Invincible System-I am the Great Devil



Time passed quickly and in the blink of an eye, it was the first day of Peace Hotel's operation.    


"Let me tell you, this house's stinky tofu can be said to be the best in the world. It's crispy but not sticky, tender but not greasy, and when you first smell it, it's extremely tempting to eat it. You'll definitely never forget it ?"    


At this moment, Yuan Mu brought several tens of customers with him. Before they even reached Peace Hotel, they could already hear the introduction of his extremely tempting food as they constantly paced back and forth on the streets.    


Before the tens of customers that followed behind had even reached the restaurant, they had already gulped down their saliva as they heard Yuan Mu's words, and their somewhat disappointing stomachs even started to growl loudly.    


"Holy sh * t ?" And the Drunken Immortal Tavern? Could it be that I took the wrong path? "    


Yuan Mu suddenly raised his head, and what entered his eyes was a very special type of restaurant, with the words "Peace Hotel" written on the sign.    


"Damn fatty, you didn't remember wrong. Come in quickly!"    


Only then did Chu He slowly walk out of the Peace Hotel, and immediately called for them.    


This was the first customer of the "Peace Hotel" since they were opened, so they could not just let them go like this.    


As soon as the group entered the restaurant, the Auntie Wang welcomed them with a smile and arranged for them to sit down.    


They were immediately served stinky tofu, beer specially brewed by Chu He, and a secret Beijing roast duck.    


These things were all delicacies that did not exist on this continent. After going through Chu He's exquisite cooking, the taste was even more praiseworthy.    


All of a sudden, these customers were so immersed in the world of delicacies that they almost forgot to speak.    


Chu He intentionally arranged a seat for Yuan Mu so that he wouldn't eat those delicious foods. Otherwise, he wouldn't be allowed to enter the Peace Hotel ever again.    


For a gourmet with a sensitive sense of smell, this was a torture!    


"Hatred from Yuan Mu + 55 + 5 + 5..."    


"Great Master Chu, you ?"    


The confused Yuan Mu couldn't help but swallow her saliva and ask.    


"Since you brought so many guests for our Peace Hotel, I have to thank you properly. This is the menu that I specially prepared for you.    


Then, Chu He brought a special menu over to him. The name of the menu: Demon King's Menu!    


"Aiya, you're too polite. Then I'll do as you say."    


Hearing that Chu He had specially made a menu for him, Yuan Mu immediately smiled like a flower. As she looked at the poetic names written on the menu, she started imagining things.    


"The names of these dishes are really interesting. You can tell that they're delicious."    


"This is the feeling of heartache of the two generations of Chosen. Look up at the starry sky and try to eat only three dishes. As for the other dishes, I'll take my time to savor them in the future ?."    


Yuan Mu looked at the menu, and immediately picked three of the most poetic names, as he looked at Chu He with anticipation.    


"I must tell you the rules of our Peace Hotel. First, you must pay first and then serve the dishes. Second, you must finish eating all the dishes. You are not allowed to waste anything.    


Chu He explained the rules of the Peace Hotel to Yuan Mu one by one.    


"I know, a total of 112, right? I'll give it to you now. Besides, I'm afraid of not eating enough of your cooking, how could I waste it!"    


Following that, Yuan Mu unhesitatingly took out a large face value silver note and handed it over to Chu He, and said with righteous words.    


"I hope you can do as you say ?"    


After Chu He accepted the banknotes, he quickly headed towards the kitchen. Before he left, he even left behind a thought-provoking smile, which made Yuan Mu feel cold for some reason.    


Before long, Chu He had already brought three dining plates up, and every dining plates were all covered, so it was impossible to see what was in them.    


"You're being very mysterious. You're not trying to surprise me, are you?"    


Yuan Mu rubbed his hands together in excitement, his eyes shining.    


"Surprise? "Hmm ?" "That's about right. You'll know once you open it yourself ?"    


Chu He set up three dining plates in front of Yuan Mu and sat down, quietly waiting for the large wave of Devil's Dot s to attack.    


"Did you see that? This is a delicacy specially prepared for me by Master Chu. Only distinguished guests would receive such treatment!"    


Before, Yuan Mu had been enticed by the fragrance of the delicacies, but now, he was finally full of pride, and could not give up the chance to show off.    


"Brother Yuan sure has a great mouth. I'm so envious ?"    


"When can I become a VIP too ?"    


"These three dishes must be Grandmaster Chu's masterpieces of pride. I really want to eat them ?"    


All of a sudden, the group of customers all put down the delicacies in their hands and stared at Yuan Mu's table, wanting to see the true colors of these three distinguished guests' delicacies.    


"This dish is the peerless Duo Prides. Open it yourself."    


Chu He ignored the jeering of the others, pointed to a dining table, and smiled.    


"Did you hear that? Unmatched Duo Prides, what elegant names."    


Yuan Mu opened the lid of the plate in anticipation, and in the end, a stir-fried red pepper appeared in front of him.    


Yuan Mu:?    


"Hatred from Yuan Mu + 66."    


"So this is the peerless Duo Prides?" Stir-fried red peppers with green peppers!? "    


Yuan Mu could not believe his eyes. Awesome!    


"Puchi ?"    


The other customers who were originally envious couldn't hold it in any longer and forced themselves not to laugh out loud.    


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