I Am A Billionaire

C55 Again

C55 Again

Miss Liang heard him and felt at ease.    


That's right. What was she worried about? Zhou Chen's family background was so thick. Could it be that he was afraid? That Lin Xiao.    


"Hmph. He still dares to threaten me. Just you wait. I want to see what kind of ability he has." Zhou Chen felt that Lin Xiao didn't know what was good for him.    


Miss Liang did not want to participate in their war. She just acted like a mute.    


"Alright, be careful. Don't miss anything. He will come to you and tell me. I will think of another way." Zhou Chen did not seem to be in the mood to talk to Miss Liang anymore. He said a few words perfunctorily and hung up the phone.    


Not long after, Zhou Chen called again. His voice sounded as if he had found something fun.    


"Call Lin Xiao and get him to say these words. I will send them to you later. Call their customer service. Don't make a personal call. Don't forget to record it." Zhou Chen reminded him.    


Miss Liang was a little confused, but she still did as Zhou Chen said.    


When Lin Xiao heard that Hattori the Guest had received a call from Miss Liang, he had no choice but to go over.    


"Miss Liang, do you have any more questions?" Lin Xiao asked politely.    


Miss Liang looked at the sentence Zhou Chen sent her and swallowed her saliva. "Boss Lin, why haven't you called the money yet?"    


Lin Xiao laughed. "Miss Liang, you are too impatient. You need to go through a lot of procedures to transfer a large amount of money to the bank."    


"I don't care. You said you would pay me back. You don't want to go back on your word, do you?" Miss Liang asked.    


Lin Xiao said, "How is that possible? Miss Liang, don't worry. Since I promised to pay you back, I will."    


Miss Liang thought for a while and said, "Boss Lin doesn't sound loud. Is he still in school?"    


Lin Xiao paused and said, "Yes."    


"He is really good at running a company at such a young age." Miss Liang's unusual pursuit made Lin Xiao vigilant.    


"What does Miss Liang mean?"    


"Nothing. I just want to ask you how you can afford so much money at such a young age." Miss Liang said.    


"Miss Liang doesn't need to worry about that. I will definitely give you the money. You don't need to care about the rest."    


"Don't tell me you really have some influence behind you? Bullying a woman like me is too easy." Miss Liang said in fear.    


No, Miss Liang, you think too much. " Lin Xiao rolled his eyes speechlessly.    


"I'm just worried about my own interests." Miss Liang replied.    


"I understand you. I will keep my promise. Do you have any more questions?" Lin Xiao could not continue the conversation.    


"I hope you can keep your promise."    


"Of course." Lin Xiao hung up the phone.    


On the other side, Miss Liang sent the recording to Zhou Chen.    


After Zhou Chen's guidance, another version of the recording appeared.    


Lin Xiao was inside. He had turned from a responsible man into a loser.    


The man had been cut into two.    


In the end, he waved his hand and ordered his subordinates to post the video.    


Once it was released, another huge wave rolled over.    


Lin Xiao was in his office dealing with the company's matters when he heard a knock on the door.    


"Come in."    


"Boss, look at the Internet!" The person who came in was the company's assistant.    


After Zhou Chen finished all of this, he returned home feeling proud of himself.    


At home, Hsiao Ruxiao was reading the news on the Internet. When she saw Zhou Chen return, she frowned.    


"Did you see what happened on the Internet?" Hsiao Ruxiao asked.    


"Yes." Zhou Chen said calmly.    


"How could his benefactor be like this? I don't believe he could say something like that." Hsiao Ruxiao said.    


Zhou Chen's face fell. "Why do you trust him so much? What if he is this kind of person? Did you forget he splashed me with water? "    


Then you are the first one to go crazy. You can't blame others. " Hsiao Ruxiao refuted.    


"Okay, Hsiao Ruxiao, you are now using your elbows to get out?" Zhou Chen said in a dangerous tone.    


Hsiao Ruxiao did not care about him. Ever since Zhou Chen had been rude to Lin Xiao, she had had some problems with him.    


"I'll go ask my dad and help him find out what's going on." Hsiao Ruxiao said as she was about to walk out.    


Zhou Chen reached out and stopped her.    


"Don't go."    


Hsiao Ruxiao frowned. "Why? I just want to help my benefactor."    


"He doesn't need your help." Zhou Chen said.    


Hsiao Ruxiao looked at him angrily.    


"Go back to eat. Don't worry about this. Don't blame me for turning hostile." Zhou Chen threatened.    


Hsiao Ruxiao stomped her feet in anger. She had no choice but to turn around and go back.    


Although Zhou Chen did not like Hsiao Ruxiao, his woman had always been thinking about her sworn enemy, which made Zhou Chen very unhappy.    


Seeing Hsiao Ruxiao go upstairs, Zhou Chen took out his phone and called his men.    


"Turn the public opinion around again. Don't let Lin Xiao have the chance to turn the tables. It's best to suppress him."    


The other side said something that made Zhou Chen laugh.    


Upstairs, Hsiao Ruxiao stood on the stairs and listened to what Zhou Chen said downstairs. The expression on her face froze for a moment and immediately turned into disbelief.    


"Zhou Chen!" Hsiao Ruxiao could not help but reveal herself from the stairs.    


When Zhou Chen heard the familiar voice, he turned around without any expression on his face.    


"Why did you come out again?"    


"Did you do it? Zhou Chen, no wonder you didn't ask me to look for my dad. So you did it. " Hsiao Ruxiao looked at him in disappointment.    


So what? So what if I did it? " Since he provoked me, I will teach him a lesson. If you don't like me, you still want him? What do you mean, Hsiao Ruxiao? Zhou Chen complained first and grabbed Hsiao Ruxiao to force her.    


"I'm not interested! Lin Xiao saved my life. Can't you not target him for my sake? " Hsiao Ruxiao was still a little girl and thought that Zhou Chen would take her as his master.    


Impossible. " Zhou Chen wanted to laugh at her naivety.    


"Zhou Chen! You are not allowed to do this anymore!" Hsiao Ruxiao asked him.    


"You have been protecting him all this time. Do you like him?" Zhou Chen suddenly calmed down. He stared into Hsiao Ruxiao's eyes and made a gloomy guess.    


Hsiao Ruxiao was stunned. She slowly turned from dull to shy and angry. "You! You! Zhou Chen! How can you say something like that?"    


It was a pity that Hsiao Ruxiao had been so elegant since she was young. She did not even know how to argue.    


"I love you. I don't want you to see other men in your eyes." Zhou Chen said.    


"You're crazy!" Hsiao Ruxiao was so angry that her lungs were about to explode. She felt so strange looking at Zhou Chen's smiling face.    


On the other side, the hacker sent a letter.    


He finally brought the news that Lin Xiao was looking forward to.    


He found the evidence.    


Lin Xiao smiled sincerely for the first time in the past few days. "Alright, send it to me. If it is useful, I will take a look. I'll send you the promised million. "    


The hacker sent the item over. What surprised Lin Xiao was that it was actually a video!    


It was a video taken by a hacker who hacked into the camera of the other party's computer. There was also a video of Zhou Chen's phone call. The person had even called out Zhou Chen's name. It was certain.    


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