been destroyed as well. Even if all five of these beauties were to fall into a mess, it would still be worth watching. Just looking at them would feel like it was worth it."    


"Speaking of which, isn't it rumored that Lin Feng is also on Ode To Joy's production team? He's Xixi's personal chef, Yang Zi and the others also often cook his delicacies. Don't you think that the reason why they change so much is because of this?"    


"How could that be? Lin Feng is a chef, not a deity. If eating the food he makes can have this kind of beauty effect, I'll tie him up and bring him over to cook for me."    


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