Rebirth of Coiling Dragon

C148 Lin Feng became a god

C148 Lin Feng became a god

In the blink of an eye, another two months had passed. Lin Feng had finally captured the last fort of the Wind Elemental Laws and successfully entered the 'Space of the Wind'.    


However, the thing that made Lin Feng most happy was that he had finally allowed the 'Dimensional and the' Element of Wind 'to combine.    


"Phew, I've finally completely mastered the nine seed mystery s. It's a pity that there's still 'Space of Wind' that hasn't been combined with 'Essence of Wind'." Lin Feng sighed, "Forget it, I'll just become a god first. The 'Dimensional' technique shouldn't be as hard to fuse with as the 'Dimensional' technique. After becoming a Deity, your soul will also improve, and you will be able to visualize the Laws more quickly. "    


Thinking about that, Lin Feng immediately closed his eyes again, and began to break through the bottleneck to become a god.    


Lin Feng had already reached a bottleneck in comprehending the 'Fast' and 'Slow' profound mysteries. Now that he was trying to break through the Demigods, Lin Feng would naturally choose 'Fast' and 'Slow' to become Deities.    


After comprehending the vast and limitless laws of the elements, the three virtual sword images that represented the 'Fast', 'Slow', and 'Profound Truths of Velocity' continued to be calculated. The three sword images transformed into myriad, and in an instant, Lin Feng had already calculated their speed tens of thousands of times.    


After deducing and then confirming it with 'Fast' and 'Slow', he would gradually gain some insights.    


Through practical demonstration again and again, to determine whether or not it is correct.    


Time flowed on like water. In the blink of an eye, another month had passed.    


Deep underground in the secret room, Lin Feng was sitting cross-legged on the ground, immersed in his cultivation. The three virtual sword images were constantly evolving in his mind, the sword that represented the 'Profound Truths of Velocity' had just demonstrated a type of profound insight.    


"He's coming."    


With fortune in mind and soul, Lin Feng naturally had a clear feeling in the bottom of his heart that he had stepped across a certain boundary. This was the boundary between the Absolute Monarch Sanctuary and the God Realm.    


Lin Feng opened his eyes and raised his head!    


"Rumble ?"    


A huge and shocking power suddenly descended, completely enveloping Lin Feng and causing the space around him to distort. It was as if they were trying to isolate Lin Feng from the other regions, causing Lin Feng's entire being to instantly float.    


It floated up uncontrollably.    


"How terrifying." Lin Feng could sense the enormous, limitless, ancient, and peculiar power within. To be precise, it should be an existence that was similar to the laws and rules. In front of it, Lin Feng felt himself to be an ant.    


"This should be the natural law of the world to determine if one should become a Deity or not." Lin Feng was extremely shocked in his heart.    


When Lin Feng was reading < Coiling Dragon >, he was extremely excited whenever he saw the descent of the Ancient Code. Now that it was his turn, he couldn't help but sigh.    


"This is the feeling of having your dreams come true?"    


A special energy directly entered Lin Feng's mind, and engulfed Lin Feng's soul. At this moment, all of the mysteries of Lin Feng's soul were completely seen through, and the profound laws of speed that Lin Feng comprehended were naturally also seen through by this special energy.    


"Crackle ?"    


Right above Lin Feng's head, a power that contained the aura of the 'Law' started to gather. At the same time, the wind element power crazily condensed, and a large amount of heaven and earth elements crazily flowed from the spatial turbulence into the pocket dimension, finally condensing at one point.    


"I'm about to condense my divine spark." Lin Feng was extremely clear about the laws of heaven and earth. Although he had never personally experienced it, he had read it countless times and was very clear about the process.    


A black crystal that was emitting a light green glow was floating above Lin Feng's head. It was the wind attribute Demigods Grille. The instant this divine spark was formed, it naturally had a connection with Lin Feng's soul.    


Because, this divine spark was formed from the aura of Lin Feng's soul, and completely merged with his soul.    


After fusing with someone else's divine spark, even if he succeeded, he wouldn't be able to catch up to a divine spark formed from the natural Laws and his own soul.    


"A divine spark."    


Raising his head to look at the floating divine spark that emitted a light green glow, excitement surged from the bottom of Lin Feng's heart. When he was reading the original books in his previous life, Lin Feng had dreamed that he would one day become a god. But who would have thought that the heavens would joke with him and bring him to the world of Coiling Dragon?    


"Finally, I've become a Deity." A smile also appeared on Lin Feng's face, but at this time, Lin Feng's soul naturally received a message. "The natural Laws will allow me to choose whether I have a divine spark outside my body or inside my body."    


If Lin Feng had not read < Coiling Dragon >, it would be difficult to choose.    


But now ?    


Without hesitation, Lin Feng controlled the divine spark to float beside him.    


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Lin Feng could not help but let out an extremely painful scream. The intense pain caused all the muscles in his body to spasm. At that moment, in the depths of Lin Feng's mind, the sword-shaped soul floating in the middle of his sea of consciousness, suddenly split into two with a bang due to the laws of heaven and earth enveloping it.    


If his soul was split in two, this sort of pain was countless times more painful than physical torture.    


At this moment, Lin Feng had completely stopped thinking.    


Gradually ?    


Lin Feng's painful screams became softer.    


Lin Feng's soul which had already been broken into two pieces had now turned into the shape of a 'sword'. To be exact, Lin Feng's original sword-shaped soul had now become two smaller ones, sword-shaped souls. One of the sword-shaped souls was still stuck in the depths of Lin Feng's brain, but the other sword-shaped soul had directly flown out of Lin Feng's body.    


The sword-shaped soul, glowing with rainbow-colored light, flew towards the divine spark, and then it easily merged directly into it. The soul and the divine spark became one, a symbol of success in fusing with it.    


"Whew." regained his ability to think.    


"F * ck, I didn't expect my soul to be in such pain." Lin Feng cursed in his heart, thinking that if he really were to cultivate all seven of the great elements and four rules to have divine clones, he would have to endure ten times the pain of having his soul split into two, Lin Feng felt his heart tremble.    


"Once is fine. Twice is fine. Twice is fine. Twice is fine."    


Lin Feng wanted to cry.    


At the same time, Lin Feng also felt that he had become much weaker. Even his comprehension and deduction of the Laws would be slowed down by several times. However, the nature of the soul had improved. As long as there was time, the soul force would slowly grow stronger.    


"How strange."    


Both the original body and the divine spark contained Lin Feng's soul. Suddenly ?    


The soul within the divine spark actually miraculously sensed a strange place, a place at the very core of the boundless universe. It was a vast, boundless plane, and a place which only Deities would sense ? the Elemental Sea!    


"Rumble ?"    


This was a foggy space. There was no light at all in the skies, just the blue light emanating from the Elemental Sea, which was just barely enough to illuminate this plane.    


Boundless waves of elemental essence surged, rising and falling. This was a sea of wind elemental essence.    


Through Lin Feng's Divine Souls, he could feel that the surface of the Elemental Sea had a certain depth to it.    


On the surface of the Elemental Sea was an elemental liquid, while below was an endless sea of divine power!    


The deeper one was in the ocean, the more pure and pure the God Power was. However, Lin Feng was only able to barely break through the 'elemental liquid's surface layer', and was only able to sense twenty meters below the surface layer.    


"It seems like the Lin Feng in the original book could only absorb ten meters of divine power from the ocean of elements the first time he became a god. Hehe, looks like I'm twice as powerful as him, able to actually reach a depth of twenty meters."    


From the divine power beneath the elemental liquid to the divine power twenty meters below, the difference was just twenty meters, but the difference in the purity of one's divine power was ten times greater.    


"Rumble ?"    


Twenty meters below the surface of the Elemental Sea, quite a few divine powers suddenly disappeared, forming a special tunnel along the natural Laws. They descended straight into the pocket dimension where Lin Feng was located, then with the wind-style divine spark that had fused with the sword-shaped soul as the center, they began to form a divine body.    


"CHICHI ~ ~" Very clearly, a body similar to Lin Feng's own formed from the head down. With a thought, Lin Feng immediately controlled the divine power in his body to condense into a set of light green robes on the surface of his body.    


And right at this moment, the unique energy that represented the natural Laws disappeared into thin air, and the pocket dimension once more returned to its normal calm.    


"It's over." Lin Feng's face revealed a happy smile. At the same time, he controlled his divine clone to merge with his original body.    


This divine clone had actually merged directly into Lin Feng's body, which was extremely strange.    


Lin Feng controlled his Divine Clone to occasionally separate from his original body, then merge with his original body and then fuse his original body into his Divine Clone.    


After playing for a while, Lin Feng sat cross legged, and started to carefully observe his own changes.    


Deep within his mind, above his sea of consciousness, there was a single sword-shaped soul that wasn't just floating there. Beneath the sword-shaped soul and the surface of the sea of souls, floated a cross-legged Lin Feng. It was the light-blue robed divine wind clone.    


"This soul space is also very strange." Lin Feng praised in his heart.    


Actually, there wasn't much of a difference between a divine clone and the original body. After all, both bodies contained souls, and both bodies were equally important.    


"That Elemental Sea" Lin Feng used his Divine Vision and sensed it once again. Seated at the heart of the universe, the boundless elemental tide was surging and surging, and Lin Feng also sensed the surface twenty meters below the liquid elemental essence.    


He tried to absorb the wind-style divine power.    


Although he was also absorbing the God Power, this speed was completely incomparable to when he was controlling the natural laws. Just now, he had absorbed a large amount of the God Power in an instant to condense it into a divine body.    


"The speed at which divine power is being absorbed is too slow. It seems that I need to be careful in the future as well. Once this divine body is destroyed and needs to be reformed, it will consume too much divine power." Lin Feng sighed.    


Lin Feng tried to use his Divine Clone's' soul 'to sense the fluctuations of the other elements, but the fluctuations of the other elements were too blurry for Lin Feng to sense.    


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