Rebirth of Coiling Dragon

C108 Bu Lumo's request

C108 Bu Lumo's request

"Bu Lumo, congratulations, congratulations!"    


In the center of the hall, many people gathered around Bu Lumo and greeted him warmly. Bu Lumo's brother was a Saint-level ranker. Furthermore, Bu Lumo would definitely become a Saint-level expert in the future. No matter how powerful a clan was, they wouldn't foolishly offend a Saint-level combatant.    


Bu Lumo indifferently nodded to the many nobles.    


"Worldly power?" Bu Lumo looked down on all of these.    


From the bottom of his heart, the one he worshipped the most was his brother Ao Liweiya. Even the sword skills that he trained in were taught to him by his brother after he comprehended them.    


Since young, Ao Liweiya had displayed astonishing talent, and at the same time, defended Bu Lumo. If someone bullied Bu Lumo, he would definitely take revenge for his brother.    


"Big brother is cultivating on that lone mountain. I wonder what level he will reach." Bu Lumo thought.    


Nearly nine years ago, his big brother had entered the Saint realm and easily defeated the Universal Sword Saint Dillon. At that time, there were people who believed that Ao Liweiya had the strength to challenge a peak-stage Saint realm expert.    


Ao Liweiya did not accept the material enjoyment, but went out to cultivate alone.    


Three years ago, Ao Liweiya had even gone through bitter cultivation alone on a barren mountain outside the imperial city. No one knew how strong Ao Liweiya, who had the strength to fight against a peak-stage Saint realm expert nine years ago, had become.    


"Perhaps one day, big brother will also reach the Deity-level." In Bu Lumo's heart, his elder brother was the most dazzling genius.    


And the truth was indeed like that.    


Ao Liweiya was indeed a peerless genius. Even the Martial God was impressed by him and wanted to take him in as a disciple.    


"His Imperial Majesty has come." Many nobles noticed his presence and immediately returned to their seats. They lined up neatly to greet him.    


The current emperor of the O'Brien Empire, Qiao An ? O'Brien. She could be considered a wise emperor, apart from her minor defect of being protective of her own.    


Qiao An was also relatively tall, around 1.9 meters. He inherited the characteristics of the Empire's Emperor who trained in Dou Qi, and his entire being was relatively muscular. He wore an Emperor's robe and sat on the throne.    


"Haha." Where is Bu Lumo? " The emperor, Qiao An, laughed heartily as he looked down. Qiao An was especially happy today, his father and grandfather had never conferred a title to any of the Martial God's direct disciples. He had the chance.    


This kind of opportunity could only happen once in a lifetime.    


There were nearly eight hundred people below him, and even Qiao An was unable to find him at this moment. Bu Lumo walked out from the crowd and stood in the middle of the hall.    


Qiao An took a close look at Bu Lumo, and praised: "As expected, the Akerlund clan did not expect two geniuses to appear all of a sudden. "You're not any worse than your brother."    


Bu Lumo also had a smile on his face.    


If others could compare him to his brother, Bu Lumo would feel very proud.    


"This Emperor is very happy that you are able to become the personal disciple of the War God. Boulder Street. A manor. There were a hundred guards and a hundred maids. One hundred thousand gold coins. " Qiao An said loudly.    


The surrounding people all looked at Qiao An enviously. Generally speaking, with each passing generation of nobility, titles would be reduced. If the descendants were too useless, they would become commoners within a few generations.    


However, it was different for the heirlooms. They would not lower themselves to be inferior to others. A hereditary marquis was far more important than even some ordinary dukes. There were many dukes in the Empire, over a hundred. However, most of them weren't heirlooms.    


"Thank you, your majesty." Bu Lumo respectfully said as he nodded his head in satisfaction. Every single personal disciple of the War God was a marquis, and they were hereditary as well.    


Wo Dun stood in the midst of the nobles and officials, and looked at the proud and aloof Bu Lumo in the middle.    


He himself had lost to Bu Lumo the last time the War God had selected an honorary disciple. As for the emperor's gift, he was bestowed with fifty guards and fifty maids, including fifty thousand gold coins. The one Bu Lumo had obtained was obviously a level higher than him.    


Wo Dun did not care about the materials.    


But in his heart, Wo Dun had already treated this Bu Lumo as an opponent. "Even though he is close to ten years older than me, he is only an ordinary person and I am the Dragonblood Warrior. If these two things are offset, no matter what, I cannot be weaker than him. " Wo Dun was very strong.    


This kind of strength was only to be kept in the bottom of his heart.    


"Bu Lumo, today, this emperor's mood is very good. This is the first time since this emperor ascended to the position that a personal disciple of the Martial God has been conferred a title. Haha, tell me, what else do you want? As long as it's reasonable, this emperor will agree." Qiao An's voice resonated in the entire Martial Palace.    


Everyone in the Martial Palace could not help but turn to look at Bu Lumo.    


Actually, Qiao An's words were just for face. Most of the direct disciples in history would say that they thank the Emperor for his kindness, and would not raise any further requests.    


"Your Majesty, your subject does indeed have a matter that I wish to request of Your Majesty." Bu Lumo said.    


Wo Dun also looked at Bu Lumo with a slightly surprised expression.    


"Speak." Qiao An waved his hand and said.    


Bu Lumo first bowed, then said: "Your Majesty, this subject has seen Your Majesty's Seventh Princess before. I was very pleased at first, and this subject humbly requests that Your Majesty marry the Seventh Princess to this subject."    


Bu Lumo's words resounded through the entire hall and everyone was stunned.    




This Bu Lumo actually dared to propose.    


After Wo Dun heard this, he only felt his head spinning. He shook his head, and glared at Bu Lumo who was in the middle of the hall.    


Bu Lumo just looked at the emperor.    


"I plead for Your Majesty to grant this subject's request." Bu Lumo said again.    


The majority of the surrounding nobles and ministers turned to look at Wo Dun. In the entire capital, who didn't know about the matter between Wo Dun and Ni Nuo? A while ago, the Imperial Left Premier's son, Caylan, had personally told the Emperor that he gave up pursuing the Seventh Princess.    


Many people thought that Ni Nuo and Wo Dun must be a pair.    


Even the emperor, Qiao An, was preparing to choose a day to betroth Wo Dun to Ni Nuo. But Bu Lumo's request made Qiao An's heart move. Qiao An glanced at Wo Dun, who stood out among the crowd. Wo Dun had a height of 2.2 meters, and was the tallest among the nobles and ministers.    


Qiao An smiled and said: "Bu Lumo, you really want to agree to your request, but I also need to ask for Ni Nuo's opinion. Don't be anxious. "Haha!"    


"Yes, Your Majesty." Bu Lumo did not say anymore. After exchanging glances with Bu Lumo from a distance, the two of them left the Martial Palace. Bu Lumo's sudden action had indeed caught Wo Dun by surprise.    


The Emperor, Qiao An, was walking in the garden with a carefree mood.    


"Ao Liweiya disregards fame and fortune, it's hard for me to recruit him even if I want to. He had originally planned on how he could win over the Akerlund clan. "Unexpectedly, unsurprisingly ?"    


In Qiao An's heart, Ao Liweiya, who had defeated Starry Sword Saint Dillon the moment he had just entered the Absolute Monarch Sanctuary, was indeed a person who was worth winning over.    


And his younger brother was the personal disciple of the War God.    


It could be said that the Akerlund clan would have two major Saint-level experts in the future.    


"Ao Liweiya has been so powerful since he had first entered the Absolute Monarch Sanctuary, and his future achievements will definitely be even more shocking. In addition, I have to give the War God's personal disciple face. " Qiao An frowned, "But, that Wo Dun ?" This was also the reason why Qiao An did not immediately agree to it in the great hall.    


Wo Dun and Ni Nuo were mutual lovers.    


"Wo Dun only has the declining Dragonblood Warrior Clan behind him, while Bu Lumo only has the War God and Ao Liweiya behind him."    


Qiao An was truly concerned about the personal disciple of the Martial God.    


"Let's delay first. There's no rush." Qiao An decided to continue using this strategy to deal with Wo Dun and Caylan. It was just that in his heart, he had already placed his emphasis on Bu Lumo.    


But at this moment, the nobles of the imperial capital ChiYan City didn't know that Lin Feng's group of six great Saints were on their way to the imperial capital.    


It had been a few days since Bu Lumo was conferred the title of nobility.    


"Milord." The guard at the gate to the Count's manor said respectfully.    


Wo Dun acted as if he did not see the guard, he did not even spare the guard a glance as he entered the Count's mansion alone. The two guards looked at each other.    


"The Count has been in a very bad state these past few days." The Count has been in a very bad state these past few days.    


"Mm. In the past, he would smile at us and even greet us." It looks like Bu Lumo's proposal in the great hall has a huge impact on the Count. "    


The news of Bu Lumo proposing marriage at the Martial Palace had already spread throughout the entire capital.    


Most of the people in the imperial city knew about Wo Dun, Seventh Princess Ni Nuo, and Bu Lumo.    


"Wo Dun, what's wrong?" A voice rang out.    


Wo Dun raised his head and saw that it was Xi Erman's son, Nader. Wo Dun shook his head and sighed. Nader vaguely understood what was going on: "Is it that Seventh Princess isn't here?"    


"Right." Wo Dun nodded.    


Wo Dun frequently dated with the Seventh Princess, and their dates and locations were relatively regular. However, ever since that meeting at the Martial Arts Hall, other than the day after he proposed to marry the Seventh Princess, Ni Nuo had not met Ni Nuo for the other three days.    


If he could not even see her face, Wo Dun would naturally feel very uncomfortable.    


Nader also felt injustice for Wo Dun, and snorted: "What kind of sickness did that Bu Lumo actually commit, to directly ask for the marriage to let the Seventh Princess marry him. "He's really sick."    


"It's useless to say anything now." Wo Dun shook his head.    


"Lord Count, Lord Count." A clear and melodious voice came from outside the door. Wo Dun turned around and saw that the voice had belonged to Ruth, the personal maid of the Empire's Seventh Princess.    


"Let her in." Wo Dun immediately said.    


The guard let Ruth in. Ruth rushed in front of Wo Dun while gasping for breath, "Wo Dun, the princess has already been ordered by her majesty to stay in the palace, she cannot leave the palace. Even I did everything I could to get out. This is the letter the princess asked me to give you. I don't have time to stay here. If I return late, that would be bad. "    


When Ruth handed the letter to Wo Dun, Wo Dun was stunned. Before he could say anything, Ruth had already left.    


"What does Your Majesty mean by this?" Nader frowned, feeling that something was amiss.    


Wo Dun immediately opened the letter and took out the letter to read. Looking at the contents in his heart, Wo Dun felt a warm feeling. Her heart was very warm.    


Green colored Dou Qi exploded in Wo Dun's palm, and the letter turned into dust.    


"With the identity of a personal disciple of the Martial God and the existence of Ao Liweiya, it seems that His Majesty is leaning towards Bu Lumo." Wo Dun was very clear.    


If your majesty does not prohibit Ni Nuo from coming out, Ni Nuo will definitely be together with him. and not with Bu Lumo.    


This ban was obviously partial towards helping Ni Nuo.    


With an angry snort, Wo Dun could do nothing. His transformation was only at the peak of the ninth rank, so how could this level of strength possibly cause any waves in the imperial city?    


Chapter 22!    


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