The God Of Medicine Son-in-law

C128 The Supernatural Hand

C128 The Supernatural Hand

He didn't know that Xiao Chen and Ning Wangshu were here together.    


In the past two days, Xiao Chen did not wear a suit to relieve himself. Instead, he wore very casual clothes.    


He looked like a street vendor. Ning Wangshu's dressing could be considered to be decent.    


That was why Qian Shida thought that the two of them didn't know each other at all, but he didn't expect Xiao Chen to be the young sect master that Ning Wangshu spoke of.    


After listening to Ning Wangshu's words, Ren Yajun also looked at Xiao Chen anxiously and said, "Mr Xiao, I'm really sorry about what happened earlier. My father's condition is indeed more serious now. I hope you don't mind the past. If you save my father, then... I will agree to any conditions!"    


Xiao Chen was not a narrow-minded person. He nodded lightly and said, "Of course I will save Uncle Ren. But now some unrelated people have to go out first. Grandpa Wangshu and I will save them inside."    


"No problem!" Ren Yajun nodded quickly and called to the doctors inside. "All of you go out and let the two Godly Doctors treat my father!"    


The doctors then looked at Qian Shida because he was the doctor in charge of Ren Aoguang.    


"Go out, all of you go out!" Qian Shida quickly waved her hand.    


If he was delayed and Ren Aoguang missed the best time to treat him, he would not be able to bear the responsibility.    


Ren Yajun looked at him with disdain, then turned to Xiao Chen and Ning Wangshu and said, "Mr Xiao, Doctor Ning, please come in!"    


The two of them nodded and walked in.    


Once they entered, Ning Wangshu's face became very serious.    


"Young Sect Master, are you really confident?"    


He could also see that Ren Aoguang's illness was extraordinary.    


"Of course!" Xiao Chen replied with certainty.    


In fact, as soon as he came over, he could tell that Ren Aoguang's illness was not simple, because his lungs had swollen quite badly, suppressing his heart.    


He did not know what medicine had been used to cause all his blood vessels to be blocked. It seemed that there was an enemy targeting him, which was why he had used such a vicious method.    


This kind of blood clogged up all over his body, and the feeling of his heart being suppressed was a pain that almost no one could bear.    


Although he was currently unconscious, Xiao Chen could even feel that Ren Aoguang's soul was begging him to die as soon as possible.Edited by: Lifer, Fingerfox Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio    


Xiao Chen did not hesitate and directly injected the disease into his body. Instantly, all the unknown substances that blocked the blood vessels were removed by him.    


Ren Aoguang's face turned slightly red.    


The swollen lungs were very fragile now. Xiao Chen slowly operated the disease and made a few strange seals with his hands.    


"This is the Wonder Gate Heaven Returning Hand!" Ning Wangshu immediately recognized what technique Xiao Chen used.    


This cultivation technique was something Xiao Chen had learned from a master when he was traveling.    


He didn't need to use this skill to treat other patients, but Ren Aoguang's current condition was perfect for this skill.    


It seemed that Xiao Chen's hand did not touch Ren Aoguang's body, but the air current in his hand was constantly dispersing, causing Ren Aoguang's lungs to swell up with all kinds of strange bubbles.    


In a short while, these bubbles were continuously discharged from Ren Aoguang's nose. They were all dark purple in color. They looked like blood clots, but they were gaseous.    


Gradually, Ren Aoguang's breathing became more and more rhythmic, and the painful expression on his face disappeared.    


Just as Xiao Chen was about to stop, he suddenly felt something in Ren Aoguang's head.    


He was shocked and stunned on the spot.    


Because he found a bullet in Ren Aoguang's brain.    


This was a miracle in the world. A person had a bullet in his brain, but he was still alive and well.    


With Xiao Chen's current strength, he still needed the help of an instrument to take out the bullet, so he temporarily gave up on the idea of treating his head.    


Putting away the illness from Ren Aoguang, Xiao Chen and Ning Wangshu opened the door of the ward.    


"How is it, Mr Xiao? Is my father's illness cured?" Ren Yajun looked like she was still worried about Ren Aoguang and had been waiting outside.    


Seeing Ning Wangshu and Xiao Chen come out so quickly, Qian Shida did not believe it because even the simplest surgery would take at least half an hour.    


Now Xiao Chen and Ning Wangshu only stayed inside for less than 15 minutes before they came out.    


"En, your dad is fine now. He only needs to rest for a few days." Xiao Chen nodded.    


Then he whispered in Ren Yajun's ear, "You better let your bodyguards keep a close eye on your father these few days. Don't let anyone have the chance to give him any unknown medicine."    


Ren Yajun's pupils contracted when she heard him. She nodded without a trace and replied softly, "Okay."    


Seeing Xiao Chen and Ren Yajun having such intimate actions, Qian Shida was immediately a little unhappy.    


But the other party was a Godly Doctor. He could only stare at Xiao Chen but did not dare to say anything.    


Xiao Chen did not have any thoughts about this so-called overseas doctor. He just thought that his medical skills were too lousy.    


There were many wounds on Ren Aoguang's hands that had been pierced by needles. One look and it was clear that this Qian Shida did not know the situation and randomly gave Ren Aoguang medicine.    


Seeing Xiao Chen and Ning Wangshu walking towards the hospital door, Ren Yajun hurriedly greeted them, "Do the two of you want me to arrange a ride for you?"    


"No need." Xiao Chen turned his back to her and waved his hand.    


Seeing Ren Yajun looking at Xiao Chen with a strange look in her eyes, Qian Shida immediately came over and said, "Yajun, let's go in and see Uncle Ren's condition!"    


Ren Yajun pushed him away and almost made him fall to the ground.    


Then she put her hands on her waist and said,    


"You, get lost to the side. Get lost as far as you can before my father is discharged."    


Qian Shida didn't know what she had done wrong, so she opened her mouth and wanted to ask more questions.    


However, Ren Yajun rushed to the front and said, "I will give you three seconds to disappear. Otherwise, you will never see me again in this lifetime!"    


Qian Shida felt helpless and ran away in a daze.    


However, in her heart, she bore a grudge against Xiao Chen. It was only after Xiao Chen came that Ren Yajun's attitude towards him changed so much.    


He wanted to see if Xiao Chen had really cured Ren Aoguang.    


If he did not wake up within three days, he had already planned to find trouble with Xiao Chen.    


On the other side, Xiao Chen drove towards Ruihua.    


Ning Wangshu asked curiously, "Young Sect Master, the technique you used just now should be the lost Wonder Gate Return Hand, right?"    


Xiao Chen nodded and could not deny it.    


"This was also left behind by the old Sect Master for you?" Ning Wangshu continued to ask.    


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