Invincible System-I am the Great Devil



Chu He, in a daze, once again lit the candle beside his bed ?    


"Oh my god, what the hell!"    


The scene in front of his eyes scared him awake and he jumped up from the bed.    


Appearing in front of Chu He were two huge vertical pupils, staring at him.    


Are you done yet?    


Can't I just get a good night's sleep!?    


After that, the two huge pythons slowly took human form. They were Bai Ling and Little Blue.    


Seeing that Chu He was still awake, Bai Ling gave a light smile, "Didn't Young Noble ask me to exchange music tonight? Why are you preparing to sleep so early? "    


Chu He patted his forehead helplessly, I was just joking with you!    


Why do you take it so seriously!    


"Alright then ? "Then you can begin!" Chu He waved his hand.    


Young master, didn't you say you have an even better flute? "Hurry up and take it out, I can blow it for you too." Bai Ling was puzzled.    


"Ah ?" You want to play the flute for me? "    


Chu He was stunned, thinking, how did the tempo develop so quickly?    


But what did you bring Xiaoqing for? Could it be that you're planning to do something big?    


Looking at Bai Ling and Bi Qing's faces that were bewitching, it would be perfect if she retracted her long snake tail.    


Thinking about that, Chu He could not help but have his blood boil.    


For a moment, his face started to turn red ?    


"That's right. Little Sister Qing wanted to learn how to play the flute from me, so I brought her along with me." Bai Ling explained.    


"This thing isn't easy for me to teach either ?" Chu He stammered.    


"What's there to teach? You can just play it once, and we'll just follow you."    


Seeing Chu He's difficult expression, Bai Ling was even more confused and asked doubtfully.    


"I really can't do that. How about I tell you a love story about a snake?"    


Chu He immediately changed the topic.    


"The story of the snake? That's fine too. "    


Without waiting for Bai Ling's reply, Bi Qing was immediately interested and agreed.    


Immediately pushing Bai Ling beside Chu He, the two of them sat down obediently to listen to the story.    


Chu He then began to narrate a story seriously, "A long, long time ago, a white snake called Bai Suizhen had transformed into a human figure in order to repay the scholar, Xu Xian, for saving his life in his previous life. Bai Suzhen used her mana to skillfully get to know Xu Xian and marry him.    


After that, there was a monk named Fa Hai who told Xu Xian that Bai Suzhen was a snake demon. Xu Xian was skeptical. Later on, Xu Xian followed Fa Hai's instructions and allowed Bai Suizhen to drink the yellow wine. She had no choice but to reveal her true form, scaring Xu Xianfeng to death.    


Bai Suzhen went up to the Heavenly Court to steal the immortal herbs and Ganoderma to revive Xu Xian. In the end, Bai Suanzhen and Little Qing fought with the Magic Sea and were imprisoned under the Thunder Peak Tower. A long, long time later, this Thunder Peak Tower turned into a seven-colored divine mountain, and in the end, a kind old grandpa released the serpent demon from the bottom of the divine mountain ? "    


Then, Chu He vividly narrated the story from "The Legend of the White Snake" to the two Spirit Serpent Demons.    


The two Devil Snakes listened attentively as well. Perhaps it was because they were both Devil Snakes, but they felt the same way. When they heard the words' later on ', they were moved to tears.    


Especially when they heard that the divine mountain had finally collapsed and the Devil Snake had finally escaped, it seemed that this would be the end for them.    


In fact, she was suspicious of Chu He's identity previously, so she specially went to ask Xin Yue, and got the identity of Chu He's human from her.    


But after going through so much, she no longer cared about Chu He's identity as a human, these things were no longer important.    


However, after being moved, Bai Ling let her imagination run wild for a moment. She wondered why the Heavy Tower would suddenly tell her such a story. Could it be that he was hinting at something?    


Could it be that she wanted to make up this story, and wanted to move him? Could it be that she wanted to tell him that humans and demons could also love each other?!    


Thinking to this point, Bai Ling's face suddenly turned incomparably scarlet, and the gaze she used to look at Chu He with became fiery hot.    


However ?    


"Witch, quickly return my grandfather!" Chu He suddenly bellowed.    




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