I Am A Billionaire

C113 Chang Qing Woke up

C113 Chang Qing Woke up

"What are you doing! Are you going to let me sleep?!"    


"It's so late in the night. It's so annoying."    


"Are you sick?" Wang Yao asked. If you want to find the child, go and find him! " Who cares about us! "    


Lin Xiao pulled his face and sneered.    


It was none of his business.    


In the eyes of these people, two little lives were more important than sleeping.    


It was not a moral kidnapping, but the witnesses must be in this group of neighbors. If they did not open their mouths to hide from the police, Then the children will never be found.    


Cooperating with the police was the right thing to do.    


Lin Xiao turned on the loudspeaker and started counting down.    


A few of them had not slept yet. They came down in slippers.    


Looking at the few people in front of him, Lin Xiao looked up at the lights that had been extinguished one after another. He smiled sarcastically and gestured to the group of people behind him. They immediately scattered in all directions.    


Lin Xiao threw the loudspeaker aside and leaned against the stone steps beside him. He asked the police to prepare the questions they would ask later and collect evidence one by one.    


The police looked at Lin Xiao's rough and direct way of handling things. Although they felt that it might not be good, it was all because of their lack of cooperation. They could not be blamed on others.    


After a while, screams came from inside and outside the building.    


One by one, they were brought out and stood on the empty and abandoned square. The lights were dim. There was not even a proper street lamp here.    


"Everyone, listen to me. I will ask you a few more questions. You have to answer truthfully." The police uncles controlled the emotions of the hundreds of people at the scene. They were shouting until their throats were a little hoarse.    


Lin Xiao took out his megaphone again and said to a group of people, "Hey.    


They all quietened down.    


"Do you hear me? Can you hear me? Are you deaf? " Then shut your mouths. Don't make yourself uncomfortable. " Lin Xiao cleared his throat and threatened the group of people.    


There were hundreds of people who were not convinced. Lin Xiao even heard the mumbling.    


"The police force people."    


Lin Xiao laughed when he heard him. First, I'm not a cop. Secondly, I can make you homeless right now. I don't have anything else. It's just that I have a lot of money. "    


After Lin Xiao finished speaking, the group of people were shocked by Lin Xiao's words.    


The police uncle coughed a few times because Lin Xiao was a bit too arrogant.    


The police took their time to collect evidence one by one. Lin Xiao asked Faang to come over and still wanted to ask her some questions.    


"Where does Zhu Dagaang like to go the most?" Lin Xiao had his own speculation.    


From Xiao Fang's words, he could hear Zhu Dagaang's words. If he didn't know that he had broken the law and was arrested by the police, would he just go out and have fun?    


Faang heard Lin Xiao's question and answered without thinking, "The card game."    


Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows.    


"He usually likes to play cards and gamble. His family's money is not enough for him to spend." Faang said in pain, but she was also a little sad. If she could be brave enough to run away from this bastard earlier, That doesn't mean anything else will happen.    


Lin Xiao understood. Let her rest first. He went over there and told the police about Zhu Dagaang's gambling habit. There was only one place nearby, so there was no need to check.    


Before he went over, Zheng Tianminn called to say Chang Qing had woken up.    


Lin Xiao asked the police to go first. He prepared to go to the hospital to check on Chang Qing. Faang also went after him when she heard about it.    


When they arrived at the hospital, Chang Qing was sitting on the hospital bed. There was a piece of gauze tied to her head. It was covered with a net and her hair was shaved off.    


"Chang Qing." When Faang saw her like this, the guilt in her heart could not disappear for a long time.    


If it was not for her, If it wasn't for her...    


Chang Qing's eyes lit up when she saw Faang. She said happily, "Faang, it's great that you're fine. Where's the child? Is the child alright?"    


Chang Qing did not know that Zhu Dagaang had kidnapped the child when she fell. When she woke up again, it was Faang who opened the door and screamed. After that, she fainted again.    


"Child..." Faang did not know how to answer.    


Chang Qing's smile froze on her face and she asked in disbelief, "The child was taken away by him?"    


Faang took a deep breath. In one breath, he nodded.    


Chang Qing's expression suddenly became sad and her mood also became somewhat unstable.    


Lin Xiao took a step forward and said, "Chang Qing, do you still remember how Zhu Dagaang knocked you out? We need to figure out where the two children are now based on the situation."    


Chang Qing nodded.    


At that time, she was looking at the two children at home. When she heard a knock on the door and saw that it was Zhu Dagaang, she thought that he was here to pick up the children.    


After letting him in, Chang Qing turned around and said what the child had eaten today. The fever had also subsided.    


She did not expect Zhu Dagaang to be so strange. Anyway, she was not a child.    


Chang Qing was also stunned. She asked him if he was not here to pick up the child.    


When Zhu Dagaang heard this, he smiled vulgarly and said that he was here to find her.    


He had his eyes on her a long time ago. A single mother must be very thirsty. Then let him satisfy her.    


Sensing that something was wrong, Chang Qing immediately took a few steps back. She did not expect Zhu Dagaang to pounce on her and grab her hand.    


Chang Qing screamed for him to let go.    


However, Zhu Dagaang became even more excited when he heard her scream. He pushed her towards the sofa.    


Chang Qing kicked and hit again and again, not letting Zhu Dagaang get any benefits.    


Zhu Dagaang was also annoyed by her. He warned her, saying that if she continued like this, he would make her shut up completely.    


Chang Qing stared at him. She was not afraid at all. She even shouted for help.    


What kind of soundproofing could an old broken building have? The neighbors must have heard it. However, no one came to take care of this matter.    


In their eyes, Chang Qing deserved it.    


Finally annoyed by Chang Qing's call, Zhu Dagaang gave her a punch without saying anything.    


Chang Qing was stunned by the punch, but she still did not forget to resist. She just did not let Zhu Dagaang get close to her.    


Zhu Dagaang was flustered and exasperated. He picked up the cold water bottle beside him and smashed it at Chang Qing's head.    


Chang Qing was caught off guard and was hit right on the head.    


After that, it was like what Faang saw.    


Faang heard it and her whole body trembled. If Zhu Dagaang was in front of her now, she wished she could kill him.    


Lin Xiao supported her from behind. Faang came back to her senses and turned to look at Lin Xiao. She calmed down.    


"Thank you, Miss Chang Qing. We will find two children. Please don't worry and take good care of your health." Lin Xiao was still worried about Chang Qing's health. After all, it was her head that was injured. He had to be careful.    


Chang Qing thanked Lin Xiao and was still worried.    


There was no news of the child for a moment. She could not relax for a moment.    


After returning to the residential area, Lin Xiao received news from the police that Zhu Dagaang was found in the memorial hall.    


Sure enough, it was in the casino. Lin Xiao did not know whether to laugh or think that he was stupid.    


When he arrived at the casino, Zhu Dagaang wore a vest and was pinned to the ground.    


"Where's the child?" Lin Xiao didn't waste any time talking to him. He went up and gave him a look and asked.    


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